Pass :Gblame flags along to git-blame
This commit is contained in:
@ -139,11 +139,13 @@ that are part of Git repositories).
:Gblame Run git-blame on the file and open the results in a
:Gblame [flags] Run git-blame on the file and open the results in a
scroll bound vertical split. Press enter on a line to
reblame the file as it was in that commit.
reblame the file as it was in that commit. You can
give any of ltwfsMC as flags and they will be passed
along to git-blame.
:[range]Gblame Run git-blame on the given range.
:[range]Gblame [flags] Run git-blame on the given range.
MAPPINGS *fugitive-mappings*
@ -1120,16 +1120,20 @@ augroup fugitive_blame
autocmd BufReadPost *.fugitiveblame setfiletype fugitiveblame
autocmd FileType fugitiveblame setlocal nomodeline | if exists('b:git_dir') | let &l:keywordprg = s:repo().keywordprg() | endif
autocmd Syntax fugitiveblame call s:BlameSyntax()
autocmd User Fugitive if s:buffer().type('file', 'blob') | exe "command! -buffer -bar -bang -range=0 Gblame :execute s:Blame(<bang>0,<line1>,<line2>,<count>,<f-args>)" | endif
autocmd User Fugitive if s:buffer().type('file', 'blob') | exe "command! -buffer -bar -bang -range=0 -nargs=* Gblame :execute s:Blame(<bang>0,<line1>,<line2>,<count>,[<f-args>])" | endif
augroup END
function! s:Blame(bang,line1,line2,count) abort
function! s:Blame(bang,line1,line2,count,args) abort
if s:buffer().path() == ''
call s:throw('file or blob required')
if filter(copy(a:args),'v:val !~# "^\\%(--root\|--show-name\\|-\\=\\%([ltwfs]\\|[MC]\\d*\\)\\+\\)$"') != []
call s:throw('unsupported option')
call map(a:args,'s:sub(v:val,"^\\ze[^-]","-")')
let git_dir = s:repo().dir()
let cmd = ['--no-pager', 'blame', '--show-number']
let cmd = ['--no-pager', 'blame', '--show-number'] + a:args
if s:buffer().commit() =~# '\D\|..'
let cmd += [s:buffer().commit()]
@ -1169,6 +1173,7 @@ function! s:Blame(bang,line1,line2,count) abort
let b:fugitive_type = 'blame'
let b:fugitive_blamed_bufnr = bufnr
let b:fugitive_restore = restore
let b:fugitive_blame_arguments = join(a:args,' ')
call s:Detect(expand('%:p'))
execute top
normal! zt
@ -1199,11 +1204,12 @@ function! s:BlameJump(suffix) abort
if commit =~# '^0\+$'
let commit = ':0'
let lnum = matchstr(getline('.'),'\d\+\ze (')
let path = matchstr(getline('.'),'^\^\=\zs\x\+\s\+\zs.\{-\}\ze\s*\d\+ (')
let lnum = matchstr(getline('.'),'\d\+\ze\s\+[([:digit:]]')
let path = matchstr(getline('.'),'^\^\=\zs\x\+\s\+\zs.\{-\}\ze\s*\d\+ ')
if path ==# ''
let path = s:buffer(b:fugitive_blamed_bufnr).path()
let args = b:fugitive_blame_arguments
let offset = line('.') - line('w0')
let bufnr = bufnr('%')
let winnr = bufwinnr(b:fugitive_blamed_bufnr)
@ -1214,7 +1220,7 @@ function! s:BlameJump(suffix) abort
if winnr > 0
exe bufnr.'bdelete'
execute 'Gblame '.args
execute lnum
let delta = line('.') - line('w0') - offset
if delta > 0
@ -1229,13 +1235,16 @@ endfunction
function! s:BlameSyntax() abort
let b:current_syntax = 'fugitiveblame'
syn match FugitiveblameBoundary "^\^"
syn match FugitiveblameHash "\%(^\^\=\)\@<=\x\{7,40\}\>" nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation,fugitiveblameOriginalFile,FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameBlank "^\s\+\s\@=" nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation,fugitiveblameOriginalFile,FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameHash "\%(^\^\=\)\@<=\x\{7,40\}\>" nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation,FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber,fugitiveblameOriginalFile skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameUncommitted "\%(^\^\=\)\@<=0\{7,40\}\>" nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation,FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber,fugitiveblameOriginalFile skipwhite
syn region FugitiveblameAnnotation matchgroup=FugitiveblameDelimiter start="(" end="\%( \d\+\)\@<=)" contained keepend oneline
syn match FugitiveblameTime "[0-9:/+-][0-9:/+ -]*[0-9:/+-]\%( \+\d\+)\)\@=" contained containedin=FugitiveblameAnnotation
syn match FugitiveblameLineNumber " \@<=\d\+)\@=" contained containedin=FugitiveblameAnnotation
syn match FugitiveblameOriginalFile " \%(\f\+\D\@<=\|\D\@=\f\+\)\%(\%(\s\+\d\+\)\= (\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber,FugitiveblameAnnotation skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber " \@<=\d\+\%( (\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameOriginalFile " \%(\f\+\D\@<=\|\D\@=\f\+\)\%(\%(\s\+\d\+\)\=\s\%((\|\s*\d\+)\)\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber,FugitiveblameAnnotation skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber " \@<=\d\+\%(\s(\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameAnnotation skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber " \@<=\d\+\%(\s\+\d\+)\)\@=" contained nextgroup=FugitiveblameShort skipwhite
syn match FugitiveblameShort "\d\+)" contained contains=FugitiveblameLineNumber
syn match FugitiveblameNotCommittedYet "(\@<=Not Committed Yet\>" contained containedin=FugitiveblameAnnotation
hi def link FugitiveblameBoundary Keyword
hi def link FugitiveblameHash Identifier
@ -1244,6 +1253,7 @@ function! s:BlameSyntax() abort
hi def link FugitiveblameLineNumber Number
hi def link FugitiveblameOriginalFile String
hi def link FugitiveblameOriginalLineNumber Float
hi def link FugitiveblameShort FugitiveblameDelimiter
hi def link FugitiveblameDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link FugitiveblameNotCommittedYet Comment
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