Make sure that sensitive data is never written unencrypted.

It is better to write an empty buffer to the file instead.
This commit is contained in:
Markus Braun 2008-08-15 12:50:33 +00:00
parent 6a0bdcf05c
commit aecfdde11d

View File

@ -436,11 +436,13 @@ function s:GPGEncrypt()
let &shell = s:shellsave
call s:GPGDebug(1, "called gpg command is: " . "'[,']!" . s:GPGCommand . " --quiet --no-encrypt-to " . options . " " . s:stderrredirnull)
if (v:shell_error) " message could not be encrypted
silent u
" delete content of the buffer to be sure no data is written unencrypted
" content will be recovered in GPGEncryptPost()
silent normal! 1GdG
echohl GPGError
let blackhole = input("Message could not be encrypted! File might be empty! (Press ENTER)")
echohl None