"============================================================================= " FILE: autoload/EasyMotion/command_line.vim " AUTHOR: haya14busa " Reference: https://github.com/osyo-manga/vim-over " Last Change: 06 Feb 2014. " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= scriptencoding utf-8 " Saving 'cpoptions' {{{ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " }}} " CommandLine: let s:cmdline = vital#of("easymotion").import("Over.Commandline") let s:search = s:cmdline.make_plain("/") let s:search.highlights.prompt = "Question" " Add Module: {{{ call s:search.connect('Delete') call s:search.connect('CursorMove') call s:search.connect('Paste') call s:search.connect('BufferComplete') call s:search.connect('InsertRegister') call s:search.connect(s:cmdline.get_module('History').make('/')) call s:search.connect(s:cmdline.get_module('NoInsert').make_special_chars()) call s:search.connect(s:cmdline.get_module('KeyMapping').make_emacs()) call s:search.connect(s:cmdline.get_module('Doautocmd').make('EMCommandLine')) let s:module = { \ "name" : "EasyMotion", \} function! s:module.on_char_pre(cmdline) if a:cmdline.is_input("(em-scroll-f)") call s:scroll(0) call a:cmdline.setchar('') elseif a:cmdline.is_input("(em-scroll-b)") call s:scroll(1) call a:cmdline.setchar('') elseif a:cmdline.is_input("(em-jumpback)") keepjumps call setpos('.', s:save_orig_pos) let s:orig_pos = s:save_orig_pos let s:orig_line_start = getpos('w0') let s:orig_line_end = getpos('w$') let s:direction = s:save_direction call a:cmdline.setchar('') elseif a:cmdline.is_input("(em-openallfold)") " TODO: better solution normal! zR call a:cmdline.setchar('') endif endfunction call s:search.connect(s:module) "}}} " CommandLine Keymap: {{{ function! s:search.keymapping() "{{{ return { \ "\" : { \ "key" : "(buffer-complete)", \ "noremap" : 1, \ }, \ "\" : { \ "key" : "(em-scroll-f)", \ "noremap" : 1, \ }, \ "\" : { \ "key" : "(em-scroll-b)", \ "noremap" : 1, \ }, \ "\" : { \ "key" : "(em-jumpback)", \ "noremap" : 1, \ }, \ "\" : { \ "key" : "(em-openallfold)", \ "noremap" : 1, \ }, \ } endfunction "}}} " Fins Motion CommandLine Mapping Command: {{{ function! EasyMotion#command_line#cmap(args) let lhs = s:as_keymapping(a:args[0]) let rhs = s:as_keymapping(a:args[1]) call s:search.cmap(lhs, rhs) endfunction function! EasyMotion#command_line#cnoremap(args) let lhs = s:as_keymapping(a:args[0]) let rhs = s:as_keymapping(a:args[1]) call s:search.cnoremap(lhs, rhs) endfunction function! EasyMotion#command_line#cunmap(lhs) let lhs = s:as_keymapping(a:lhs) call s:search.cunmap(lhs) endfunction function! s:as_keymapping(key) execute 'let result = "' . substitute(a:key, '\(<.\{-}>\)', '\\\1', 'g') . '"' return result endfunction "}}} "}}} " Event: {{{ function! s:search.on_enter() "{{{ if s:num_strokes == -1 call EasyMotion#highlight#delete_highlight() if g:EasyMotion_do_shade call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight('\_.*', \ g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade) endif call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight('\%#', \ g:EasyMotion_hl_inc_cursor) endif endfunction "}}} function! s:search.on_leave() "{{{ call EasyMotion#highlight#delete_highlight(g:EasyMotion_hl_inc_search) endfunction "}}} function! s:search.on_char() "{{{ if s:num_strokes == -1 let re = s:search.getline() if g:EasyMotion_inc_highlight let case_flag = EasyMotion#helper#should_use_smartcase(re) ? \ '\c' : '\C' let re .= case_flag call s:inc_highlight(re) endif if g:EasyMotion_off_screen_search call s:off_screen_search(re) endif elseif s:search.line.length() >= s:num_strokes call s:search.exit() endif endfunction "}}} " Main: function! EasyMotion#command_line#GetInput(num_strokes, prev, direction) "{{{ let s:num_strokes = a:num_strokes let s:search.prompt = s:getPromptMessage(a:num_strokes) " Screen: cursor position, first and last line let s:orig_pos = getpos('.') let s:orig_line_start = getpos('w0') let s:orig_line_end = getpos('w$') let s:save_orig_pos = deepcopy(s:orig_pos) " Direction: let s:direction = a:direction == 1 ? 'b' : '' let s:save_direction = deepcopy(s:direction) let input = s:search.get() if input == '' && ! s:search.exit_code() return a:prev elseif s:search.exit_code() == 1 " cancelled call s:Cancell() return '' else return input endif endfunction "}}} " Helper: function! s:Cancell() " {{{ call EasyMotion#highlight#delete_highlight() keepjumps call setpos('.', s:save_orig_pos) echo 'EasyMotion: Cancelled' return '' endfunction " }}} function! s:getPromptMessage(num_strokes) "{{{ if a:num_strokes == 1 let prompt = substitute( \ substitute(g:EasyMotion_prompt,'{n}', a:num_strokes, 'g'), \ '(s)', '', 'g') elseif a:num_strokes == -1 let prompt = substitute( \ substitute(g:EasyMotion_prompt, '{n}\s\{0,1}', '', 'g'), \ '(s)', 's', 'g') else let prompt = substitute( \ substitute(g:EasyMotion_prompt,'{n}', a:num_strokes, 'g'), \ '(s)', 's', 'g') endif return prompt endfunction "}}} function! s:off_screen_search(re) "{{{ " First: search within visible screen range call s:adjust_screen() " Error occur when '\zs' without '!' silent! let pos = searchpos(a:re, s:direction . 'n', s:orig_line_end[1]) if pos != [0, 0] " Restore cursor posision keepjumps call setpos('.', s:orig_pos) else " Second: if there were no much, search off screen silent! let pos = searchpos(a:re, s:direction) if pos != [0, 0] " Match keepjumps call setpos('.', pos) " Move cursor if s:save_direction != 'b' normal! zzH0 else normal! zzL0 endif else " No much call s:adjust_screen() keepjumps call setpos('.', s:orig_pos) endif endif endfunction "}}} function! s:adjust_screen() "{{{ if s:save_direction != 'b' " Forward keepjumps call setpos('.', s:orig_line_start) normal! zt else " Backward keepjumps call setpos('.', s:orig_line_end) normal! zb endif endfunction "}}} function! s:scroll(direction) "{{{ " direction: 0 -> forward, 1 -> backward exec a:direction == 0 ? "normal! \" : "normal! \" let s:orig_pos = getpos('.') let s:orig_line_start = getpos('w0') let s:orig_line_end = getpos('w$') let s:direction = a:direction == 0 ? '' : 'b' endfunction "}}} function! s:inc_highlight(re) "{{{ call EasyMotion#highlight#delete_highlight(g:EasyMotion_hl_inc_search) if s:search.line.length() > 0 " Error occur when '\zs' without '!' silent! call EasyMotion#highlight#add_highlight(a:re, g:EasyMotion_hl_inc_search) endif endfunction "}}} " Restore 'cpoptions' {{{ let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " }}} " vim: fdm=marker:et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4