scriptencoding utf-8 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:_vital_loaded(V) let s:V = a:V let s:String = s:V.import("Over.String") let s:Signals = s:V.import("Over.Signals") let s:Module = s:V.import("Over.Commandline.Modules") let s:List = s:V.import("Data.List") let s:base.variables.modules = s:Signals.make() function! s:base.variables.modules.get_slot(val) return a:val.slot.module endfunction endfunction function! s:_vital_depends() return [ \ "Over.String", \ "Over.Signals", \ "Over.Commandline.Modules", \ "Data.List", \ ] endfunction function! s:make(...) let result = deepcopy(s:base) call result.set_prompt(get(a:, 1, ":")) call result.connect(result, "_") return result endfunction function! s:make_plain() return deepcpy(s:base) endfunction let s:base = { \ "line" : {}, \ "variables" : { \ "prompt" : "", \ "char" : "", \ "input" : "", \ "tap_key" : "", \ "exit" : 0, \ "keymapping" : {}, \ "suffix" : "", \ }, \ "highlights" : { \ "prompt" : "NONE", \ "cursor" : "VitalOverCommandLineCursor", \ "cursor_on" : "VitalOverCommandLineCursorOn", \ "cursor_insert" : "VitalOverCommandLineOnCursor", \ }, \} if exists("s:Signals") let s:base.variables.modules = s:Signals.make() function! s:base.variables.modules.get_slot(val) return a:val.slot.module endfunction endif function! s:base.getline() return self.line.str() endfunction function! s:base.setline(line) return self.line.set(a:line) endfunction function! s:base.char() return self.variables.char endfunction function! s:base.setchar(char, ...) " 1 の場合は既に設定されていても上書きする " 0 の場合は既に設定されていれば上書きしない let overwrite = get(a:, 1, 1) if overwrite || self.variables.input == self.char() let self.variables.input = a:char endif endfunction function! s:base.getpos() return self.line.pos() endfunction function! s:base.setpos(pos) return self.line.set_pos(a:pos) endfunction function! s:base.tap_keyinput(key) let self.variables.tap_key = a:key endfunction function! s:base.untap_keyinput(key) if self.variables.tap_key == a:key let self.variables.tap_key = "" return 1 endif endfunction function! s:base.get_tap_key() return self.variables.tap_key endfunction function! s:base.is_input(key, ...) let prekey = get(a:, 1, "") return self.get_tap_key() == prekey \ && self.char() == a:key " \ && self.char() == (prekey . a:key) endfunction function! s:base.input_key() return self.variables.input_key endfunction function! s:base.set_prompt(prompt) let self.variables.prompt = a:prompt endfunction function! s:base.get_prompt() return self.variables.prompt endfunction function! s:base.set_suffix(str) let self.variables.suffix = a:str endfunction function! s:base.get_suffix() return self.variables.suffix endfunction function! s:base.insert(word, ...) if a:0 call self.line.set(a:1) endif call self.line.input(a:word) endfunction function! s:base.forward() return self.line.forward() endfunction function! s:base.backward() return self.line.backward() endfunction function! s:base.connect(module, ...) if type(a:module) == type("") return call(self.connect, [s:Module.make(a:module)] + a:000, self) endif if empty(a:module) return endif let name = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : let slot = self.variables.modules.find_first_by("get(v:val.slot, 'name', '') == " . string(name)) if empty(slot) call self.variables.modules.connect({ "name" : name, "module" : a:module }) else let slot.slot.module = a:module endif " let self.variables.modules[name] = a:module endfunction function! s:base.disconnect(name) return self.variables.modules.disconnect_by( \ "get(v:val.slot, 'name', '') == " . string(a:name) \ ) " unlet self.variables.modules[a:name] endfunction function! s:base.get_module(name) let slot = self.variables.modules.find_first_by("get(v:val.slot, 'name', '') == " . string(a:name)) return empty(slot) ? {} : slot.slot.module endfunction function! s:base.callevent(event) call self.variables.modules.sort_by("has_key(v:val.slot.module, 'priority') ? v:val.slot.module.priority('" . a:event . "') : 0") return, [self]) " call map(filter(copy(self.variables.modules), "has_key(v:val, a:event)"), "v:val." . a:event . "(self)") endfunction function! s:base.cmap(lhs, rhs) let self.variables.keymapping[a:lhs] = a:rhs endfunction function! s:base.cnoremap(lhs, rhs) let self.variables.keymapping[a:lhs] = { \ "key" : a:rhs, \ "noremap" : 1, \ } endfunction function! s:base.cunmap(lhs) unlet self.variables.keymapping[a:lhs] endfunction function! s:base.keymapping() return {} endfunction function! s:base.execute(...) let command = get(a:, 1, self.getline()) call self._execute(command) " execute self.getline() endfunction function! s:base.draw() call self.callevent("on_draw_pre") call self.callevent("on_draw") endfunction function! s:base.exit(...) let self.variables.exit = 1 let self.variables.exit_code = get(a:, 1, 0) endfunction function! s:base.enable_keymapping() let self.variables.enable_keymapping = 1 endfunction function! s:base.disable_keymapping() let self.variables.enable_keymapping = 0 endfunction function! s:base.is_enable_keymapping() return self.variables.enable_keymapping endfunction " function! s:base.cancel() " call self.exit(1) " call self._on_cancel() " endfunction function! s:base.exit_code() return self.variables.exit_code endfunction function! s:base.hl_cursor_on() if exists("self.variables.old_guicursor") set guicursor& let &guicursor = self.variables.old_guicursor unlet self.variables.old_guicursor endif if exists("self.variables.old_t_ve") let &t_ve = self.variables.old_t_ve unlet self.variables.old_t_ve endif endfunction function! s:base.hl_cursor_off() if exists("self.variables.old_t_ve") return endif let self.variables.old_guicursor = &guicursor set guicursor=n:block-NONE let self.variables.old_t_ve = &t_ve set t_ve= endfunction function! s:base.start(...) let exit_code = call(self._main, a:000, self) return exit_code endfunction function! s:base.__empty(...) endfunction function! s:base.get(...) let Old_execute = self.execute let self.execute = self.__empty try let exit_code = self.start() if exit_code == 0 return self.getline() endif finally let self.execute = Old_execute endtry return "" endfunction function! s:base._init() let self.variables.tap_key = "" let self.variables.char = "" let self.variables.input = "" let self.variables.exit = 0 let self.variables.exit_code = 1 let self.variables.enable_keymapping = 1 call self.hl_cursor_off() if !hlexists(self.highlights.cursor) execute "highlight link " . self.highlights.cursor . " Cursor" endif if !hlexists(self.highlights.cursor_on) execute "highlight link " . self.highlights.cursor_on . " " . self.highlights.cursor endif if !hlexists(self.highlights.cursor_insert) execute "highlight " . self.highlights.cursor_insert . " cterm=underline term=underline gui=underline" endif endfunction function! s:base._execute(command) call self.callevent("on_execute_pre") try execute a:command catch echohl ErrorMsg echom matchstr(v:exception, 'Vim\((\w*)\)\?:\zs.*\ze') echohl None call self.callevent("on_execute_failed") finally call self.callevent("on_execute") endtry endfunction function! s:base._input(input, ...) let self.variables.input_key = a:input if self.is_enable_keymapping() let key = s:_unmap(self._get_keymapping(), a:input) else let key = a:input endif for char in s:_split_keys(key) let self.variables.input_key = char let self.variables.char = char call self.setchar(self.variables.char) call self.callevent("on_char_pre") call self.insert(self.variables.input) call self.callevent("on_char") endfor endfunction function! s:base._main(...) try call self._init() let self.line = deepcopy(s:String.make(get(a:, 1, ""))) call self.callevent("on_enter") call self.draw() while !self._is_exit() try " call self.callevent("on_update") " if !getchar(1) " continue " endif " " call self._input(s:_getchar(0)) " call self.draw() call self._input(s:_getchar()) call self.draw() catch call self.callevent("on_exception") endtry endwhile catch echohl ErrorMsg | echom v:throwpoint . " " . v:exception | echohl None let self.variables.exit_code = -1 finally call self._finish() call self.callevent("on_leave") endtry return self.exit_code() endfunction function! s:base._finish() call self.hl_cursor_on() endfunction function! s:base._is_exit() return self.variables.exit endfunction function! s:_as_key_config(config) let base = { \ "noremap" : 0, \ "lock" : 0, \ } return type(a:config) == type({}) ? extend(base, a:config) \ : extend(base, { \ "key" : a:config, \ }) endfunction function! s:_unmap(mapping, key) let keys = s:_split_keys(a:key) if len(keys) > 1 return join(map(keys, 's:_unmap(a:mapping, v:val)'), '') endif if !has_key(a:mapping, a:key) return a:key endif let rhs = s:_as_key_config(a:mapping[a:key]) let next = s:_as_key_config(get(a:mapping, rhs.key, {})) if rhs.noremap && next.lock == 0 return rhs.key endif return s:_unmap(a:mapping, rhs.key) endfunction function! s:base._get_keymapping() let result = {} " for module in values(self.variables.modules) for module in self.variables.modules.slots() if has_key(module, "keymapping") if module isnot self call extend(result, module.keymapping(self)) endif endif endfor return extend(extend(result, self.variables.keymapping), self.keymapping()) endfunction function! s:_getchar(...) let char = call("getchar", a:000) return type(char) == type(0) ? nr2char(char) : char endfunction function! s:_split(str, pat) let pat = '\%#=2' . a:pat let list = split(a:str, pat . '\zs') return s:List.flatten(map(list, 'v:val == a:pat ? a:pat : v:val =~ pat . ''$'' ? split(v:val, pat) + [a:pat] : v:val')) endfunction function! s:_split_keystring(str, pats, ...) if a:str =~ '^(.\{-})$' \ || a:str =~ "^\(.\\{-})$" return [a:str] endif let pats = a:pats let index = get(a:, 1, 0) if !exists("+regexpengine") \ || index > len(pats) \ || len(filter(copy(pats), 'a:str =~ ''\%#=2'' . v:val')) == 0 if len(filter(copy(pats), 'a:str ==# v:val')) == 0 return split(a:str, '\zs') else return [a:str] endif endif if len(filter(copy(pats), 'a:str == v:val')) == 1 return [a:str] endif let result = [] let pat = pats[index] let list = s:_split(a:str, pat) let result += eval(join(map(list, "s:_split_keystring(v:val, pats, index+1)"), "+")) return result endfunction let s:special_keys = [ \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \ "\", \] " \ "\", -> conflict with 4 " \ "\", -> conflict with 7 function! s:_split_keys(str) return s:_split_keystring(a:str, s:special_keys) endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo