1392 lines
47 KiB
1392 lines
47 KiB
" EasyMotion - Vim motions on speed!
" Author: Kim Silkebækken <kim.silkebaekken+vim@gmail.com>
" haya14busa <hayabusa1419@gmail.com>
" Source: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion
" Last Change: 07 Feb 2014.
" Saving 'cpoptions' {{{
scriptencoding utf-8
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" }}}
" Init: {{{
function! EasyMotion#init()
call EasyMotion#highlight#load()
" Store previous motion info
let s:previous = {}
" Store previous operator-pending motion info for '.' repeat
let s:dot_repeat = {}
" Prepare 1-key Migemo Dictionary
let s:migemo_dicts = {}
let s:EasyMotion_is_active = 0
call EasyMotion#reset()
" Anywhere regular expression: {{{
let re = '\v' .
\ '(<.|^$)' . '|' .
\ '(.>|^$)' . '|' .
\ '(\l)\zs(\u)' . '|' .
\ '(_\zs.)' . '|' .
\ '(#\zs.)'
" 1. word
" 2. end of word
" 3. CamelCase
" 4. after '_' hoge_foo
" 5. after '#' hoge#foo
let g:EasyMotion_re_anywhere = get(g:, 'EasyMotion_re_anywhere', re)
" Anywhere regular expression within line:
let re = '\v' .
\ '(<.|^$)' . '|' .
\ '(.>|^$)' . '|' .
\ '(\l)\zs(\u)' . '|' .
\ '(_\zs.)' . '|' .
\ '(#\zs.)'
let g:EasyMotion_re_line_anywhere = get(g:, 'EasyMotion_re_line_anywhere', re)
" For other plugin
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 0
" 0 -> Success
" 1 -> Cancel
let g:EasyMotion_ignore_exception = 0
return ""
endfunction "}}}
" Reset: {{{
function! EasyMotion#reset()
let s:flag = {
\ 'within_line' : 0,
\ 'dot_repeat' : 0,
\ 'regexp' : 0,
\ 'bd_t' : 0,
\ 'find_bd' : 0,
\ }
" regexp: -> regular expression
" This value is used when multi input find motion. If this values is
" 1, input text is treated as regexp.(Default: escaped)
" bd_t: -> bi-directional 't' motion
" This value is used to re-define regexp only for bi-directional 't'
" motion
" find_bd: -> bi-directional find motion
" This value is used to recheck the motion is inclusive or exclusive
" because 'f' & 't' forward find motion is inclusive, but 'F' & 'T'
" backward find motion is exclusive
let s:current = {
\ 'is_operator' : 0,
\ 'is_search' : 0,
\ 'dot_repeat_target_cnt' : 0,
\ 'dot_prompt_user_cnt' : 0,
\ 'changedtick' : 0,
\ }
" \ 'start_position' : [],
" \ 'cursor_position' : [],
" is_operator:
" Store is_operator value first because mode(1) value will be
" changed by some operation.
" dot_* :
" These values are used when '.' repeat for automatically
" select marker/label characters.(Using count avoid recursive
" prompt)
" changedtick:
" :h b:changedtick
" This value is used to avoid side effect of overwriting buffer text
" which will change b:changedtick value. To overwrite g:repeat_tick
" value(defined tpope/vim-repeat), I can avoid this side effect of
" conflicting with tpope/vim-repeat
" start_position:
" Original, start cursor position.
" cursor_position:
" Usually, this valuse is same with start_position, but in
" visualmode and 'n' key motion, this value could be different.
return ""
endfunction "}}}
" Motion Functions: {{{
" -- Find Motion -------------------------
" Note: {{{
" num_strokes:
" The number of input characters. Currently provide 1, 2, or -1.
" '-1' means no limit.
" visualmode:
" Vim script couldn't detect the function is called in visual mode by
" mode(1), so tell whether it is in visual mode by argument explicitly
" direction:
" 0 -> forward
" 1 -> backward
" 2 -> bi-direction (handle forward & backward at the same time) }}}
function! EasyMotion#S(num_strokes, visualmode, direction) " {{{
if a:direction == 1
let is_inclusive = 0
" Note: Handle bi-direction later because 'f' motion is inclusive but
" 'F' motion is exclusive
let is_inclusive = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1 : 0
let s:flag.find_bd = a:direction == 2 ? 1 : 0
let re = s:findMotion(a:num_strokes, a:direction)
if s:handleEmpty(re, a:visualmode) | return | endif
call s:EasyMotion(re, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#T(num_strokes, visualmode, direction) " {{{
if a:direction == 1
let is_inclusive = 0
" Note: Handle bi-direction later because 't' motion is inclusive but
" 'T' motion is exclusive
let is_inclusive = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1 : 0
let s:flag.find_bd = a:direction == 2 ? 1 : 0
let re = s:findMotion(a:num_strokes, a:direction)
if s:handleEmpty(re, a:visualmode) | return | endif
if a:direction == 2
let s:flag.bd_t = 1
elseif a:direction == 1
let re = '\('.re.'\)\zs.'
let re = '.\ze\('.re.'\)'
call s:EasyMotion(re, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- Word Motion -------------------------
function! EasyMotion#WB(visualmode, direction) " {{{
"FIXME: inconsistent with default vim motion
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
call s:EasyMotion('\(\<.\|^$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#WBW(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
call s:EasyMotion('\(\(^\|\s\)\@<=\S\|^$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#E(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
let is_inclusive = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1 : 0
call s:EasyMotion('\(.\>\|^$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#EW(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
let is_inclusive = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1 : 0
call s:EasyMotion('\(\S\(\s\|$\)\|^$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- JK Motion ---------------------------
function! EasyMotion#JK(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
"FIXME: support exclusive
if g:EasyMotion_startofline
call s:EasyMotion('^\(\w\|\s*\zs\|$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
let prev_column = getpos('.')[2] - 1
call s:EasyMotion('^.\{,' . prev_column . '}\zs\(.\|$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#Sol(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
call s:EasyMotion('^\(\w\|\s*\zs\|$\)', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', '')
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#Eol(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
call s:EasyMotion('\(\w\|\s*\zs\|.\|^\)$', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', '')
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- Search Motion -----------------------
function! EasyMotion#Search(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
call s:EasyMotion(@/, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- JumpToAnywhere Motion ---------------
function! EasyMotion#JumpToAnywhere(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
call s:EasyMotion( g:EasyMotion_re_anywhere, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- Line Motion -------------------------
function! EasyMotion#SL(num_strokes, visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:flag.within_line = 1
call EasyMotion#S(a:num_strokes, a:visualmode, a:direction)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#TL(num_strokes, visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:flag.within_line = 1
call EasyMotion#T(a:num_strokes, a:visualmode, a:direction)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#WBL(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:flag.within_line = 1
call EasyMotion#WB(a:visualmode, a:direction)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#EL(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:flag.within_line = 1
call EasyMotion#E(a:visualmode, a:direction)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#LineAnywhere(visualmode, direction) " {{{
let s:flag.within_line = 1
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
let re = g:EasyMotion_re_line_anywhere
call s:EasyMotion(re, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', 0)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- User Motion -------------------------
function! EasyMotion#User(pattern, visualmode, direction, inclusive) " {{{
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
let is_inclusive = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? a:inclusive : 0
let re = a:pattern
call s:EasyMotion(re, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" -- Repeat Motion -----------------------
function! EasyMotion#Repeat(visualmode) " {{{
" Repeat previous motion with previous targets
if s:previous ==# {}
call s:Message("Previous targets doesn't exist")
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 1
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
let re = s:previous.regexp
let direction = s:previous.direction
let s:flag.within_line = s:previous.line_flag
let s:flag.bd_t = s:previous.bd_t_flag
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
" FIXME: is_inclusive value is inappropriate but handling this value is
" difficult and priorities is low because this motion maybe used usually
" as a 'normal' motion.
let is_inclusive = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1 : 0
call s:EasyMotion(re, direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#DotRepeat(visualmode) " {{{
" Repeat previous '.' motion with previous targets and operator
if s:dot_repeat ==# {}
call s:Message("Previous motion doesn't exist")
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 1
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
let re = s:dot_repeat.regexp
let direction = s:dot_repeat.direction
let is_inclusive = s:dot_repeat.is_inclusive
let s:flag.within_line = s:dot_repeat.line_flag
let s:flag.bd_t = s:dot_repeat.bd_t_flag
let s:current.is_operator = 1
for cnt in range(v:count1)
let s:flag.dot_repeat = 1 " s:EasyMotion() always call reset
silent call s:EasyMotion(re, direction, 0, is_inclusive)
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#NextPrevious(visualmode, direction) " {{{
" Move next/previous destination using previous motion regexp
if s:previous ==# {}
call s:Message("Previous targets doesn't exist")
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 1
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
let re = s:previous.regexp
let search_direction = (a:direction >= 1 ? 'b' : '')
if g:EasyMotion_move_highlight
call EasyMotion#highlight#attach_autocmd()
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(re, g:EasyMotion_hl_move)
if ! empty(a:visualmode)
" FIXME: blink highlight
silent exec 'normal! gv'
for i in range(v:count1)
" Do not treat this motion as 'jump' motion
keepjumps call searchpos(re, search_direction)
call EasyMotion#reset()
" -- Activate EasyMotion ----------------- {{{
let s:EasyMotion_is_active = 1
call EasyMotion#attach_active_autocmd() "}}}
return s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled
endfunction " }}}
" }}}
" Helper Functions: {{{
" -- Message -----------------------------
function! s:Message(message) " {{{
echo 'EasyMotion: ' . a:message
endfunction " }}}
function! s:Prompt(message) " {{{
echohl Question
echo a:message . ': '
echohl None
endfunction " }}}
" -- Save & Restore values ---------------
function! s:VarReset(var, ...) " {{{
if ! exists('s:var_reset')
let s:var_reset = {}
if a:0 == 0 && has_key(s:var_reset, a:var)
" Reset var to original value
" setbufbar( or bufname): '' or '%' can be used for the current buffer
call setbufvar("", a:var, s:var_reset[a:var])
elseif a:0 == 1
" Save original value and set new var value
let new_value = a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : ''
" Store original value
let s:var_reset[a:var] = getbufvar("", a:var)
" Set new var value
call setbufvar("", a:var, new_value)
endfunction " }}}
function! s:SaveValue() "{{{
call s:VarReset('&scrolloff', 0)
call s:VarReset('&modified', 0)
call s:VarReset('&modifiable', 1)
call s:VarReset('&readonly', 0)
call s:VarReset('&spell', 0)
call s:VarReset('&virtualedit', '')
call s:VarReset('&foldmethod', 'manual')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:RestoreValue() "{{{
call s:VarReset('&scrolloff')
call s:VarReset('&modified')
call s:VarReset('&modifiable')
call s:VarReset('&readonly')
call s:VarReset('&spell')
call s:VarReset('&virtualedit')
call s:VarReset('&foldmethod')
endfunction "}}}
" -- Draw --------------------------------
function! s:SetLines(lines, key) " {{{
for [line_num, line] in a:lines
call setline(line_num, line[a:key])
endfunction " }}}
" -- Get characters from user input ------
function! s:GetChar() " {{{
let char = getchar()
if char == 27
" Escape key pressed
call s:Message('Cancelled')
return ''
return nr2char(char)
endfunction " }}}
" -- Find Motion Helper ------------------
function! s:findMotion(num_strokes, direction) "{{{
" Find Motion: S,F,T
let s:current.is_operator = mode(1) ==# 'no' ? 1: 0
" store cursor pos because 'n' key find motion could be jump to offscreen
let s:current.original_position = [line('.'), col('.')]
let s:current.is_search = a:num_strokes == -1 ? 1: 0
let s:flag.regexp = a:num_strokes == -1 ? 1 : 0 " TODO: remove?
if g:EasyMotion_add_search_history && a:num_strokes == -1
let s:previous['input'] = @/
let s:previous['input'] = get(s:previous, 'input', '')
let input = EasyMotion#command_line#GetInput(
\ a:num_strokes, s:previous.input, a:direction)
let s:previous['input'] = input
" Check that we have an input char
if empty(input)
return ''
let re = s:convertRegep(input)
if g:EasyMotion_add_search_history && a:num_strokes == -1
let @/ = re "For textobject: 'gn'
call histadd('search',
\ substitute(re, '\\c\|\\C', '', ''))
return re
endfunction "}}}
function! s:convertRegep(input) "{{{
" 1. regexp
" 2. migemo
" 3. smartsign
" 4. smartcase
let re = s:should_use_regexp() ? a:input : escape(a:input, '.$^~\[]')
" Convert space to match only start of spaces
if re ==# ' '
let re = '\s\+'
if s:should_use_migemo(a:input)
let re = s:convertMigemo(re)
if s:should_use_smartsign(a:input)
let re = s:convertSmartsign(re, a:input)
let case_flag = EasyMotion#helper#should_case_sensitive(
\ a:input, s:current.is_search) ? '\c' : '\C'
let re = case_flag . re
return re
endfunction "}}}
function! s:convertMigemo(re) "{{{
let re = a:re
if len(re) > 1
" System cmigemo
return EasyMotion#cmigemo#getMigemoPattern(re)
" EasyMotion migemo one key dict
if ! has_key(s:migemo_dicts, &l:encoding)
let s:migemo_dicts[&l:encoding] = EasyMotion#helper#load_migemo_dict()
if re =~# '^\a$'
let re = get(s:migemo_dicts[&l:encoding], re, a:re)
return re
endfunction "}}}
function! s:convertSmartsign(re, char) "{{{
let smart_dict = s:load_smart_dict()
let upper_sign = escape(get(smart_dict, a:char, ''), '.$^~')
if upper_sign ==# ''
return a:re
let re = a:re . '\|' . upper_sign
return re
endfunction "}}}
function! s:convertSmartcase(re, char) "{{{
let re = a:re
if a:char =~# '\U' "nonuppercase
return '\c' . re
else "uppercase
return '\C' . re
endfunction "}}}
function! s:should_use_regexp() "{{{
return g:EasyMotion_use_regexp == 1 && s:flag.regexp == 1
endfunction "}}}
function! s:should_use_migemo(char) "{{{
if ! g:EasyMotion_use_migemo || match(a:char, '\A') != -1
return 0
" TODO: use direction to improve
if s:flag.within_line == 1
let first_line = line('.')
let end_line = line('.')
let first_line = line('w0')
let end_line = line('w$')
" Skip folded line and check if text include multibyte haracters
for line in range(first_line, end_line)
if EasyMotion#helper#is_folded(line)
if EasyMotion#helper#include_multibyte_char(getline(line)) == 1
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:should_use_smartsign(char) "{{{
if (exists('g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_us') ||
\ exists('g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_jp')) &&
\ match(a:char, '\A') != -1
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:handleEmpty(input, visualmode) "{{{
" if empty, reselect and return 1
if empty(a:input)
if ! empty(a:visualmode)
silent exec 'normal! gv'
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 1 " Cancel
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:load_smart_dict() "{{{
if exists('g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_us')
return g:EasyMotion#sticky_table#us
elseif exists('g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_jp')
return g:EasyMotion#sticky_table#jp
return {}
endfunction "}}}
" -- Handle Visual Mode ------------------
function! s:GetVisualStartPosition(c_pos, v_start, v_end, search_direction) "{{{
let vmode = mode(1)
if vmode !~# "^[Vv\<C-v>]"
throw 'Unkown visual mode:'.vmode
if vmode ==# 'V' "line-wise Visual
" Line-wise Visual {{{
if a:v_start[0] == a:v_end[0]
if a:search_direction == ''
return a:v_start
elseif a:search_direction == 'b'
return a:v_end
throw 'Unkown search_direction'
if a:c_pos[0] == a:v_start[0]
return a:v_end
elseif a:c_pos[0] == a:v_end[0]
return a:v_start
" Character-wise or Block-wise Visual"{{{
if a:c_pos == a:v_start
return a:v_end
elseif a:c_pos == a:v_end
return a:v_start
" virtualedit
if a:c_pos[0] == a:v_start[0]
return a:v_end
elseif a:c_pos[0] == a:v_end[0]
return a:v_start
elseif EasyMotion#helper#is_greater_coords(a:c_pos, a:v_start) == 1
return a:v_end
return a:v_start
endfunction "}}}
" -- Others ------------------------------
function! s:is_cmdwin() "{{{
return bufname('%') ==# '[Command Line]'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:should_use_wundo() "{{{
" wundu cannot use in command-line window and
" unless undolist is not empty
return ! s:is_cmdwin() && undotree().seq_last != 0
endfunction "}}}
function! EasyMotion#attach_active_autocmd() "{{{
" Reference: https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak
augroup plugin-easymotion-active
autocmd InsertEnter,WinLeave,BufLeave <buffer>
\ let s:EasyMotion_is_active = 0
\ | autocmd! plugin-easymotion-active * <buffer>
autocmd CursorMoved <buffer>
\ autocmd plugin-easymotion-active CursorMoved <buffer>
\ let s:EasyMotion_is_active = 0
\ | autocmd! plugin-easymotion-active * <buffer>
augroup END
endfunction "}}}
function! EasyMotion#is_active() "{{{
return s:EasyMotion_is_active
endfunction "}}}
function! EasyMotion#activate(is_visual) "{{{
let s:EasyMotion_is_active = 1
call EasyMotion#attach_active_autocmd()
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(s:previous.regexp,
\ g:EasyMotion_hl_move)
call EasyMotion#highlight#attach_autocmd()
if a:is_visual == 1
normal! gv
endfunction "}}}
" Grouping Algorithms: {{{
let s:grouping_algorithms = {
\ 1: 'SCTree'
\ , 2: 'Original'
\ }
" -- Single-key/closest target priority tree {{{
" This algorithm tries to assign one-key jumps to all the targets closest to the cursor.
" It works recursively and will work correctly with as few keys as two.
function! s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(targets, keys) "{{{
" Prepare variables for working
let targets_len = len(a:targets)
let keys_len = len(a:keys)
let groups = {}
let keys = reverse(copy(a:keys))
" Semi-recursively count targets {{{
" We need to know exactly how many child nodes (targets) this branch will have
" in order to pass the correct amount of targets to the recursive function.
" Prepare sorted target count list {{{
" This is horrible, I know. But dicts aren't sorted in vim, so we need to
" work around that. That is done by having one sorted list with key counts,
" and a dict which connects the key with the keys_count list.
let keys_count = []
let keys_count_keys = {}
let i = 0
for key in keys
call add(keys_count, 0)
let keys_count_keys[key] = i
let i += 1
" }}}
let targets_left = targets_len
let level = 0
let i = 0
while targets_left > 0
" Calculate the amount of child nodes based on the current level
let childs_len = (level == 0 ? 1 : (keys_len - 1) )
for key in keys
" Add child node count to the keys_count array
let keys_count[keys_count_keys[key]] += childs_len
" Subtract the child node count
let targets_left -= childs_len
if targets_left <= 0
" Subtract the targets left if we added too many too
" many child nodes to the key count
let keys_count[keys_count_keys[key]] += targets_left
let i += 1
let level += 1
" }}}
" Create group tree {{{
let i = 0
let key = 0
call reverse(keys_count)
for key_count in keys_count
if key_count > 1
" We need to create a subgroup
" Recurse one level deeper
let groups[a:keys[key]] = s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(a:targets[i : i + key_count - 1], a:keys)
elseif key_count == 1
" Assign single target key
let groups[a:keys[key]] = a:targets[i]
" No target
let key += 1
let i += key_count
" }}}
" Finally!
return groups
endfunction "}}}
" }}}
" -- Original ---------------------------- {{{
function! s:GroupingAlgorithmOriginal(targets, keys)
" Split targets into groups (1 level)
let targets_len = len(a:targets)
let keys_len = len(a:keys)
let groups = {}
let i = 0
let root_group = 0
while root_group < targets_len
let groups[a:keys[root_group]] = {}
for key in a:keys
let groups[a:keys[root_group]][key] = a:targets[i]
let i += 1
let root_group += 1
catch | endtry
" Flatten the group array
if len(groups) == 1
let groups = groups[a:keys[0]]
return groups
" }}}
" -- Coord/key dictionary creation ------- {{{
function! s:CreateCoordKeyDict(groups, ...)
" Dict structure:
" 1,2 : a
" 2,3 : b
let sort_list = []
let coord_keys = {}
let group_key = a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : ''
for [key, item] in items(a:groups)
let key = group_key . key
"let key = ( ! empty(group_key) ? group_key : key)
if type(item) == 3 " List
" Destination coords
" The key needs to be zero-padded in order to
" sort correctly
let dict_key = printf('%05d,%05d', item[0], item[1])
let coord_keys[dict_key] = key
" We need a sorting list to loop correctly in
" PromptUser, dicts are unsorted
call add(sort_list, dict_key)
" Item is a dict (has children)
let coord_key_dict = s:CreateCoordKeyDict(item, key)
" Make sure to extend both the sort list and the
" coord key dict
call extend(sort_list, coord_key_dict[0])
call extend(coord_keys, coord_key_dict[1])
unlet item
return [sort_list, coord_keys]
" }}}
" }}}
" Core Functions: {{{
function! s:PromptUser(groups) "{{{
" Recursive
let group_values = values(a:groups)
" -- If only one possible match, jump directly to it {{{
if len(group_values) == 1
if mode(1) ==# 'no'
" Consider jump to first match
" NOTE: matchstr() handles multibyte characters.
let s:dot_repeat['target'] = matchstr(g:EasyMotion_keys, '^.')
return group_values[0]
" }}}
" -- Prepare marker lines ---------------- {{{
let lines = {}
let coord_key_dict = s:CreateCoordKeyDict(a:groups)
for dict_key in sort(coord_key_dict[0])
let target_key = coord_key_dict[1][dict_key]
let [line_num, col_num] = split(dict_key, ',')
let line_num = str2nr(line_num)
let col_num = str2nr(col_num)
" Add original line and marker line
if ! has_key(lines, line_num)
let current_line = getline(line_num)
let lines[line_num] = {
\ 'orig': current_line,
\ 'marker': current_line,
\ 'mb_compensation': 0,
\ }
" Solve multibyte issues by matching the byte column
" number instead of the visual column
let col_num -= lines[line_num]['mb_compensation']
" Compensate for byte difference between marker
" character and target character
" This has to be done in order to match the correct
" column; \%c matches the byte column and not display
" column.
let target_char_len = strdisplaywidth(
\ matchstr(lines[line_num]['marker'],
\ '\%' . col_num . 'c.'))
let target_key_len = strdisplaywidth(target_key)
let target_line_byte_len = strlen(lines[line_num]['marker'])
let target_char_byte_len = strlen(matchstr(
\ lines[line_num]['marker'],
\ '\%' . col_num . 'c.'))
if strlen(lines[line_num]['marker']) > 0
" Substitute marker character if line length > 0
let c = 0
while c < target_key_len && c < 2
if strlen(lines[line_num]['marker']) >= col_num + c
" Substitute marker character if line length > 0
if c == 0
let lines[line_num]['marker'] = substitute(
\ lines[line_num]['marker'],
\ '\%' . (col_num + c) . 'c.',
\ strpart(target_key, c, 1) . repeat(' ', target_char_len - 1),
\ '')
let lines[line_num]['marker'] = substitute(
\ lines[line_num]['marker'],
\ '\%' . (col_num + c) . 'c.',
\ strpart(target_key, c, 1),
\ '')
let lines[line_num]['marker'] .= strpart(target_key, c, 1)
let c += 1
" Set the line to the marker character if the line is empty
let lines[line_num]['marker'] = target_key
" -- Highlight targets ------------------- {{{
if target_key_len == 1
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(
\ '\%' . line_num . 'l\%' . col_num . 'c',
\ g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target)
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(
\ '\%' . line_num . 'l\%' . col_num . 'c',
\ g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target)
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(
\ '\%' . line_num . 'l\%' . (col_num + 1) . 'c',
\ g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target)
" Add marker/target length difference for multibyte
" compensation
let lines[line_num]['mb_compensation'] +=
\ (target_line_byte_len - strlen(lines[line_num]['marker']))
let lines_items = items(lines)
" }}}
" -- Put labels on targets & Get User Input & Restore all {{{
" Save undo tree {{{
let s:undo_file = tempname()
if s:should_use_wundo()
execute "wundo" s:undo_file
" Set lines with markers {{{
call s:SetLines(lines_items, 'marker')
redraw "}}}
" Get target character {{{
call s:Prompt('Target key')
let char = s:GetChar()
" Convert uppercase {{{
if g:EasyMotion_use_upper == 1 && match(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\l') == -1
let char = toupper(char)
endif "}}}
" Jump first target when Enter or Space key is pressed "{{{
if (char ==# "\<CR>" && g:EasyMotion_enter_jump_first == 1) ||
\ (char ==# " " && g:EasyMotion_space_jump_first == 1)
" NOTE: matchstr() is multibyte aware.
let char = matchstr(g:EasyMotion_keys, '^.')
endif "}}}
" For dot repeat {{{
if mode(1) ==# 'no'
" Store previous target when operator pending mode
if s:current.dot_prompt_user_cnt == 0
" Store
let s:dot_repeat['target'] = char
" Append target chars
let s:dot_repeat['target'] .= char
endif "}}}
" Restore original lines
call s:SetLines(lines_items, 'orig')
" Un-highlight targets {{{
call EasyMotion#highlight#delete_highlight(
\ g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target,
\ g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target,
\ g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target,
\ )
" }}}
" Restore undo tree {{{
if s:should_use_wundo() && filereadable(s:undo_file)
silent execute "rundo" s:undo_file
unlet s:undo_file
" Break undo history (undobreak)
let old_undolevels = &undolevels
set undolevels=-1
call setline('.', getline('.'))
let &undolevels = old_undolevels
unlet old_undolevels
" FIXME: Error occur by GundoToggle for undo number 2 is empty
call setline('.', getline('.'))
endif "}}}
endtry "}}}
" -- Check if we have an input char ------ {{{
if empty(char)
throw 'Cancelled'
" }}}
" -- Check if the input char is valid ---- {{{
if ! has_key(a:groups, char)
throw 'Invalid target'
" }}}
let target = a:groups[char]
if type(target) == 3
" Return target coordinates
return target
" Prompt for new target character
let s:current.dot_prompt_user_cnt += 1
return s:PromptUser(target)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:DotPromptUser(groups) "{{{
" Get char from previous target
let char = s:dot_repeat.target[s:current.dot_repeat_target_cnt]
" For dot repeat target chars
let s:current.dot_repeat_target_cnt += 1
let target = a:groups[char]
if type(target) == 3
" Return target coordinates
return target
" Prompt for new target character
return s:PromptUser(target)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:EasyMotion(regexp, direction, visualmode, is_inclusive) " {{{
" Store s:current original_position & cursor_position {{{
" current cursor pos.
let s:current.cursor_position = [line('.'), col('.')]
" original start position. This value could be changed later in visual
" mode
let s:current.original_position =
\ get(s:current, 'original_position', s:current.cursor_position)
let win_first_line = line('w0') " visible first line num
let win_last_line = line('w$') " visible last line num
let targets = []
" Store info for Repeat motion {{{
if s:flag.dot_repeat != 1
" Store Regular Expression
let s:previous['regexp'] = a:regexp
let s:previous['direction'] = a:direction
let s:previous['operator'] = v:operator
" Note: 'is_inclusive' value could be changed later when
" bi-directional find motion depend on 'true' direction the cursor
" will move.
let s:previous['is_inclusive'] = a:is_inclusive
" For special motion flag
let s:previous['line_flag'] = s:flag.within_line
let s:previous['bd_t_flag'] = s:flag.bd_t " bi-directional t motion
endif "}}}
" To avoid side effect of overwriting buffer for tpope/repeat
" store current b:changedtick. Use this value later
let s:current.changedtick = b:changedtick
" -- Reset properties -------------------- {{{
" Save original value and set new value
call s:SaveValue()
" }}}
" Setup searchpos args {{{
let search_direction = (a:direction >= 1 ? 'b' : '')
let search_stopline = a:direction >= 1 ? win_first_line : win_last_line
if s:flag.within_line == 1
let search_stopline = s:current.original_position[0]
" Handle visual mode {{{
if ! empty(a:visualmode)
" Decide at where visual mode start {{{
normal! gv
let v_start = [line("'<"),col("'<")] " visual_start_position
let v_end = [line("'>"),col("'>")] " visual_end_position
let v_original_pos = s:GetVisualStartPosition(
\ s:current.cursor_position, v_start, v_end, search_direction)
" Reselect visual text {{{
keepjumps call cursor(v_original_pos)
exec "normal! " . a:visualmode
keepjumps call cursor(s:current.cursor_position)
" Update s:current.original_position
let s:current.original_position = v_original_pos " overwrite original start positio
endif "}}}
" Handle bi-directional t motion {{{
if s:flag.bd_t == 1
let regexp = '\('.a:regexp.'\)\zs.'
let regexp = a:regexp
" Construct match dict {{{
while 1
" Note: searchpos() has side effect which jump cursor position.
" You can disable this side effect by add 'n' flags,
" but in this case, it's better to allows jump side effect
" to gathering matched targets coordinates.
let pos = searchpos(regexp, search_direction, search_stopline)
" Reached end of search range
if pos == [0, 0]
" Skip folded lines {{{
if EasyMotion#helper#is_folded(pos[0])
if search_direction ==# 'b'
keepjumps call cursor(foldclosed(pos[0]-1), 0)
keepjumps call cursor(foldclosedend(pos[0]+1), 0)
endif "}}}
call add(targets, pos)
" Handle bidirection "{{{
" For bi-directional t motion {{{
if s:flag.bd_t == 1
let regexp = '.\ze\('.a:regexp.'\)'
" Reconstruct match dict
if a:direction == 2
" Forward
" Jump back cursor_position
keepjumps call cursor(s:current.cursor_position[0],
\ s:current.cursor_position[1])
let targets2 = []
if s:flag.within_line == 0
let search_stopline = win_last_line
let search_stopline = s:current.cursor_position[0]
while 1
" TODO: refactoring
let pos = searchpos(regexp, '', search_stopline)
" Reached end of search range
if pos == [0, 0]
" Skip folded lines {{{
if EasyMotion#helper#is_folded(pos[0])
" Always forward
keepjumps call cursor(foldclosedend(pos[0]+1), 0)
call add(targets2, pos)
" Merge match target dict"{{{
let t1 = 0 " backward
let t2 = 0 " forward
let targets3 = []
while t1 < len(targets) || t2 < len(targets2)
" Forward -> Backward -> F -> B -> ...
if t2 < len(targets2)
call add(targets3, targets2[t2])
let t2 += 1
if t1 < len(targets)
call add(targets3, targets[t1])
let t1 += 1
let targets = targets3
" Handle no match"{{{
let targets_len = len(targets)
if targets_len == 0
throw 'No matches'
" Attach specific key as marker to gathered matched coordinates
let GroupingFn = function('s:GroupingAlgorithm' . s:grouping_algorithms[g:EasyMotion_grouping])
let groups = GroupingFn(targets, split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs'))
" -- Shade inactive source --------------- {{{
if g:EasyMotion_do_shade && targets_len != 1 && s:flag.dot_repeat != 1
if a:direction == 1
" Backward
let shade_hl_re = '\%'. win_first_line .'l\_.*\%#'
elseif a:direction == 0
" Forward
let shade_hl_re = '\%#\_.*\%'. win_last_line .'l'
elseif a:direction == 2
" Both directions"
let shade_hl_re = '\_.*'
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(
\ shade_hl_re, g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade)
if g:EasyMotion_cursor_highlight
let cursor_hl_re = '\%#'
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(cursor_hl_re,
\ g:EasyMotion_hl_inc_cursor)
" }}}
" -- Jump back before prompt for visual scroll {{{
" Because searchpos() change current cursor position and
" if you just use cursor(s:current.cursor_position) to jump back,
" current line will become middle of line window
if ! empty(a:visualmode)
keepjumps call cursor(win_first_line,0)
normal! zt
" for adjusting cursorline
keepjumps call cursor(s:current.cursor_position)
" -- Prompt user for target group/character {{{
if s:flag.dot_repeat != 1
let coords = s:PromptUser(groups)
let s:previous_target_coord = coords
let coords = s:DotPromptUser(groups)
" -- Update cursor position -------------- {{{
" First, jump back cursor to original position
keepjumps call cursor(s:current.original_position)
" Consider EasyMotion as jump motion :h jump-motion
normal! m`
" Update selection for visual mode {{{
if ! empty(a:visualmode)
exec 'normal! ' . a:visualmode
" }}}
" For bi-directional motion, checking again whether the motion is
" inclusive is necessary. This value will might be updated later
let is_inclusive_check = a:is_inclusive
" For bi-directional motion, store 'true' direction for dot repeat
" to handling inclusive/exclusive motion
if a:direction == 2
let true_direction =
\ EasyMotion#helper#is_greater_coords(
\ s:current.original_position, coords) > 0 ?
\ 0 : 1
" forward : backward
let true_direction = a:direction
if s:flag.dot_repeat == 1
" support dot repeat {{{
" Use visual mode to emulate dot repeat
normal! v
" Deal with exclusive {{{
if s:dot_repeat.is_inclusive == 0
" exclusive
if s:dot_repeat.true_direction == 0 "Forward
let coords[1] -= 1
elseif s:dot_repeat.true_direction == 1 "Backward
" Shift visual selection to left by making cursor one key
" left.
normal! hoh
endif "}}}
" Jump to destination
keepjumps call cursor(coords[0], coords[1])
" Execute previous operator
let cmd = s:dot_repeat.operator
if s:dot_repeat.operator ==# 'c'
let cmd .= getreg('.')
exec 'normal! ' . cmd
" Handle inclusive & exclusive {{{
" Overwrite inclusive flag for special case {{{
if s:flag.find_bd == 1 && true_direction == 1
" Note: For bi-directional find motion s(f) & t
" If true_direction is backward, the motion is 'exclusive'
let is_inclusive_check = 0 " overwrite
let s:previous.is_inclusive = 0 " overwrite
endif "}}}
if is_inclusive_check
" Note: {{{
" Inclusive motion requires that we eat one more
" character to the right by forcing the motion to inclusive
" if we're using a forward motion because
" > :h exclusive
" > Note that when using ':' any motion becomes characterwise
" > exclusive.
" and EasyMotion use ':'
" See: h: o_v }}}
normal! v
endif " }}}
" Adjust screen especially for visual scroll & offscreen search {{{
" Otherwise, cursor line will move middle line of window
keepjumps call cursor(win_first_line, 0)
normal! zt
" Jump to destination
keepjumps call cursor(coords[0], coords[1])
" To avoid side effect of overwriting buffer {{{
" for tpope/vim-repeat
" See: :h b:changedtick
if exists('g:repeat_tick')
if g:repeat_tick == s:current.changedtick
let g:repeat_tick = b:changedtick
endif "}}}
" Set tpope/vim-repeat {{{
if s:current.is_operator == 1 &&
\ !(v:operator ==# 'y' && match(&cpo, 'y') == -1)
" Store previous info for dot repeat {{{
let s:dot_repeat.regexp = a:regexp
let s:dot_repeat.direction = a:direction
let s:dot_repeat.line_flag = s:flag.within_line
let s:dot_repeat.is_inclusive = is_inclusive_check
let s:dot_repeat.operator = v:operator
let s:dot_repeat.bd_t_flag = s:flag.bd_t " Bidirectional t motion
let s:dot_repeat.true_direction = true_direction " Check inclusive
silent! call repeat#set("\<Plug>(easymotion-dotrepeat)")
endif "}}}
call s:Message('Jumping to [' . coords[0] . ', ' . coords[1] . ']')
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 0 " Success
" Show exception message
if g:EasyMotion_ignore_exception != 1
call s:Message(v:exception)
" -- Restore original cursor position/selection {{{
if ! empty(a:visualmode)
silent exec 'normal! gv'
keepjumps call cursor(s:current.cursor_position)
keepjumps call cursor(s:current.original_position)
" }}}
let s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled = 1 " Cancel
" -- Restore properties ------------------ {{{
call s:RestoreValue()
call EasyMotion#reset()
" }}}
" -- Remove shading ---------------------- {{{
call EasyMotion#highlight#delete_highlight()
" }}}
if s:EasyMotion_is_cancelled == 0 " Success
" -- Landing Highlight ------------------- {{{
if g:EasyMotion_landing_highlight
call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(a:regexp,
\ g:EasyMotion_hl_move)
call EasyMotion#highlight#attach_autocmd()
endif "}}}
" -- Activate EasyMotion ----------------- {{{
let s:EasyMotion_is_active = 1
call EasyMotion#attach_active_autocmd() "}}}
endfunction " }}}
" Call Init: {{{
call EasyMotion#init()
" Restore 'cpoptions' {{{
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" }}}
" vim: fdm=marker:et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4