- added support for default recipients via the variable g:GPGDefaultRecipients.
- fixed an wrong error message with symmetric encryption and set recipients (thanks to Sebastian Luettich).
- create a empty new buffer on leaving vim to wipe out sensitive data on console.
- make sure senisitive data is never written unencrypted to disk.
- rewritten lots of code to use lists feature of vim 7 instead of my own implementation
- added a n option to change the name and location of GPG executable
- try to get GPG_TTY dynamically.
- changed parsin to work with gpg2 correctly
- save/restore view of saved window
- fix a bug when encoding and fileencoding is different
- restructured autocommand triggers
- added a debug command and debug messages
- new plugin options to set preferences for symmetric/asymmetric and armor/binary files
- fix for use with gvim. !! plugin works only in gvim if gpg-agent is available !!
- support for symmetric encrypted files.
- detection of various encryption options.
- possibility to change gpg options using new commands GPGEditOptions and GPGViewOptions commands.
- support editing files with '.gpg', '.pgp' and '.asc' suffixes (tanks to Richard Bronosky).
- detection of unencrypted files.
- support for windows systems (thanks to Erik Remmelzwaal).