let s:self_version = expand(':t:r') let s:self_file = expand('') " Note: The extra argument to globpath() was added in Patch 7.2.051. let s:globpath_third_arg = v:version > 702 || v:version == 702 && has('patch51') let s:loaded = {} let s:cache_module_path = {} let s:cache_sid = {} let s:_vital_files_cache_runtimepath = '' let s:_vital_files_cache = [] let s:_unify_path_cache = {} function! s:import(name, ...) abort let target = {} let functions = [] for a in a:000 if type(a) == type({}) let target = a elseif type(a) == type([]) let functions = a endif unlet a endfor let module = s:_import(a:name) if empty(functions) call extend(target, module, 'keep') else for f in functions if has_key(module, f) && !has_key(target, f) let target[f] = module[f] endif endfor endif return target endfunction function! s:load(...) dict abort for arg in a:000 let [name; as] = type(arg) == type([]) ? arg[: 1] : [arg, arg] let target = split(join(as, ''), '\W\+') let dict = self let dict_type = type({}) while !empty(target) let ns = remove(target, 0) if !has_key(dict, ns) let dict[ns] = {} endif if type(dict[ns]) == dict_type let dict = dict[ns] else unlet dict break endif endwhile if exists('dict') call extend(dict, s:_import(name)) endif unlet arg endfor return self endfunction function! s:unload() abort let s:loaded = {} let s:cache_sid = {} let s:cache_module_path = {} endfunction function! s:exists(name) abort return s:_get_module_path(a:name) !=# '' endfunction function! s:search(pattern) abort let paths = s:_vital_files(a:pattern) let modules = sort(map(paths, 's:_file2module(v:val)')) return s:_uniq(modules) endfunction function! s:expand_modules(entry, all) abort if type(a:entry) == type([]) let candidates = s:_concat(map(copy(a:entry), 's:search(v:val)')) if empty(candidates) throw printf('vital: Any of module %s is not found', string(a:entry)) endif if eval(join(map(copy(candidates), 'has_key(a:all, v:val)'), '+')) let modules = [] else let modules = [candidates[0]] endif else let modules = s:search(a:entry) if empty(modules) throw printf('vital: Module %s is not found', a:entry) endif endif call filter(modules, '!has_key(a:all, v:val)') for module in modules let a:all[module] = 1 endfor return modules endfunction function! s:_import(name) abort if type(a:name) == type(0) return s:_build_module(a:name) endif let path = s:_get_module_path(a:name) if path ==# '' throw 'vital: module not found: ' . a:name endif let sid = s:_get_sid_by_script(path) if !sid try execute 'source' fnameescape(path) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\?:E484/ throw 'vital: module not found: ' . a:name catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\?:E127/ " Ignore. endtry let sid = s:_get_sid_by_script(path) endif return s:_build_module(sid) endfunction function! s:_get_module_path(name) abort let key = a:name . '_' if has_key(s:cache_module_path, key) return s:cache_module_path[key] endif if s:_is_absolute_path(a:name) && filereadable(a:name) return a:name endif if a:name ==# '' let paths = [s:self_file] elseif a:name =~# '\v^\u\w*%(\.\u\w*)*$' let paths = s:_vital_files(a:name) else throw 'vital: Invalid module name: ' . a:name endif call filter(paths, 'filereadable(expand(v:val, 1))') let path = get(paths, 0, '') let s:cache_module_path[key] = path return path endfunction function! s:_get_sid_by_script(path) abort if has_key(s:cache_sid, a:path) return s:cache_sid[a:path] endif let path = s:_unify_path(a:path) for line in filter(split(s:_redir('scriptnames'), "\n"), \ 'stridx(v:val, s:self_version) > 0') let list = matchlist(line, '^\s*\(\d\+\):\s\+\(.\+\)\s*$') if !empty(list) && s:_unify_path(list[2]) ==# path let s:cache_sid[a:path] = list[1] - 0 return s:cache_sid[a:path] endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! s:_file2module(file) abort let filename = fnamemodify(a:file, ':p:gs?[\\/]?/?') let tail = matchstr(filename, 'autoload/vital/_\w\+/\zs.*\ze\.vim$') return join(split(tail, '[\\/]\+'), '.') endfunction if filereadable(expand(':r') . '.VIM') " resolve() is slow, so we cache results. " Note: On windows, vim can't expand path names from 8.3 formats. " So if getting full path via and $HOME was set as 8.3 format, " vital load duplicated scripts. Below's :~ avoid this issue. function! s:_unify_path(path) abort if has_key(s:_unify_path_cache, a:path) return s:_unify_path_cache[a:path] endif let value = tolower(fnamemodify(resolve(fnamemodify( \ a:path, ':p')), ':~:gs?[\\/]?/?')) let s:_unify_path_cache[a:path] = value return value endfunction else function! s:_unify_path(path) abort return resolve(fnamemodify(a:path, ':p:gs?[\\/]?/?')) endfunction endif if s:globpath_third_arg function! s:_runtime_files(path) abort return split(globpath(&runtimepath, a:path, 1), "\n") endfunction else function! s:_runtime_files(path) abort return split(globpath(&runtimepath, a:path), "\n") endfunction endif function! s:_vital_files(pattern) abort if s:_vital_files_cache_runtimepath !=# &runtimepath let path = printf('autoload/vital/%s/**/*.vim', s:self_version) let s:_vital_files_cache = s:_runtime_files(path) let mod = ':p:gs?[\\/]\+?/?' call map(s:_vital_files_cache, 'fnamemodify(v:val, mod)') let s:_vital_files_cache_runtimepath = &runtimepath endif let target = substitute(a:pattern, '\.', '/', 'g') let target = substitute(target, '\*', '[^/]*', 'g') let regexp = printf('autoload/vital/%s/%s.vim', s:self_version, target) return filter(copy(s:_vital_files_cache), 'v:val =~# regexp') endfunction " Copy from System.Filepath if has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') function! s:_is_absolute_path(path) abort return a:path =~? '^[a-z]:[/\\]' endfunction else function! s:_is_absolute_path(path) abort return a:path[0] ==# '/' endfunction endif function! s:_build_module(sid) abort if has_key(s:loaded, a:sid) return copy(s:loaded[a:sid]) endif let functions = s:_get_functions(a:sid) let prefix = '' . a:sid . '_' let module = {} for func in functions let module[func] = function(prefix . func) endfor if has_key(module, '_vital_loaded') let V = vital#{s:self_version}#new() if has_key(module, '_vital_depends') let all = {} let modules = \ s:_concat(map(module._vital_depends(), \ 's:expand_modules(v:val, all)')) call call(V.load, modules, V) endif try call module._vital_loaded(V) catch " FIXME: Show an error message for debug. endtry endif if !get(g:, 'vital_debug', 0) call filter(module, 'v:key =~# "^\\a"') endif let s:loaded[a:sid] = module return copy(module) endfunction if exists('+regexpengine') function! s:_get_functions(sid) abort let funcs = s:_redir(printf("function /\\%%#=2^\%d_", a:sid)) let map_pat = '' . a:sid . '_\zs\w\+' return map(split(funcs, "\n"), 'matchstr(v:val, map_pat)') endfunction else function! s:_get_functions(sid) abort let prefix = '' . a:sid . '_' let funcs = s:_redir('function') let filter_pat = '^\s*function ' . prefix let map_pat = prefix . '\zs\w\+' return map(filter(split(funcs, "\n"), \ 'stridx(v:val, prefix) > 0 && v:val =~# filter_pat'), \ 'matchstr(v:val, map_pat)') endfunction endif if exists('*uniq') function! s:_uniq(list) abort return uniq(a:list) endfunction else function! s:_uniq(list) abort let i = len(a:list) - 1 while 0 < i if a:list[i] ==# a:list[i - 1] call remove(a:list, i) let i -= 2 else let i -= 1 endif endwhile return a:list endfunction endif function! s:_concat(lists) abort let result_list = [] for list in a:lists let result_list += list endfor return result_list endfunction function! s:_redir(cmd) abort let [save_verbose, save_verbosefile] = [&verbose, &verbosefile] set verbose=0 verbosefile= redir => res silent! execute a:cmd redir END let [&verbose, &verbosefile] = [save_verbose, save_verbosefile] return res endfunction function! vital#{s:self_version}#new() abort return s:_import('') endfunction