function! s:exchange(x, y, reverse, expand) let reg_z = s:save_reg('z') let reg_unnamed = s:save_reg('"') let reg_star = s:save_reg('*') let reg_plus = s:save_reg('+') let selection = &selection set selection=inclusive call setpos("'[", a:y[2]) call setpos("']", a:y[3]) call setreg('z', a:x[0], a:x[1]) silent exe "normal! `[" . a:y[1] . "`]\"zp" if !a:expand call setpos("'[", a:x[2]) call setpos("']", a:x[3]) call setreg('z', a:y[0], a:y[1]) silent exe "normal! `[" . a:x[1] . "`]\"zp" endif if a:reverse call cursor(a:x[2][1], a:x[2][2]) else call cursor(a:y[2][1], a:y[2][2]) endif let &selection = selection call s:restore_reg('z', reg_z) call s:restore_reg('"', reg_unnamed) call s:restore_reg('*', reg_star) call s:restore_reg('+', reg_plus) endfunction function! s:exchange_get(type, vis) let reg = s:save_reg('"') let reg_star = s:save_reg('*') let reg_plus = s:save_reg('+') if a:vis let type = a:type let [start, end] = s:store_pos("'<", "'>") silent normal! gvy if &selection ==# 'exclusive' && start != end let end[2] -= len(matchstr(@@, '\_.$')) endif else let selection = &selection let &selection = 'inclusive' if a:type == 'line' let type = 'V' let [start, end] = s:store_pos("'[", "']") silent exe "normal! '[V']y" elseif a:type == 'block' let type = "\" let [start, end] = s:store_pos("'[", "']") silent exe "normal! `[\`]y" else let type = 'v' let [start, end] = s:store_pos("'[", "']") silent exe "normal! `[v`]y" endif let &selection = selection endif let text = getreg('@') call s:restore_reg('"', reg) call s:restore_reg('*', reg_star) call s:restore_reg('+', reg_plus) return [text, type, start, end] endfunction function! s:exchange_set(type, ...) if !exists('b:exchange') let b:exchange = s:exchange_get(a:type, a:0) let b:exchange_matches = s:highlight(b:exchange) " Tell tpope/vim-repeat that '.' should repeat the Exchange motion silent! call repeat#invalidate() else let exchange1 = b:exchange let exchange2 = s:exchange_get(a:type, a:0) let reverse = 0 let expand = 0 let cmp = s:compare(exchange1, exchange2) if cmp == 'overlap' echohl WarningMsg | echo "Exchange aborted: overlapping text" | echohl None return s:exchange_clear() elseif cmp == 'outer' let [expand, reverse] = [1, 1] let [exchange1, exchange2] = [exchange2, exchange1] elseif cmp == 'inner' let expand = 1 elseif cmp == 'gt' let reverse = 1 let [exchange1, exchange2] = [exchange2, exchange1] endif call s:exchange(exchange1, exchange2, reverse, expand) call s:exchange_clear() endif endfunction function! s:exchange_clear() unlet! b:exchange if exists('b:exchange_matches') call s:highlight_clear(b:exchange_matches) unlet b:exchange_matches endif endfunction function! s:save_reg(name) return [getreg(a:name), getregtype(a:name)] endfunction function! s:restore_reg(name, reg) silent! call setreg(a:name, a:reg[0], a:reg[1]) endfunction function! s:highlight(exchange) let [text, type, start, end] = a:exchange let regions = [] if type == "\" let blockstartcol = virtcol([start[1], start[2]]) let blockendcol = virtcol([end[1], end[2]]) if blockstartcol > blockendcol let [blockstartcol, blockendcol] = [blockendcol, blockstartcol] endif let regions += map(range(start[1], end[1]), '[v:val, blockstartcol, v:val, blockendcol]') else let [startline, endline] = [start[1], end[1]] if type ==# 'v' let startcol = virtcol([startline, start[2]]) let endcol = virtcol([endline, end[2]]) elseif type ==# 'V' let startcol = 1 let endcol = virtcol([end[1], '$']) endif let regions += [[startline, startcol, endline, endcol]] endif return map(regions, 's:highlight_region(v:val)') endfunction function! s:highlight_region(region) let pattern = '\%'.a:region[0].'l\%'.a:region[1].'v\_.\{-}\%'.a:region[2].'l\(\%>'.a:region[3].'v\|$\)' return matchadd('ExchangeRegion', pattern) endfunction function! s:highlight_clear(match) for m in a:match silent! call matchdelete(m) endfor endfunction " Return < 0 if x comes before y in buffer, " = 0 if x and y overlap in buffer, " > 0 if x comes after y in buffer function! s:compare(x, y) let [xs, xe, xm, ys, ye, ym] = [a:x[2], a:x[3], a:x[1], a:y[2], a:y[3], a:y[1]] let xe = s:apply_mode(xe, xm) let ye = s:apply_mode(ye, ym) " Compare two blockwise regions. if xm == "\" && ym == "\" if s:intersects(xs, xe, ys, ye) return 'overlap' endif let cmp = xs[2] - ys[2] return cmp <= 0 ? 'lt' : 'gt' endif " TODO: Compare a blockwise region with a linewise or characterwise region. " NOTE: Comparing blockwise with characterwise has one exception: " When the characterwise region spans only one line, it is like blockwise. " Compare two linewise or characterwise regions. if s:compare_pos(xs, ys) <= 0 && s:compare_pos(xe, ye) >= 0 return 'outer' elseif s:compare_pos(ys, xs) <= 0 && s:compare_pos(ye, xe) >= 0 return 'inner' elseif (s:compare_pos(xs, ye) <= 0 && s:compare_pos(ys, xe) <= 0) || (s:compare_pos(ys, xe) <= 0 && s:compare_pos(xs, ye) <= 0) " x and y overlap in buffer. return 'overlap' endif let cmp = s:compare_pos(xs, ys) return cmp == 0 ? 'overlap' : cmp < 0 ? 'lt' : 'gt' endfunction function! s:compare_pos(x, y) if a:x[1] == a:y[1] return a:x[2] - a:y[2] else return a:x[1] - a:y[1] endif endfunction function! s:intersects(xs, xe, ys, ye) if a:xe[2] < a:ys[2] || a:xe[1] < a:ys[1] || a:xs[2] > a:ye[2] || a:xs[1] > a:ye[1] return 0 else return 1 endif endfunction function! s:apply_mode(pos, mode) let pos = a:pos if a:mode ==# 'V' let pos[2] = col([pos[1], '$']) endif return pos endfunction function! s:store_pos(start, end) return [getpos(a:start), getpos(a:end)] endfunction function! s:create_map(mode, lhs, rhs) if !hasmapto(a:rhs, a:mode) execute a:mode.'map '.a:lhs.' '.a:rhs endif endfunction highlight default link ExchangeRegion IncSearch nnoremap (Exchange) :set opfunc=exchange_setg@ vnoremap (Exchange) :call exchange_set(visualmode(), 1) nnoremap (ExchangeClear) :call exchange_clear() nnoremap (ExchangeLine) :set opfunc=exchange_setg@_ command! ExchangeClear call s:exchange_clear() if exists('g:exchange_no_mappings') finish endif call s:create_map('n', 'cx', '(Exchange)') call s:create_map('x', 'X', '(Exchange)') call s:create_map('n', 'cxc', '(ExchangeClear)') call s:create_map('n', 'cxx', '(ExchangeLine)')