Prototype new :Gstatus

This commit is contained in:
Tim Pope 2018-12-25 14:07:17 -05:00
parent d06080ae35
commit d3468dd09b
3 changed files with 285 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -1368,43 +1368,158 @@ function! s:ReplaceCmd(cmd, ...) abort
endtry endtry
endfunction endfunction
function! s:QueryLog(refspec) abort
let lines = split(system(FugitivePrepare('log', '-n', '256', '--format=%h%x09%s', a:refspec, '--')), "\n")
call map(lines, 'split(v:val, "\t")')
call map(lines, '{"type": "Log", "commit": v:val[0], "subject": v:val[-1]}')
return lines
function! s:FormatLog(dict) abort
return a:dict.commit . ' ' . a:dict.subject
function! s:FormatFile(dict) abort
return a:dict.status . ' ' . a:dict.filename
function! s:Format(val) abort
if type(a:val) == type({})
return s:Format{a:val.type}(a:val)
elseif type(a:val) == type([])
return map(copy(a:val), 's:Format(v:val)')
return '' . a:val
function! s:AddHeader(key, value) abort
if empty(a:value)
let before = 1
while !empty(getline(before))
let before += 1
call append(before - 1, [a:key . ':' . (len(a:value) ? ' ' . a:value : '')])
if before == 1 && line('$') == 2
silent 2delete _
function! s:AddSection(label, lines, ...) abort
let note = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
if empty(a:lines) && empty(note)
call append(line('$'), ['', a:label . (len(note) ? ': ' . note : ' (' . len(a:lines) . ')')] + s:Format(a:lines))
function! fugitive#BufReadStatus() abort function! fugitive#BufReadStatus() abort
let amatch = s:Slash(expand('%:p')) let amatch = s:Slash(expand('%:p'))
if !exists('b:fugitive_display_format')
let b:fugitive_display_format = filereadable(expand('%').'.lock')
let b:fugitive_display_format = b:fugitive_display_format % 2
let b:fugitive_type = 'index' let b:fugitive_type = 'index'
try try
silent doautocmd BufReadPre silent doautocmd BufReadPre
let cmd = [fnamemodify(amatch, ':h')] let cmd = [fnamemodify(amatch, ':h')]
setlocal noro ma nomodeline setlocal noro ma nomodeline buftype=nowrite
if s:cpath(fnamemodify($GIT_INDEX_FILE !=# '' ? $GIT_INDEX_FILE : b:git_dir . '/index', ':p')) !=# s:cpath(amatch) if s:cpath(fnamemodify($GIT_INDEX_FILE !=# '' ? $GIT_INDEX_FILE : b:git_dir . '/index', ':p')) !=# s:cpath(amatch)
let cmd += ['-c', 'GIT_INDEX_FILE=' . amatch] let cmd += ['-c', 'GIT_INDEX_FILE=' . amatch]
endif endif
if b:fugitive_display_format let cmd += ['status', '--porcelain', '-bz']
let cmd += ['ls-files', '--stage'] let output = split(system(fugitive#Prepare(cmd)), "\1")
else if v:shell_error
let cmd += [ throw 'fugitive: ' . join(output, ' ')
\ '-c', 'status.displayCommentPrefix=true',
\ '-c', 'color.status=false',
\ '-c', 'status.short=false',
\ 'status']
endif endif
call s:ReplaceCmd(call('fugitive#Prepare', cmd), 1)
let head = matchstr(output[0], '^## \zs\S\+\ze\%($\| \[\)')
let pull = ''
if head =~# '\.\.\.'
let [head, pull] = split(head, '\.\.\.')
let branch = head
elseif head ==# 'HEAD' || empty(head)
let head = FugitiveHead(11)
let branch = ''
let branch = head
let [staged, unstaged, untracked] = [[], [], []]
let i = 0
while i < len(output)
let line = output[i]
let file = line[3:-1]
let files = file
let i += 1
if line[0:1] =~# '[RC]'
let files = output[i] . ' -> ' . file
let i += 1
if line[0] ==# '?'
call add(untracked, {'type': 'File', 'status': '?', 'filename': file})
if line[0] !~# '[ ?!#]'
call add(staged, {'type': 'File', 'status': line[0], 'filename': (line[0] =~# '[RC]' ? files : file)})
if line[1] !~# '[ ?!#]'
call add(unstaged, {'type': 'File', 'status': line[1], 'filename': (line[1] =~# '[RC]' ? files : file)})
let config = fugitive#Config()
if len(pull)
let rebase = fugitive#Config('branch.' . branch . '.rebase', config)
if empty(rebase)
let rebase = fugitive#Config('pull.rebase', config)
if rebase =~# '^\%(true\|yes\|on\|1\|interactive\)$'
let pull_type = 'Rebase'
elseif rebase =~# '^\%(false\|no|off\|0\|\)$'
let pull_type = 'Merge'
let pull_type = 'Upstream'
let push_remote = fugitive#Config('branch.' . branch . '.pushRemote', config)
if empty(push_remote)
let push_remote = fugitive#Config('remote.pushDefault', config)
let push = len(push_remote) && len(branch) ? push_remote . '/' . branch : ''
if empty(push)
let push = pull
if len(pull)
let unpulled = s:QueryLog(head . '..' . pull)
let unpulled = []
if len(push)
let unpushed = s:QueryLog(push . '..' . head)
let unpushed = []
silent keepjumps %delete_
call s:AddHeader('Head', head)
call s:AddHeader(pull_type, pull)
if push !=# pull
call s:AddHeader('Push', push)
call s:AddSection('Untracked', untracked)
call s:AddSection('Unstaged', unstaged)
call s:AddSection('Staged', staged)
call s:AddSection('Unpushed to ' . push, unpushed)
call s:AddSection('Unpulled from ' . pull, unpulled)
set nomodified readonly noswapfile
silent doautocmd BufReadPost silent doautocmd BufReadPost
if b:fugitive_display_format set foldtext=fugitive#Foldtext()
if &filetype !=# 'git' set filetype=fugitive
set filetype=git setlocal nomodifiable
set nospell
if &filetype !=# 'gitcommit'
set filetype=gitcommit
set foldtext=fugitive#Foldtext()
setlocal readonly nomodifiable nomodified noswapfile
if &bufhidden ==# '' if &bufhidden ==# ''
setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal bufhidden=delete
endif endif
@ -1420,8 +1535,6 @@ function! fugitive#BufReadStatus() abort
exe "xnoremap <buffer> <silent>" nowait "s :<C-U>silent execute <SID>StageToggle(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>" exe "xnoremap <buffer> <silent>" nowait "s :<C-U>silent execute <SID>StageToggle(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>"
exe "nnoremap <buffer> <silent>" nowait "u :<C-U>silent execute <SID>StageToggle(line('.'),line('.')+v:count1-1)<CR>" exe "nnoremap <buffer> <silent>" nowait "u :<C-U>silent execute <SID>StageToggle(line('.'),line('.')+v:count1-1)<CR>"
exe "xnoremap <buffer> <silent>" nowait "u :<C-U>silent execute <SID>StageToggle(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>" exe "xnoremap <buffer> <silent>" nowait "u :<C-U>silent execute <SID>StageToggle(line(\"'<\"),line(\"'>\"))<CR>"
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> a :<C-U>let b:fugitive_display_format += 1<Bar>exe fugitive#BufReadStatus()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> i :<C-U>let b:fugitive_display_format -= 1<Bar>exe fugitive#BufReadStatus()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> C :<C-U>Gcommit<CR>:echohl WarningMsg<Bar>echo ':Gstatus C is deprecated in favor of cc'<Bar>echohl NONE<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> C :<C-U>Gcommit<CR>:echohl WarningMsg<Bar>echo ':Gstatus C is deprecated in favor of cc'<Bar>echohl NONE<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ca :<C-U>Gcommit --amend<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ca :<C-U>Gcommit --amend<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> cc :<C-U>Gcommit<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> cc :<C-U>Gcommit<CR>
@ -1772,7 +1885,7 @@ function! s:Status(bang, count, mods) abort
return '' return ''
endfunction endfunction
function! fugitive#ReloadStatus() abort function! fugitive#ReloadStatus(...) abort
if exists('s:reloading_status') if exists('s:reloading_status')
return return
endif endif
@ -1789,7 +1902,9 @@ function! fugitive#ReloadStatus() abort
endif endif
try try
if !&modified if !&modified
let pos = getpos('.')
call fugitive#BufReadStatus() call fugitive#BufReadStatus()
call setpos('.', pos)
endif endif
finally finally
if exists('restorewinnr') if exists('restorewinnr')
@ -1805,39 +1920,30 @@ function! fugitive#ReloadStatus() abort
endtry endtry
endfunction endfunction
function! fugitive#reload_status() abort function! s:StageInfo(...) abort
return fugitive#ReloadStatus() let lnum = a:0 ? a:1 : line('.')
let slnum = lnum
let section = ''
while len(getline(slnum - 1)) && empty(section)
let slnum -= 1
let section = matchstr(getline(slnum), '^\u\l\+\ze.* (\d\+)$')
return {'section': section,
\ 'heading': getline(slnum),
\ 'filename': matchstr(getline(lnum), '^[A-Z?] \zs.*'),
\ 'commit': matchstr(getline(lnum), '^[0-9a-f]\{4,\}\ze '),
\ 'status': matchstr(getline(lnum), '^[A-Z?]\ze '),
\ 'index': lnum - slnum}
endfunction endfunction
function! s:StageFileSection(lnum) abort function! s:StageFileSection(lnum) abort
let filename = matchstr(getline(a:lnum),'^.\=\t\zs.\{-\}\ze\%( ([^()[:digit:]]\+)\)\=$') let info = s:StageInfo(a:lnum)
let lnum = a:lnum return [info.filename, info.section]
if has('multi_byte_encoding')
let colon = '\%(:\|\%uff1a\)'
let colon = ':'
while lnum && getline(lnum) !~# colon.'$'
let lnum -= 1
if !lnum
return ['', '']
elseif (getline(lnum+1) =~# '^.\= .*\<git \%(reset\|rm --cached\) ' && getline(lnum+2) ==# '#') || getline(lnum) =~# '^\%(. \)\=Changes to be committed:$'
return [matchstr(filename, colon.' *\zs.*'), 'staged']
elseif (getline(lnum+1) =~# '^.\= .*\<git add ' && getline(lnum+2) ==# '#' && getline(lnum+3) !~# colon.' ') || getline(lnum) =~# '^\(. \)\=Untracked files:$'
return [filename, 'untracked']
elseif getline(lnum+2) =~# '^.\= .*\<git checkout ' || getline(lnum) =~# '\%(. \)\=Changes not staged for commit:$'
return [matchstr(filename, colon.' *\zs.*'), 'unstaged']
elseif getline(lnum+2) =~# '^.\= .*\<git \%(add\|rm\)' || getline(lnum) =~# '\%(. \)\=Unmerged paths:$'
return [matchstr(filename, colon.' *\zs.*'), 'unmerged']
return ['', 'unknown']
endfunction endfunction
function! s:StageNext(count) abort function! s:StageNext(count) abort
for i in range(a:count) for i in range(a:count)
call search('^.\=\t.*','W') call search('^[A-Z?] .\|^[0-9a-f]\{4,\} ','W')
endfor endfor
return '.' return '.'
endfunction endfunction
@ -1847,7 +1953,7 @@ function! s:StagePrevious(count) abort
return 'CtrlP '.fnameescape(s:Tree()) return 'CtrlP '.fnameescape(s:Tree())
else else
for i in range(a:count) for i in range(a:count)
call search('^.\=\t.*','Wbe') call search('^[A-Z?] .\|^[0-9a-f]\{4,\} ','Wbe')
endfor endfor
return '.' return '.'
endif endif
@ -1865,35 +1971,45 @@ function! s:StageReloadSeek(target,lnum1,lnum2) abort
silent! edit! silent! edit!
1 1
redraw redraw
call search('^.\=\t\%([[:alpha:] ]\+: *\|.*\%uff1a *\)\=\V'.target[0].'\%( ([^()[:digit:]]\+)\)\=\$','W') let lnum = 0
while lnum < line('$')
let lnum += 1
let file = getline(lnum)[2:-1]
if (target[0][-1:-1] ==# '/' && file[0 : len(target[0]) - 1] ==# target[0]) ||
\ (file[-1:-1] ==# '/' && file ==# target[0][0 : len(file) - 1]) ||
\ file ==# target[0]
exe lnum
return ''
endfunction endfunction
function! s:StageUndo() abort function! s:StageUndo() abort
let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(line('.')) let info = s:StageInfo(line('.'))
if empty(filename) if empty(info.filename)
return '' return ''
endif endif
let hash = s:TreeChomp('hash-object', '-w', './' . filename) let hash = s:TreeChomp('hash-object', '-w', './' . info.filename)
if !empty(hash) if !empty(hash)
if section ==# 'untracked' if info.status ==# 'U'
call s:TreeChomp('clean', '-f', './' . filename) call s:TreeChomp('rm', './' . info.filename)
elseif section ==# 'unmerged' elseif info.section ==# 'Untracked'
call s:TreeChomp('rm', './' . filename) call s:TreeChomp('clean', '-f', './' . info.filename)
elseif section ==# 'unstaged' elseif info.section ==# 'Unstaged'
call s:TreeChomp('checkout', './' . filename) call s:TreeChomp('checkout', './' . info.filename)
else else
call s:TreeChomp('checkout', 'HEAD^{}', './' . filename) call s:TreeChomp('checkout', 'HEAD^{}', './' . info.filename)
endif endif
call s:StageReloadSeek([filename, ''], line('.'), line('.')) call s:StageReloadSeek([info.filename, ''], line('.'), line('.'))
let @" = hash let @" = hash
return 'checktime|redraw|echomsg ' . return 'checktime|redraw|echomsg ' .
\ string('To restore, :Git cat-file blob '.hash[0:6].' > '.filename) \ string('To restore, :Git cat-file blob '.hash[0:6].' > '.info.filename)
endif endif
endfunction endfunction
function! s:StageDiff(diff) abort function! s:StageDiff(diff) abort
let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(line('.')) let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(line('.'))
if filename ==# '' && section ==# 'staged' if filename ==# '' && section ==# 'Staged'
return 'Git! diff --no-ext-diff --cached' return 'Git! diff --no-ext-diff --cached'
elseif filename ==# '' elseif filename ==# ''
return 'Git! diff --no-ext-diff' return 'Git! diff --no-ext-diff'
@ -1901,7 +2017,7 @@ function! s:StageDiff(diff) abort
let [old, new] = split(filename,' -> ') let [old, new] = split(filename,' -> ')
execute 'Gedit '.s:fnameescape(':0:'.new) execute 'Gedit '.s:fnameescape(':0:'.new)
return a:diff.' HEAD:'.s:fnameescape(old) return a:diff.' HEAD:'.s:fnameescape(old)
elseif section ==# 'staged' elseif section ==# 'Staged'
execute 'Gedit '.s:fnameescape(':0:'.filename) execute 'Gedit '.s:fnameescape(':0:'.filename)
return a:diff.' -' return a:diff.' -'
else else
@ -1913,18 +2029,18 @@ endfunction
function! s:StageDiffEdit() abort function! s:StageDiffEdit() abort
let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(line('.')) let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(line('.'))
let arg = (filename ==# '' ? '.' : filename) let arg = (filename ==# '' ? '.' : filename)
if section ==# 'staged' if section ==# 'Staged'
return 'Git! diff --no-ext-diff --cached '.s:shellesc(arg) return 'Git! diff --no-ext-diff --cached '.s:shellesc(arg)
elseif section ==# 'untracked' elseif section ==# 'Untracked'
call s:TreeChomp('add', '--intent-to-add', './' . arg) call s:TreeChomp('add', '--intent-to-add', './' . arg)
if arg ==# '.' if arg ==# '.'
silent! edit! silent! edit!
1 1
if !search('^.*:\n.*\n.\= .*"git checkout \|^\%(# \)=Changes not staged for commit:$','W') if !search('^Unstaged','W')
call search(':$','W') call search(':$','W')
endif endif
else else
call s:StageReloadSeek([filename, 'staged'], line('.'), line('.')) call s:StageReloadSeek([filename, 'Staged'], line('.'), line('.'))
endif endif
return '' return ''
else else
@ -1939,49 +2055,61 @@ function! s:StageToggle(lnum1,lnum2) abort
try try
let output = '' let output = ''
for lnum in range(a:lnum1,a:lnum2) for lnum in range(a:lnum1,a:lnum2)
let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(lnum) let info = s:StageInfo(lnum)
if getline('.') =~# ':$' if empty(info.filename)
if section ==# 'staged' if info.section ==# 'Staged'
call s:TreeChomp('reset','-q') call s:TreeChomp('reset','-q')
silent! edit! silent! edit!
1 1
if !search('^.*:\n.\= .*"git add .*\n#\n\|^\%(. \)\=Untracked files:$','W') if !search('^Untracked','W')
call search(':$','W') call search('^Unstaged','W')
endif endif
return '' return ''
elseif section ==# 'unstaged' elseif info.section ==# 'Unstaged'
call s:TreeChomp('add','-u') call s:TreeChomp('add','-u')
silent! edit! silent! edit!
1 1
if !search('^.*:\n\.\= .*"git add .*\n#\n\|^\%( \)=Untracked files:$','W') if !search('^Untracked','W')
call search(':$','W') call search('^Staged','W')
endif endif
return '' return ''
else elseif info.section ==# 'Unpushed' && len(info.commit)
let remote = matchstr(info.heading, 'to \zs[^/]\+\ze/')
if empty(remote)
let remote = '.'
let branch = matchstr(info.heading, 'to \%([^/]\+/\)\=\zs\S\+')
call feedkeys(':Gpush ' . remote . ' ' . info.commit . ':' . branch)
return ''
elseif info.section ==# 'Unpulled'
call feedkeys(':Grebase ' . info.commit)
return ''
elseif info.section ==# 'Untracked'
call s:TreeChomp('add', '.') call s:TreeChomp('add', '.')
silent! edit! silent! edit!
1 1
call search(':$','W') call search('^Unstaged\|^Staged','W')
return '' return ''
endif endif
endif endif
if filename ==# '' let filename = info.filename
if empty(filename)
continue continue
endif endif
execute lnum execute lnum
if section ==# 'staged' if info.section ==# 'Staged'
let files_to_unstage = split(filename, ' -> ') let files_to_unstage = split(filename, ' -> ')
let filename = files_to_unstage[-1] let filename = files_to_unstage[-1]
let cmd = ['reset', '-q'] + map(copy(files_to_unstage), '"./" . v:val') let cmd = ['reset', '-q'] + map(copy(files_to_unstage), '"./" . v:val')
elseif getline(lnum) =~# '^.\=\tdeleted:' elseif getline(lnum) =~# '^D'
let cmd = ['rm', './' . filename] let cmd = ['rm', './' . filename]
elseif getline(lnum) =~# '^.\=\tmodified:' elseif getline(lnum) =~# '^M'
let cmd = ['add', './' . filename] let cmd = ['add', './' . filename]
else else
let cmd = ['add','-A', './' . filename] let cmd = ['add','-A', './' . filename]
endif endif
if !exists('target') if !exists('target')
let target = [filename, section ==# 'staged' ? '' : 'staged'] let target = [filename, info.section ==# 'Staged' ? '' : 'Staged']
endif endif
let output .= call('s:TreeChomp', cmd)."\n" let output .= call('s:TreeChomp', cmd)."\n"
endfor endfor
@ -2001,11 +2129,11 @@ function! s:StagePatch(lnum1,lnum2) abort
for lnum in range(a:lnum1,a:lnum2) for lnum in range(a:lnum1,a:lnum2)
let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(lnum) let [filename, section] = s:StageFileSection(lnum)
if getline('.') =~# ':$' && section ==# 'staged' if empty(filename) && section ==# 'Staged'
return 'Git reset --patch' return 'Git reset --patch'
elseif getline('.') =~# ':$' && section ==# 'unstaged' elseif empty(filename) && section ==# 'Unstaged'
return 'Git add --patch' return 'Git add --patch'
elseif getline('.') =~# ':$' && section ==# 'untracked' elseif empty(filename) && section ==# 'Untracked'
return 'Git add -N .' return 'Git add -N .'
elseif filename ==# '' elseif filename ==# ''
continue continue
@ -2016,7 +2144,7 @@ function! s:StagePatch(lnum1,lnum2) abort
execute lnum execute lnum
if filename =~ ' -> ' if filename =~ ' -> '
let reset += [split(filename,' -> ')[1]] let reset += [split(filename,' -> ')[1]]
elseif section ==# 'staged' elseif section ==# 'Staged'
let reset += [filename] let reset += [filename]
elseif getline(lnum) !~# '^.\=\tdeleted:' elseif getline(lnum) !~# '^.\=\tdeleted:'
let add += [filename] let add += [filename]
@ -2033,7 +2161,7 @@ function! s:StagePatch(lnum1,lnum2) abort
silent! edit! silent! edit!
1 1
redraw redraw
call search('^.\=\t\%([[:alpha:] ]\+: *\)\=\V'.first_filename.'\%( ([^()[:digit:]]\+)\)\=\$','W') call search('^[A-Z?] \V'.first_filename.'\$','W')
endif endif
catch /^fugitive:/ catch /^fugitive:/
return 'echoerr v:errmsg' return 'echoerr v:errmsg'
@ -3531,7 +3659,11 @@ function! s:ContainingCommit() abort
endfunction endfunction
function! s:SquashArgument() abort function! s:SquashArgument() abort
return s:Owner(@%) if &filetype == 'fugitive'
return matchstr(getline('.'), '^[0-9a-f]\{4,\}\ze ')
return s:Owner(@%)
endfunction endfunction
function! s:NavigateUp(count) abort function! s:NavigateUp(count) abort
@ -3590,7 +3722,26 @@ function! fugitive#MapJumps(...) abort
endfunction endfunction
function! s:StatusCfile(...) abort function! s:StatusCfile(...) abort
let pre = '' let tree = FugitiveTreeForGitDir(b:git_dir)
let lead = s:cpath(tree, getcwd()) ? './' : tree . '/'
let line = getline('.')
if line =~# '^\S '
return lead . line[2:-1]
elseif line =~# '^[0-9a-f]\{4,\}\s'
return matchstr(line, '^\S\+')
elseif line =~# '^\%(Head\|Merge\|Rebase\|Upstream\|Pull\|Push\): '
return matchstr(line, ' \zs.*')
return ''
function! fugitive#StatusCfile() abort
let file = s:Generate(s:StatusCfile())
return empty(file) ? fugitive#Cfile() : s:fnameescape(file)
function! s:MessageCfile(...) abort
let tree = FugitiveTreeForGitDir(b:git_dir) let tree = FugitiveTreeForGitDir(b:git_dir)
let lead = s:cpath(tree, getcwd()) ? './' : tree . '/' let lead = s:cpath(tree, getcwd()) ? './' : tree . '/'
if getline('.') =~# '^.\=\trenamed:.* -> ' if getline('.') =~# '^.\=\trenamed:.* -> '
@ -3612,8 +3763,8 @@ function! s:StatusCfile(...) abort
endif endif
endfunction endfunction
function! fugitive#StatusCfile() abort function! fugitive#MessageCfile() abort
let file = s:Generate(s:StatusCfile()) let file = s:Generate(s:MessageCfile())
return empty(file) ? fugitive#Cfile() : s:fnameescape(file) return empty(file) ? fugitive#Cfile() : s:fnameescape(file)
endfunction endfunction
@ -3773,7 +3924,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:GF(mode) abort function! s:GF(mode) abort
try try
let results = &filetype ==# 'gitcommit' ? [s:StatusCfile()] : s:cfile() let results = &filetype ==# 'fugitive' ? [s:StatusCfile()] : &filetype ==# 'gitcommit' ? s:MessageCfile() : s:cfile()
catch /^fugitive:/ catch /^fugitive:/
return 'echoerr v:errmsg' return 'echoerr v:errmsg'
endtry endtry

View File

@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ augroup fugitive
\ call fugitive#MapCfile() | \ call fugitive#MapCfile() |
\ endif \ endif
autocmd FileType gitcommit autocmd FileType gitcommit
\ if exists('b:git_dir') |
\ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#MessageCfile()') |
\ endif
autocmd FileType fugitive
\ if exists('b:git_dir') | \ if exists('b:git_dir') |
\ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#StatusCfile()') | \ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#StatusCfile()') |
\ endif \ endif

syntax/fugitive.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn sync fromstart
syn spell notoplevel
syn include @fugitiveDiff syntax/diff.vim
syn match fugitiveHeader /^[A-Z][a-z][^:]*:/ nextgroup=fugitiveHash,fugitiveSymbolicRef skipwhite
syn region fugitiveSection start=/^\%(.*(\d\+)$\)\@=/ contains=fugitiveHeading end=/^$\@=/
syn match fugitiveHeading /^[A-Z][a-z][^:]*\ze (\d\+)$/ contains=fugitivePreposition contained nextgroup=fugitiveCount skipwhite
syn match fugitiveCount /(\d\+)/hs=s+1,he=e-1 contained
syn match fugitivePreposition /\<\%([io]nto\|from\|to\)\>/ transparent contained nextgroup=fugitiveHash,fugitiveSymbolicRef skipwhite
syn match fugitiveModifier /^[MADRCU?]\{1,2} / contained containedin=fugitiveSection
syn match FugitiveSymbolicRef /\.\@!\%(\.\.\@!\|[^[:space:][:cntrl:]\:.]\)\+\.\@<!/ contained
syn match fugitiveHash /^\x\{4,\}\>/ contained containedin=fugitiveSection
syn region fugitiveHunk start=/^\%(@@ -\)\@=/ end=/^\%(diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \|@@\|$\)\@=/ contains=@fugitiveDiff containedin=fugitiveSection fold
hi link fugitiveModifier Type
hi link fugitiveHeader Label
hi link fugitiveHeading PreProc
hi link fugitiveHash Identifier
hi link fugitiveSymbolicRef Function
hi link fugitiveCount Number
let b:current_syntax = "fugitive"