Abbreviate commit SHA1s for :Grebase -i

Rather than generating the full 40 character SHA1, this commit changes
the rebase todo file to use the abbreviated kind.
This commit is contained in:
Teo Ljungberg 2019-04-13 15:54:38 +02:00 committed by Tim Pope
parent 0f9db6af70
commit 79f3be9f17

View File

@ -2836,7 +2836,27 @@ let s:rebase_abbrevs = {
\ } \ }
function! s:RebaseEdit(cmd, dir) abort function! s:RebaseEdit(cmd, dir) abort
return a:cmd . ' +setlocal\ bufhidden=wipe ' . s:fnameescape(a:dir . '/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo') let rebase_todo = s:fnameescape(a:dir . '/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo')
if filereadable(rebase_todo)
let new = readfile(rebase_todo)
let sha_length = 0
let shas = {}
for i in range(len(new))
if new[i] =~# '^\l\+\s\+[0-9a-f]\{3,\}\>'
let sha = matchstr(new[i], '\C\v[a-f0-9]{5,40}')
if !sha_length
let sha_length = len(s:TreeChomp(a:dir, 'rev-parse', '--short', sha))
let shortened_sha = strpart(sha, 0, sha_length)
let shas[shortened_sha] = sha
let new[i] = substitute(new[i], sha, shortened_sha, '')
call writefile(new, rebase_todo)
return a:cmd . ' +setlocal\ bufhidden=wipe\|' . escape('let b:fugitive_rebase_shas = ' . string(shas), ' ') . ' ' . rebase_todo
endfunction endfunction
function! s:Merge(cmd, bang, mods, args, ...) abort function! s:Merge(cmd, bang, mods, args, ...) abort
@ -2970,6 +2990,12 @@ function! s:RebaseClean(file) abort
let new = copy(old) let new = copy(old)
for i in range(len(new)) for i in range(len(new))
let new[i] = substitute(new[i], '^\l\>', '\=get(s:rebase_abbrevs,submatch(0),submatch(0))', '') let new[i] = substitute(new[i], '^\l\>', '\=get(s:rebase_abbrevs,submatch(0),submatch(0))', '')
let sha = matchstr(new[i], '\C\v[a-f0-9]{5,40}')
let rebase_shas = getbufvar(a:file, 'fugitive_rebase_shas')
if len(sha) && type(rebase_shas) == type({}) && has_key(rebase_shas, sha)
let new[i] = substitute(new[i], sha, rebase_shas[sha], '')
endfor endfor
if new !=# old if new !=# old
call writefile(new, a:file) call writefile(new, a:file)