This is another step to prevent writing out sensitive information to disk.
Typically, when running an external command, Vim writes the command input (the
buffer in this case) to a file in a private temp directory. When
'noshelltemp' is set and the system supports it, Vim uses pipes to the child
process to handle this instead.
Signed-off-by: James Vega <>
The two argument form of shellescape() is now being used, and that was
introduced in the pre-releases of 7.2.
Signed-off-by: James Vega <>
With this change, we're able to properly handle errors from shell commands.
This means no more overwriting the original file when an incorrect password is
entered or some other similar scenario.
Also, move the handling of entering recipients to gpg itself instead of
mimicking that in Vim itself.
Signed-off-by: James Vega <>
- fix a bug by using a sh compatible setting for 'shellredir' on unix systems. when 'shell' was set to csh or tcsh by the user and the system has /bin/sh linked to dash the plugin didn't work.
- added support for default recipients via the variable g:GPGDefaultRecipients.
- fixed an wrong error message with symmetric encryption and set recipients (thanks to Sebastian Luettich).
- create a empty new buffer on leaving vim to wipe out sensitive data on console.
- make sure senisitive data is never written unencrypted to disk.
- rewritten lots of code to use lists feature of vim 7 instead of my own implementation
- added a n option to change the name and location of GPG executable
- try to get GPG_TTY dynamically.
- changed parsin to work with gpg2 correctly
- save/restore view of saved window
- fix a bug when encoding and fileencoding is different
- restructured autocommand triggers
- added a debug command and debug messages
- new plugin options to set preferences for symmetric/asymmetric and armor/binary files
- fix for use with gvim. !! plugin works only in gvim if gpg-agent is available !!
- support for symmetric encrypted files.
- detection of various encryption options.
- possibility to change gpg options using new commands GPGEditOptions and GPGViewOptions commands.
- support editing files with '.gpg', '.pgp' and '.asc' suffixes (tanks to Richard Bronosky).
- detection of unencrypted files.
- support for windows systems (thanks to Erik Remmelzwaal).