Don't rely on shell for quoting

Using shell syntax for Fugitive commands has a number of disadvantages:

* Commands behave differently depending on shell and platform.
* Checking for arguments (e.g., did :Ggrep receive --cached?) is
  impossible to do robustly.
* Double quoted strings conflict with -bar command chaining.
* Need to use %:S to for expansions, and backslash escaping even inside
  single quotes.

This is an experiment that instead implements the quoting ourselves.

For backwards compatibility, :Git and :Gcommit support double quoted
strings, but this is deprecated.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Pope 2019-07-05 04:24:52 -04:00
parent 3684c01ef4
commit a025157c5f

View File

@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ function! s:winshell() abort
endfunction endfunction
function! s:shellesc(arg) abort function! s:shellesc(arg) abort
if a:arg =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$' if type(a:arg) == type([])
return join(map(copy(a:arg), 's:shellesc(v:val)'))
elseif a:arg =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$'
return a:arg return a:arg
elseif s:winshell() elseif s:winshell()
return '"'.s:gsub(s:gsub(a:arg, '"', '""'), '\%', '"%"').'"' return '"'.s:gsub(s:gsub(a:arg, '"', '""'), '\%', '"%"').'"'
@ -166,8 +168,25 @@ endfunction
" Section: Git " Section: Git
function! s:UserCommand() abort function! s:ChdirArg(dir) abort
return get(g:, 'fugitive_git_command', g:fugitive_git_executable) endfunction
function! s:UserCommand(...) abort
let git = get(g:, 'fugitive_git_command', g:fugitive_git_executable)
let dir = a:0 ? s:Dir(a:1) : ''
if len(dir)
let tree = s:Tree(dir)
if empty(tree)
let git .= ' --git-dir=' . s:shellesc(dir)
elseif len(tree) && s:cpath(tree) !=# s:cpath(getcwd())
if fugitive#GitVersion(1, 9)
let git .= ' -C ' . s:shellesc(tree)
let git = 'cd ' . s:shellesc(tree) . (s:winshell() ? '& ' : '; ') . git
return git
endfunction endfunction
let s:git_versions = {} let s:git_versions = {}
@ -222,6 +241,15 @@ function! s:Tree(...) abort
return a:0 ? FugitiveWorkTree(a:1) : FugitiveWorkTree() return a:0 ? FugitiveWorkTree(a:1) : FugitiveWorkTree()
endfunction endfunction
function! s:HasOpt(args, ...) abort
let args = a:args[0 : index(a:args, '--')]
for opt in a:000
if index(args, opt) != -1
return 1
function! s:PreparePathArgs(cmd, dir, literal) abort function! s:PreparePathArgs(cmd, dir, literal) abort
let literal_supported = fugitive#GitVersion(1, 9) let literal_supported = fugitive#GitVersion(1, 9)
if a:literal && literal_supported if a:literal && literal_supported
@ -824,10 +852,10 @@ function! s:Generate(rev, ...) abort
return fugitive#Find(object, dir) return fugitive#Find(object, dir)
endfunction endfunction
function! s:DotRelative(path) abort function! s:DotRelative(path, ...) abort
let cwd = getcwd() let cwd = a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd()
let path = substitute(a:path, '^[~$]\i*', '\=expand(submatch(0))', '') let path = substitute(a:path, '^[~$]\i*', '\=expand(submatch(0))', '')
if s:cpath(cwd . '/', (path . '/')[0 : len(cwd)]) if len(cwd) && s:cpath(cwd . '/', (path . '/')[0 : len(cwd)])
return '.' . strpart(path, len(cwd)) return '.' . strpart(path, len(cwd))
endif endif
return a:path return a:path
@ -874,21 +902,34 @@ function! s:BufName(var) abort
endif endif
endfunction endfunction
function! s:ExpandVar(other, var, flags, esc) abort function! s:ExpandVarLegacy(str) abort
if get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_quoting', 1)
return substitute(a:str, '\\\ze[%#!]', '', 'g')
return a:str
function! s:ExpandVar(other, var, flags, esc, ...) abort
let cwd = a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd()
if a:other =~# '^\' if a:other =~# '^\'
return a:other[1:-1] return a:other[1:-1]
elseif a:other =~# '^'''
return s:ExpandVarLegacy(substitute(a:other[1:-2], "''", "'", "g"))
elseif a:other =~# '^"'
return s:ExpandVarLegacy(substitute(a:other[1:-2], '""', '"', "g"))
elseif a:other =~# '^!' elseif a:other =~# '^!'
let buffer = s:BufName(len(a:other) > 1 ? '#'. a:other[1:-1] : '%') let buffer = s:BufName(len(a:other) > 1 ? '#'. a:other[1:-1] : '%')
let owner = s:Owner(buffer) let owner = s:Owner(buffer)
return len(owner) ? owner : '@' return len(owner) ? owner : '@'
endif endif
let flags = a:flags let flags = a:flags
let file = s:DotRelative(fugitive#Real(s:BufName(a:var))) let file = s:DotRelative(fugitive#Real(s:BufName(a:var)), cwd)
while len(flags) while len(flags)
let flag = matchstr(flags, s:flag) let flag = matchstr(flags, s:flag)
let flags = strpart(flags, len(flag)) let flags = strpart(flags, len(flag))
if flag ==# ':.' if flag ==# ':.'
let file = s:DotRelative(file) let file = s:DotRelative(file, cwd)
else else
let file = fnamemodify(file, flag) let file = fnamemodify(file, flag)
endif endif
@ -897,7 +938,7 @@ function! s:ExpandVar(other, var, flags, esc) abort
return (len(a:esc) ? shellescape(file) : file) return (len(a:esc) ? shellescape(file) : file)
endfunction endfunction
function! s:Expand(rev) abort function! s:Expand(rev, ...) abort
if a:rev =~# '^:0$' if a:rev =~# '^:0$'
call s:throw('Use ' . string(':%') . ' instead of ' . string(a:rev)) call s:throw('Use ' . string(':%') . ' instead of ' . string(a:rev))
elseif a:rev =~# '^:[1-3]$' elseif a:rev =~# '^:[1-3]$'
@ -907,15 +948,15 @@ function! s:Expand(rev) abort
elseif a:rev =~# '^-' elseif a:rev =~# '^-'
call s:throw('Use ' . string('!' . a:rev[1:-1] . ':%') . ' instead of ' . string(a:rev)) call s:throw('Use ' . string('!' . a:rev[1:-1] . ':%') . ' instead of ' . string(a:rev))
elseif a:rev =~# '^>[~^]\|^>@{\|^>:\d$' elseif a:rev =~# '^>[~^]\|^>@{\|^>:\d$'
let file = 'HEAD' . a:rev[1:-1] . s:Relative(':') let file = 'HEAD' . a:rev[1:-1] . ':%'
elseif a:rev =~# '^>[^> ]' elseif a:rev =~# '^>[^> ]'
let file = a:rev[1:-1] . s:Relative(':') let file = a:rev[1:-1] . ':%'
else else
let file = a:rev let file = a:rev
endif endif
return substitute(file, return substitute(file,
\ '\(\\[' . s:fnameescape . ']\|^\\[>+-]\|!\d*\)\|' . s:expand, \ '\(\\[' . s:fnameescape . ']\|^\\[>+-]\|!\d*\)\|' . s:expand,
\ '\=s:ExpandVar(submatch(1),submatch(2),submatch(3),"")', 'g') \ '\=s:ExpandVar(submatch(1),submatch(2),submatch(3),"", a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd())', 'g')
endfunction endfunction
function! fugitive#Expand(object) abort function! fugitive#Expand(object) abort
@ -924,9 +965,32 @@ function! fugitive#Expand(object) abort
\ '\=s:ExpandVar(submatch(1),submatch(2),submatch(3),submatch(5))', 'g') \ '\=s:ExpandVar(submatch(1),submatch(2),submatch(3),submatch(5))', 'g')
endfunction endfunction
function! s:ShellExpand(cmd) abort function! s:ExpandSplit(string, ...) abort
return substitute(a:cmd, '\(\\[!#%]\|!\d*\)\|' . s:expand, let list = []
\ '\=s:ExpandVar(submatch(1),submatch(2),submatch(3),submatch(5))', 'g') let string = a:string
let handle_bar = a:0 && a:1
let dquote = handle_bar ? '"\%([^"]\|""\|\\"\)*"\|' : ''
while string =~# '\S'
if handle_bar && string =~# '^\s*|'
return [list, substitute(string, '^\s*', '', '')]
let arg = matchstr(string, '^\s*\%(' . dquote . '''[^'']*''\|\\.\|\S\)\+')
let string = strpart(string, len(arg))
let arg = substitute(substitute(arg, '^\s\+', '', ''),
\ '\(' . dquote . '''\%(''''\|[^'']\)*''\|\\[' . s:fnameescape . ']\|^\\[>+-]\|!\d*\)\|' . s:expand,
\ '\=s:ExpandVar(submatch(1),submatch(2),submatch(3),submatch(5), a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : getcwd())', 'g')
call add(list, arg)
return handle_bar ? [list, ''] : list
function! s:ShellExpand(cmd, ...) abort
return s:shellesc(s:ExpandSplit(a:cmd, 0, a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd()))
function! s:ShellExpandChain(cmd, ...) abort
let [args, after] = s:ExpandSplit(a:cmd, 1, a:0 ? a:1 : getcwd())
return [s:shellesc(args), after]
endfunction endfunction
let s:trees = {} let s:trees = {}
@ -1884,21 +1948,17 @@ function! s:GitCommand(line1, line2, range, count, bang, mods, reg, arg, args) a
if a:bang if a:bang
return s:Open('edit', 1, a:mods, a:arg, a:args) return s:Open('edit', 1, a:mods, a:arg, a:args)
endif endif
let git = s:UserCommand() let dir = s:Dir()
let tree = s:Tree(dir)
let [args, after] = s:ShellExpandChain(a:arg, tree)
let git = s:UserCommand(dir)
if has('gui_running') && !has('win32') if has('gui_running') && !has('win32')
let git .= ' --no-pager' let git .= ' --no-pager'
endif endif
if has('nvim') && executable('env') if has('nvim') && executable('env')
let git = 'env GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 ' . git let git = 'env GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 ' . git
endif endif
let args = matchstr(a:arg,'\v\C.{-}%($|\\@<!%(\\\\)*\|)@=') let cmd = "exe '!'.escape(" . string(git . ' ' . args) . ",'!#%')"
let after = matchstr(a:arg, '\v\C\\@<!%(\\\\)*\zs\|.*')
let tree = s:Tree()
let cmd = "exe '!'.escape(" . string(git) . " . ' ' . s:ShellExpand(" . string(args) . "),'!#%')"
if s:cpath(tree) !=# s:cpath(getcwd())
let cd = s:Cd()
let cmd = 'try|' . cd . ' ' . tree . '|' . cmd . '|finally|' . cd . ' ' . s:fnameescape(getcwd()) . '|endtry'
return cmd . after return cmd . after
endfunction endfunction
@ -2760,14 +2820,17 @@ function! s:CommitCommand(line1, line2, range, count, bang, mods, reg, arg, args
if &guioptions =~# '!' if &guioptions =~# '!'
setglobal guioptions-=! setglobal guioptions-=!
endif endif
let cdback = s:Cd(tree)
if s:winshell() if s:winshell()
let command = 'set GIT_EDITOR=false& ' let command = 'set GIT_EDITOR=false& '
else else
let command = 'env GIT_EDITOR=false ' let command = 'env GIT_EDITOR=false '
endif endif
let args = s:ShellExpand(a:arg) if len(a:args)
let command .= s:UserCommand() . ' commit ' . args let [args, after] = s:ShellExpandChain(a:arg, tree)
let [args, after] = [a:arg, '']
let command .= s:UserCommand(dir) . ' commit ' . args
if a:arg =~# '\%(^\| \)-\%(-interactive\|p\|-patch\)\>' && &shell !~# 'csh' if a:arg =~# '\%(^\| \)-\%(-interactive\|p\|-patch\)\>' && &shell !~# 'csh'
let errorfile = tempname() let errorfile = tempname()
noautocmd execute '!'.command.' 2> '.errorfile noautocmd execute '!'.command.' 2> '.errorfile
@ -2782,7 +2845,6 @@ function! s:CommitCommand(line1, line2, range, count, bang, mods, reg, arg, args
let errors = split(error_string, "\n") let errors = split(error_string, "\n")
endif endif
finally finally
execute cdback
let &guioptions = guioptions let &guioptions = guioptions
endtry endtry
if !has('gui_running') if !has('gui_running')
@ -2795,7 +2857,7 @@ function! s:CommitCommand(line1, line2, range, count, bang, mods, reg, arg, args
endfor endfor
endif endif
call fugitive#ReloadStatus(dir, 1) call fugitive#ReloadStatus(dir, 1)
return '' return after[1:-1]
else else
let error = get(errors,-2,get(errors,-1,'!')) let error = get(errors,-2,get(errors,-1,'!'))
if error =~# 'false''\=\.$' if error =~# 'false''\=\.$'
@ -2815,10 +2877,10 @@ function! s:CommitCommand(line1, line2, range, count, bang, mods, reg, arg, args
endif endif
let b:fugitive_commit_arguments = args let b:fugitive_commit_arguments = args
setlocal bufhidden=wipe filetype=gitcommit setlocal bufhidden=wipe filetype=gitcommit
return '1' return '1' . after
elseif error ==# '!' elseif error ==# '!'
echo get(readfile(outfile), -1, '') echo get(readfile(outfile), -1, '')
return '' return after[1:-1]
else else
call s:throw(empty(error)?join(errors, ' '):error) call s:throw(empty(error)?join(errors, ' '):error)
endif endif
@ -2860,11 +2922,11 @@ endfunction
" Section: :Gmerge, :Grebase, :Gpull " Section: :Gmerge, :Grebase, :Gpull
call s:command("-nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,s:RevisionComplete Gmerge " . call s:command("-nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=custom,s:RevisionComplete Gmerge " .
\ "execute s:Merge('merge', <bang>0, '<mods>', <q-args>)") \ "execute s:Merge('merge', <bang>0, '<mods>', <q-args>)")
call s:command("-nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,s:RevisionComplete Grebase " . call s:command("-nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=custom,s:RevisionComplete Grebase " .
\ "execute s:Merge('rebase', <bang>0, '<mods>', <q-args>)") \ "execute s:Merge('rebase', <bang>0, '<mods>', <q-args>)")
call s:command("-nargs=? -bang -complete=custom,s:RemoteComplete Gpull " . call s:command("-nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=custom,s:RemoteComplete Gpull " .
\ "execute s:Merge('pull --progress', <bang>0, '<mods>', <q-args>)") \ "execute s:Merge('pull --progress', <bang>0, '<mods>', <q-args>)")
function! s:RevisionComplete(A, L, P) abort function! s:RevisionComplete(A, L, P) abort
@ -2955,10 +3017,11 @@ function! s:RebaseEdit(cmd, dir) abort
endfunction endfunction
function! s:Merge(cmd, bang, mods, args, ...) abort function! s:Merge(cmd, bang, mods, args, ...) abort
let args = s:shellesc(s:ExpandSplit(a:args))
let dir = a:0 ? a:1 : s:Dir() let dir = a:0 ? a:1 : s:Dir()
let mods = s:Mods(a:mods) let mods = s:Mods(a:mods)
if a:cmd =~# '^rebase' && ' '.a:args =~# ' -i\| --interactive' if a:cmd =~# '^rebase' && ' '.args =~# ' -i\| --interactive'
let cmd = fugitive#Prepare(dir, '-c', 'sequence.editor=sh ' . s:RebaseSequenceAborter(), 'rebase') . ' ' . a:args let cmd = fugitive#Prepare(dir, '-c', 'sequence.editor=sh ' . s:RebaseSequenceAborter(), 'rebase') . ' ' . args
let out = system(cmd)[0:-2] let out = system(cmd)[0:-2]
for file in ['end', 'msgnum'] for file in ['end', 'msgnum']
let file = fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-merge/' . file, dir) let file = fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-merge/' . file, dir)
@ -2972,9 +3035,9 @@ function! s:Merge(cmd, bang, mods, args, ...) abort
return '' return ''
endif endif
return s:RebaseEdit(mods . 'split', dir) return s:RebaseEdit(mods . 'split', dir)
elseif a:cmd =~# '^rebase' && ' '.a:args =~# ' --edit-todo' && filereadable(fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo', dir)) elseif a:cmd =~# '^rebase' && ' '.args =~# ' --edit-todo' && filereadable(fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo', dir))
return s:RebaseEdit(mods . 'split', dir) return s:RebaseEdit(mods . 'split', dir)
elseif a:cmd =~# '^rebase' && ' '.a:args =~# ' --continue' && !a:0 elseif a:cmd =~# '^rebase' && ' '.args =~# ' --continue' && !a:0
let rdir = fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-merge', dir) let rdir = fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-merge', dir)
let exec_error = s:ChompError([dir, 'diff-index', '--cached', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--'])[1] let exec_error = s:ChompError([dir, 'diff-index', '--cached', '--quiet', 'HEAD', '--'])[1]
if exec_error && isdirectory(rdir) if exec_error && isdirectory(rdir)
@ -3010,15 +3073,15 @@ function! s:Merge(cmd, bang, mods, args, ...) abort
\ . "%+EXUNG \u0110\u1ed8T %.%#," \ . "%+EXUNG \u0110\u1ed8T %.%#,"
\ . "%+E\u51b2\u7a81 %.%#," \ . "%+E\u51b2\u7a81 %.%#,"
\ . 'U%\t%f' \ . 'U%\t%f'
if a:cmd =~# '^merge' && empty(a:args) && if a:cmd =~# '^merge' && empty(args) &&
\ (had_merge_msg || isdirectory(fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-apply', dir)) || \ (had_merge_msg || isdirectory(fugitive#Find('.git/rebase-apply', dir)) ||
\ !empty(s:TreeChomp(dir, 'diff-files', '--diff-filter=U'))) \ !empty(s:TreeChomp(dir, 'diff-files', '--diff-filter=U')))
let &l:makeprg = g:fugitive_git_executable.' diff-files --name-status --diff-filter=U' let &l:makeprg = g:fugitive_git_executable.' diff-files --name-status --diff-filter=U'
else else
let &l:makeprg = s:sub(s:UserCommand() . ' ' . a:cmd . let &l:makeprg = s:sub(s:UserCommand() . ' ' . a:cmd .
\ (' ' . a:args =~# ' \%(--no-edit\|--abort\|-m\)\>' || a:cmd =~# '^rebase' ? '' : ' --edit') . \ (' ' . args =~# ' \%(--no-edit\|--abort\|-m\)\>' || a:cmd =~# '^rebase' ? '' : ' --edit') .
\ (' ' . a:args =~# ' --autosquash\>' && a:cmd =~# '^rebase' ? ' --interactive' : '') . \ (' ' . args =~# ' --autosquash\>' && a:cmd =~# '^rebase' ? ' --interactive' : '') .
\ ' ' . a:args, ' *$', '') \ ' ' . args, ' *$', '')
endif endif
if !empty($GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR) || has('win32') if !empty($GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR) || has('win32')
let old_sequence_editor = $GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR let old_sequence_editor = $GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR
@ -3138,8 +3201,8 @@ function! s:GrepComplete(A, L, P) abort
endif endif
endfunction endfunction
call s:command("-bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Ggrep :execute s:Grep('grep',<bang>0,<q-args>)") call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Ggrep :execute s:Grep('grep',<bang>0,<q-args>)")
call s:command("-bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Glgrep :execute s:Grep('lgrep',<bang>0,<q-args>)") call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Glgrep :execute s:Grep('lgrep',<bang>0,<q-args>)")
call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1 -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Glog :exe s:Log('grep',<bang>0,<line1>,<count>,<q-args>)") call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1 -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Glog :exe s:Log('grep',<bang>0,<line1>,<count>,<q-args>)")
call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1 -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Gllog :exe s:Log('lgrep',<bang>0,<line1>,<count>,<q-args>)") call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1 -complete=customlist,s:GrepComplete Gllog :exe s:Log('lgrep',<bang>0,<line1>,<count>,<q-args>)")
@ -3153,14 +3216,15 @@ function! s:Grep(cmd,bang,arg) abort
if fugitive#GitVersion(2, 19) if fugitive#GitVersion(2, 19)
let &grepprg .= ' --column' let &grepprg .= ' --column'
endif endif
exe a:cmd.'! '.escape(s:ShellExpand(matchstr(a:arg, '\v\C.{-}%($|[''" ]\@=\|)@=')), '|#%') let args = s:ExpandSplit(a:arg)
exe a:cmd.'! '.escape(s:shellesc(args), '|#%')
let list = a:cmd =~# '^l' ? getloclist(0) : getqflist() let list = a:cmd =~# '^l' ? getloclist(0) : getqflist()
for entry in list for entry in list
if bufname(entry.bufnr) =~ ':' if bufname(entry.bufnr) =~ ':'
let entry.filename = s:Generate(bufname(entry.bufnr)) let entry.filename = s:Generate(bufname(entry.bufnr))
unlet! entry.bufnr unlet! entry.bufnr
let changed = 1 let changed = 1
elseif a:arg =~# '\%(^\| \)--cached\>' elseif s:HasOpt(args, '--cached')
let entry.filename = s:Generate(':0:'.bufname(entry.bufnr)) let entry.filename = s:Generate(':0:'.bufname(entry.bufnr))
unlet! entry.bufnr unlet! entry.bufnr
let changed = 1 let changed = 1
@ -3172,9 +3236,9 @@ function! s:Grep(cmd,bang,arg) abort
call setqflist(list, 'r') call setqflist(list, 'r')
endif endif
if !a:bang && !empty(list) if !a:bang && !empty(list)
return (a:cmd =~# '^l' ? 'l' : 'c').'first'.matchstr(a:arg,'\v\C[''" ]\zs\|.*') return (a:cmd =~# '^l' ? 'l' : 'c').'first'
else else
return matchstr(a:arg,'\v\C[''" ]\|\zs.*') return ''
endif endif
finally finally
let &grepprg = grepprg let &grepprg = grepprg
@ -3285,17 +3349,13 @@ function! s:Open(cmd, bang, mods, arg, args) abort
if a:bang if a:bang
let dir = s:Dir() let dir = s:Dir()
let tree = s:Tree(dir)
let temp = tempname() let temp = tempname()
try let git = s:UserCommand(dir)
let cdback = s:Cd(s:Tree(dir)) let args = s:ShellExpand(a:arg, tree)
let git = s:UserCommand() silent! execute '!' . escape(git . ' --no-pager ' . args, '!#%') .
let args = s:ShellExpand(a:arg) \ (&shell =~# 'csh' ? ' >& ' . temp : ' > ' . temp . ' 2>&1')
silent! execute '!' . escape(git . ' --no-pager ' . args, '!#%') . redraw!
\ (&shell =~# 'csh' ? ' >& ' . temp : ' > ' . temp . ' 2>&1')
execute cdback
let temp = s:Resolve(temp) let temp = s:Resolve(temp)
let s:temp_files[s:cpath(temp)] = { 'dir': s:Dir(), 'filetype': 'git' } let s:temp_files[s:cpath(temp)] = { 'dir': s:Dir(), 'filetype': 'git' }
if a:cmd ==# 'edit' if a:cmd ==# 'edit'