" EasyMotion - Vim motions on speed! " " Author: Kim Silkebækken " Source repository: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion " Script initialization {{{ if exists('g:EasyMotion_loaded') || &compatible || version < 702 finish endif let g:EasyMotion_loaded = 1 " }}} " Default configuration {{{ function! s:InitOptions(options) " {{{ for [key, value] in items(a:options) if ! exists('g:EasyMotion_' . key) exec 'let g:EasyMotion_' . key . ' = ' . string(value) endif endfor endfunction " }}} function! s:InitHL(group, colors) " {{{ let guihl = printf('guibg=%s guifg=%s gui=%s', a:colors.gui[0], a:colors.gui[1], a:colors.gui[2]) let ctermhl = &t_Co == 256 \ ? printf('ctermbg=%s ctermfg=%s cterm=%s', a:colors.cterm256[0], a:colors.cterm256[1], a:colors.cterm256[2]) \ : printf('ctermbg=%s ctermfg=%s cterm=%s', a:colors.cterm[0], a:colors.cterm[1], a:colors.cterm[2]) execute printf('hi default %s %s %s', a:group, guihl, ctermhl) endfunction " }}} function! s:InitMappings(motions) "{{{ for motion in keys(a:motions) call s:InitOptions({ 'mapping_' . motion : '' . motion }) endfor if g:EasyMotion_do_mapping for [motion, fn] in items(a:motions) silent exec 'nnoremap ' . g:EasyMotion_mapping_{motion} . ' :call EasyMotion' . fn.name . '(0, ' . fn.dir . ')' silent exec 'onoremap ' . g:EasyMotion_mapping_{motion} . ' :call EasyMotion' . fn.name . '(0, ' . fn.dir . ')' silent exec 'vnoremap ' . g:EasyMotion_mapping_{motion} . ' :call EasyMotion' . fn.name . '(1, ' . fn.dir . ')' endfor endif endfunction "}}} " Default options {{{ call s:InitOptions({ \ 'keys' : 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' \ , 'target_hl' : 'EasyMotionTarget' \ , 'shade_hl' : 'EasyMotionShade' \ , 'do_shade' : 1 \ , 'do_mapping' : 1 \ , 'grouping' : 1 \ }) " }}} " Default highlighting {{{ let s:target_hl_defaults = { \ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#ff0000' , 'bold'] \ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '196' , 'bold'] \ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', 'red' , 'bold'] \ } let s:shade_hl_defaults = { \ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#585858' , 'NONE'] \ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '240' , 'NONE'] \ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', 'darkgrey', 'NONE'] \ } call s:InitHL(g:EasyMotion_target_hl, s:target_hl_defaults) call s:InitHL(g:EasyMotion_shade_hl, s:shade_hl_defaults) " Reset highlighting after loading a new color scheme {{{ augroup EasyMotionInitHL autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * call s:InitHL(g:EasyMotion_target_hl, s:target_hl_defaults) autocmd ColorScheme * call s:InitHL(g:EasyMotion_shade_hl, s:shade_hl_defaults) augroup end " }}} " }}} " Default key mapping {{{ call s:InitMappings({ \ 'f' : { 'name': 'F' , 'dir': 0 } \ , 'F' : { 'name': 'F' , 'dir': 1 } \ , 't' : { 'name': 'T' , 'dir': 0 } \ , 'T' : { 'name': 'T' , 'dir': 1 } \ , 'w' : { 'name': 'WB', 'dir': 0 } \ , 'b' : { 'name': 'WB', 'dir': 1 } \ , 'e' : { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 0 } \ , 'ge': { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 1 } \ , 'j' : { 'name': 'JK', 'dir': 0 } \ , 'k' : { 'name': 'JK', 'dir': 1 } \ }) " }}} " }}} " Motion functions {{{ function! EasyMotionF(visualmode, direction) " {{{ let char = s:GetSearchChar(a:visualmode) if empty(char) return endif let re = '\C' . escape(char, '.$^~') call s:EasyMotion(re, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', mode(1)) endfunction " }}} function! EasyMotionT(visualmode, direction) " {{{ let char = s:GetSearchChar(a:visualmode) if empty(char) return endif if a:direction == 1 let re = '\C' . escape(char, '.$^~') . '\zs.' else let re = '\C.' . escape(char, '.$^~') endif call s:EasyMotion(re, a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', mode(1)) endfunction " }}} function! EasyMotionWB(visualmode, direction) " {{{ call s:EasyMotion('\<.', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', '') endfunction " }}} function! EasyMotionE(visualmode, direction) " {{{ call s:EasyMotion('.\>', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', mode(1)) endfunction " }}} function! EasyMotionJK(visualmode, direction) " {{{ call s:EasyMotion('\%1v', a:direction, a:visualmode ? visualmode() : '', '') endfunction " }}} " }}} " Helper functions {{{ function! s:Message(message) " {{{ echo 'EasyMotion: ' . a:message endfunction " }}} function! s:Prompt(message) " {{{ echohl Question echo a:message . ': ' echohl None endfunction " }}} function! s:VarReset(var, ...) " {{{ if ! exists('s:var_reset') let s:var_reset = {} endif let buf = bufname("") if a:0 == 0 && has_key(s:var_reset, a:var) " Reset var to original value call setbufvar(buf, a:var, s:var_reset[a:var]) elseif a:0 == 1 let new_value = a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : '' " Store original value let s:var_reset[a:var] = getbufvar(buf, a:var) " Set new var value call setbufvar(buf, a:var, new_value) endif endfunction " }}} function! s:SetLines(lines, key) " {{{ try " Try to join changes with previous undo block undojoin catch endtry for [line_num, line] in a:lines call setline(line_num, line[a:key]) endfor endfunction " }}} function! s:GetChar() " {{{ let char = getchar() if char == 27 " Escape key pressed redraw call s:Message('Cancelled') return '' endif return nr2char(char) endfunction " }}} function! s:GetSearchChar(visualmode) " {{{ call s:Prompt('Search for character') let char = s:GetChar() " Check that we have an input char if empty(char) " Restore selection if ! empty(a:visualmode) silent exec 'normal! gv' endif return '' endif return char endfunction " }}} " }}} " Grouping algorithms {{{ let s:grouping_algorithms = { \ 1: 'SCTree' \ , 2: 'Original' \ } " Single-key/closest target priority tree {{{ " This algorithm tries to assign one-key jumps to all the targets closest to the cursor. " It works recursively and will work correctly with as few keys as two. function! s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(targets, keys) " Prepare variables for working let targets_len = len(a:targets) let keys_len = len(a:keys) let groups = {} let keys = reverse(copy(a:keys)) " Semi-recursively count targets {{{ " We need to know exactly how many child nodes (targets) this branch will have " in order to pass the correct amount of targets to the recursive function. " Prepare sorted target count list {{{ " This is horrible, I know. But dicts aren't sorted in vim, so we need to " work around that. That is done by having one sorted list with key counts, " and a dict which connects the key with the keys_count list. let keys_count = [] let keys_count_keys = {} let i = 0 for key in keys call add(keys_count, 0) let keys_count_keys[key] = i let i += 1 endfor " }}} let targets_left = targets_len let level = 0 let i = 0 while targets_left > 0 " Calculate the amount of child nodes based on the current level let childs_len = (level == 0 ? 1 : (keys_len - 1) ) for key in keys " Add child node count to the keys_count array let keys_count[keys_count_keys[key]] += childs_len " Subtract the child node count let targets_left -= childs_len if targets_left <= 0 " Subtract the targets left if we added too many too " many child nodes to the key count let keys_count[keys_count_keys[key]] += targets_left break endif let i += 1 endfor let level += 1 endwhile " }}} " Create group tree {{{ let i = 0 let key = 0 call reverse(keys_count) for key_count in keys_count if key_count > 1 " We need to create a subgroup " Recurse one level deeper let groups[a:keys[key]] = s:GroupingAlgorithmSCTree(a:targets[i : i + key_count - 1], a:keys) elseif key_count == 1 " Assign single target key let groups[a:keys[key]] = a:targets[i] else " No target continue endif let key += 1 let i += key_count endfor " }}} " Finally! return groups endfunction " }}} " Original {{{ function! s:GroupingAlgorithmOriginal(targets, keys) " Split targets into groups (1 level) let targets_len = len(a:targets) let keys_len = len(a:keys) let groups = {} let i = 0 let root_group = 0 try while root_group < targets_len let groups[a:keys[root_group]] = {} for key in a:keys let groups[a:keys[root_group]][key] = a:targets[i] let i += 1 endfor let root_group += 1 endwhile catch | endtry " Flatten the group array if len(groups) == 1 let groups = groups[a:keys[0]] endif return groups endfunction " }}} " Coord/key dictionary creation {{{ function! s:CreateCoordKeyDict(groups, ...) " Dict structure: " 1,2 : a " 2,3 : b let coord_keys = {} let group_key = a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : '' for [key, item] in items(a:groups) let key = ( ! empty(group_key) ? group_key : key) if type(item) == 3 " Destination coords let coord_keys[join(item, ',')] = key else " Item is a dict (has children) call extend(coord_keys, s:CreateCoordKeyDict(item, key)) endif unlet item endfor return coord_keys endfunction " }}} " }}} " Core functions {{{ function! s:PromptUser(groups) "{{{ " If only one possible match, jump directly to it {{{ let group_values = values(a:groups) if len(group_values) == 1 redraw return group_values[0] endif " }}} " Prepare marker lines {{{ let lines = {} let hl_coords = [] for [coords, target_key] in items(s:CreateCoordKeyDict(a:groups)) let [line_num, col_num] = split(coords, ',') " Add original line and marker line if ! has_key(lines, line_num) let current_line = getline(line_num) let lines[line_num] = { 'orig': current_line, 'marker': current_line } endif if strlen(lines[line_num]['marker']) > 0 " Replace hard tab with spaces if match(lines[line_num]['marker'], '\%' . col_num . 'c\t') != -1 let target_key .= repeat(' ', string(&tabstop) - strlen(target_key)) endif " Substitute marker character if line length > 0 let lines[line_num]['marker'] = substitute(lines[line_num]['marker'], '\%' . col_num . 'c.', target_key, '') else " Set the line to the marker character if the line is empty let lines[line_num]['marker'] = target_key endif " Add highlighting coordinates call add(hl_coords, '\%' . line_num . 'l\%' . col_num . 'c') endfor let lines_items = items(lines) " }}} " Highlight targets {{{ let target_hl_id = matchadd(g:EasyMotion_target_hl, join(hl_coords, '\|'), 1) " }}} try " Set lines with markers call s:SetLines(lines_items, 'marker') redraw " Get target character {{{ call s:Prompt('Target key') let char = s:GetChar() " }}} finally " Restore original lines call s:SetLines(lines_items, 'orig') " Un-highlight targets {{{ if exists('target_hl_id') call matchdelete(target_hl_id) endif " }}} redraw endtry " Check if we have an input char {{{ if empty(char) throw 'Cancelled' endif " }}} " Check if the input char is valid {{{ if ! has_key(a:groups, char) throw 'Invalid target' endif " }}} let target = a:groups[char] if type(target) == 3 " Return target coordinates return target else " Prompt for new target character return s:PromptUser(target) endif endfunction "}}} function! s:EasyMotion(regexp, direction, visualmode, mode) " {{{ let orig_pos = [line('.'), col('.')] let targets = [] try " Reset properties {{{ call s:VarReset('&scrolloff', 0) call s:VarReset('&modified', 0) call s:VarReset('&modifiable', 1) call s:VarReset('&readonly', 0) " }}} " Find motion targets {{{ let search_direction = (a:direction == 1 ? 'b' : '') let search_stopline = line(a:direction == 1 ? 'w0' : 'w$') while 1 let pos = searchpos(a:regexp, search_direction, search_stopline) " Reached end of search range if pos == [0, 0] break endif " Skip folded lines if foldclosed(pos[0]) != -1 continue endif call add(targets, pos) endwhile let targets_len = len(targets) if targets_len == 0 throw 'No matches' endif " }}} let GroupingFn = function('s:GroupingAlgorithm' . s:grouping_algorithms[g:EasyMotion_grouping]) let groups = GroupingFn(targets, split(g:EasyMotion_keys, '\zs')) " Shade inactive source {{{ if g:EasyMotion_do_shade let shade_hl_pos = '\%' . orig_pos[0] . 'l\%'. orig_pos[1] .'c' if a:direction == 1 " Backward let shade_hl_re = '\%'. line('w0') .'l\_.*' . shade_hl_pos else " Forward let shade_hl_re = shade_hl_pos . '\_.*\%'. line('w$') .'l' endif let shade_hl_id = matchadd(g:EasyMotion_shade_hl, shade_hl_re, 0) endif " }}} " Prompt user for target group/character let coords = s:PromptUser(groups) " Update selection {{{ if ! empty(a:visualmode) call cursor(orig_pos[0], orig_pos[1]) exec 'normal! ' . a:visualmode endif " }}} " Handle operator-pending mode {{{ if a:mode == 'no' " This mode requires that we eat one more " character to the right if we're using " a forward motion if a:direction != 1 let coords[1] += 1 endif endif " }}} " Update cursor position call cursor(coords[0], coords[1]) call s:Message('Jumping to [' . coords[0] . ', ' . coords[1] . ']') catch redraw " Show exception message call s:Message(v:exception) " Restore original cursor position/selection {{{ if ! empty(a:visualmode) silent exec 'normal! gv' else call cursor(orig_pos[0], orig_pos[1]) endif " }}} finally " Restore properties {{{ call s:VarReset('&scrolloff') call s:VarReset('&modified') call s:VarReset('&modifiable') call s:VarReset('&readonly') " }}} " Remove shading {{{ if g:EasyMotion_do_shade && exists('shade_hl_id') call matchdelete(shade_hl_id) endif " }}} endtry endfunction " }}} " }}}