Perform refactoring plug/easymotion.vim and init.vim

Flatten indent and Delete InitOptions function
This commit is contained in:
haya14busa 2014-01-10 23:08:03 +09:00
parent 7568f2f561
commit fb81281dc8
2 changed files with 164 additions and 161 deletions

View File

@ -3,14 +3,6 @@ let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" }}}
function! EasyMotion#init#InitOptions(options) " {{{
for [key, value] in items(a:options)
if ! exists('g:EasyMotion_' . key)
exec 'let g:EasyMotion_' . key . ' = ' . string(value)
endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#init#InitHL(group, colors) " {{{
let group_default = a:group . 'Default'
@ -44,14 +36,14 @@ endfunction " }}}
function! EasyMotion#init#InitMappings(motions, do_mapping) "{{{
for [motion, fn] in items(a:motions)
" Prepare <Plug> mapping {{{
silent exec 'nnoremap <silent>
\ <Plug>(easymotion-' . motion . ')
silent exec 'nnoremap <silent>' .
\ '<Plug>(easymotion-' . motion . ')
\ :call EasyMotion#' . . '(0, ' . fn.dir . ')<CR>'
silent exec 'onoremap <silent>
\ <Plug>(easymotion-' . motion . ')
silent exec 'onoremap <silent>' .
\ '<Plug>(easymotion-' . motion . ')
\ :call EasyMotion#' . . '(0, ' . fn.dir . ')<CR>'
silent exec 'vnoremap <silent>
\ <Plug>(easymotion-' . motion . ')
silent exec 'vnoremap <silent>' .
\ '<Plug>(easymotion-' . motion . ')
\ :<C-u>call EasyMotion#' . . '(1, ' . fn.dir . ')<CR>'
@ -74,14 +66,14 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! EasyMotion#init#InitSpecialMappings(motions, do_mapping) "{{{
for [motion, fn] in items(a:motions)
silent exec 'onoremap <silent>
\ <Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :call EasyMotion#' . . '()<CR>'
silent exec 'vnoremap <silent>
\ <Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :<C-u>call EasyMotion#' . . '()<CR>'
silent exec 'nnoremap <silent>
\ y<Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :call EasyMotion#' . . 'Yank()<CR>'
silent exec 'nnoremap <silent>
\ d<Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :call EasyMotion#' . . 'Delete()<CR>'
silent exec 'onoremap <silent>' .
\ '<Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :call EasyMotion#' . . '()<CR>'
silent exec 'vnoremap <silent>' .
\ '<Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :<C-u>call EasyMotion#' . . '()<CR>'
silent exec 'nnoremap <silent>' .
\ 'y<Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :call EasyMotion#' . . 'Yank()<CR>'
silent exec 'nnoremap <silent>' .
\ 'd<Plug>(easymotion-special-' . motion . ') :call EasyMotion#' . . 'Delete()<CR>'
" Do mapping {{{
if a:do_mapping

View File

@ -3,158 +3,169 @@
" Author: Kim Silkebækken <>
" Source repository:
" Script initialization {{{
if exists('g:EasyMotion_loaded') || &compatible || version < 702
" == Script initialization {{{
if exists('g:EasyMotion_loaded') || &compatible || version < 702
let g:EasyMotion_loaded = 1
let g:EasyMotion_loaded = 1
" }}}
" Saving 'cpoptions' {{{
" == Saving 'cpoptions' {{{
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" }}}
" Default configuration {{{
" Default options {{{
let g:EasyMotion_do_mapping = get(g:, 'EasyMotion_do_mapping', 1)
if g:EasyMotion_do_mapping == 1
if exists('g:EasyMotion_leader_key')
exec 'map ' . g:EasyMotion_leader_key . ' <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)'
if !hasmapto('<Plug>(easymotion-prefix)')
map <Leader><Leader> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
call EasyMotion#init#InitOptions({
\ 'keys' : 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
\ , 'do_shade' : 1
\ , 'do_special_mapping' : 0
\ , 'grouping' : 1
\ , 'startofline' : 1
\ , 'smartcase' : 0
\ , 'skipfoldedline' : 1
\ , 'use_migemo' : 0
\ , 'use_upper' : 0
\ , 'enter_jump_first' : 0
\ , 'hl_group_target' : 'EasyMotionTarget'
\ , 'hl2_first_group_target' : 'EasyMotionTarget2First'
\ , 'hl2_second_group_target' : 'EasyMotionTarget2Second'
\ , 'hl_group_shade' : 'EasyMotionShade'
\ , 'hl_line_group_shade' : 'EasyMotionShadeLine'
\ })
" }}}
" Default highlighting {{{
let s:target_hl_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#ff0000' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '196' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', 'red' , 'bold']
\ }
" == Default configuration {{{
" -- Option ------------------------------ {{{
let g:EasyMotion_keys = get(g:,
\ 'EasyMotion_keys', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
let g:EasyMotion_do_mapping = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_do_mapping' , 1)
let g:EasyMotion_do_special_mapping = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_do_special_mapping' , 0)
let g:EasyMotion_do_shade = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_do_shade' , 1)
let g:EasyMotion_grouping = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_grouping' , 1)
let g:EasyMotion_startofline = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_startofline' , 1)
let g:EasyMotion_smartcase = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_smartcase' , 0)
let g:EasyMotion_skipfoldedline = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_skipfoldedline' , 1)
let g:EasyMotion_use_migemo = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_use_migemo' , 0)
let g:EasyMotion_use_upper = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_use_upper' , 0)
let g:EasyMotion_enter_jump_first = get(g: , 'EasyMotion_enter_jump_first' , 0)
let s:target_hl2_first_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#ffb400' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '11' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', '11' , 'bold']
\ }
" -- Default highlighting ---------------- {{{
let g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target = get(g:,
\ 'EasyMotion_hl_group_target', 'EasyMotionTarget')
let g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target = get(g:,
\ 'EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target', 'EasyMotionTarget2First')
let g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target = get(g:,
\ 'EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target', 'EasyMotionTarget2Second')
let g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade = get(g:,
\ 'EasyMotion_hl_group_shade', 'EasyMotionShade')
let g:EasyMotion_hl_line_group_shade = get(g:,
\ 'EasyMotion_hl_line_group_shade', 'EasyMotionShadeLine')
let s:target_hl2_second_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#b98300' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '3' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', '3' , 'bold']
\ }
let s:target_hl_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#ff0000' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '196' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', 'red' , 'bold']
\ }
let s:shade_hl_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#777777' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '242' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', 'grey' , 'NONE']
\ }
let s:target_hl2_first_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#ffb400' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '11' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', '11' , 'bold']
\ }
let s:shade_hl_line_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['red' , '#FFFFFF' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm256': ['red' , '242' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm' : ['red' , 'grey' , 'NONE']
\ }
let s:target_hl2_second_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#b98300' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '3' , 'bold']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', '3' , 'bold']
\ }
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target, s:target_hl_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target, s:target_hl2_first_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target, s:target_hl2_second_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade, s:shade_hl_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_line_group_shade, s:shade_hl_line_defaults)
let s:shade_hl_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['NONE', '#777777' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm256': ['NONE', '242' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm' : ['NONE', 'grey' , 'NONE']
\ }
" Reset highlighting after loading a new color scheme {{{
augroup EasyMotionInitHL
let s:shade_hl_line_defaults = {
\ 'gui' : ['red' , '#FFFFFF' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm256': ['red' , '242' , 'NONE']
\ , 'cterm' : ['red' , 'grey' , 'NONE']
\ }
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target, s:target_hl_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target, s:target_hl2_first_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target, s:target_hl2_second_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade, s:shade_hl_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_line_group_shade, s:shade_hl_line_defaults)
augroup end
" }}}
" }}}
" Default key mapping {{{
call EasyMotion#init#InitMappings({
\ 'f' : { 'name': 'F' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'F' : { 'name': 'F' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 's' : { 'name': 'S' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'S' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 't' : { 'name': 'T' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'T' : { 'name': 'T' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'w' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'W' : { 'name': 'WBW', 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'b' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'B' : { 'name': 'WBW', 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'e' : { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'E' : { 'name': 'EW' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'ge': { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'gE': { 'name': 'EW' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'j' : { 'name': 'JK' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'k' : { 'name': 'JK' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'n' : { 'name': 'Search' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'N' : { 'name': 'Search' , 'dir': 1 }
\ }, g:EasyMotion_do_mapping)
" }}}
" Special mapping for other functions {{{
call EasyMotion#init#InitSpecialMappings({
\ 'l' : { 'name': 'SelectLines'}
\ , 'p' : { 'name': 'SelectPhrase'}
\ }, g:EasyMotion_do_special_mapping)
" }}}
" Prepare more key mapping {{{
" Note: bd is short for bidirectional
" l is short for (within) line
call EasyMotion#init#InitMappings({
\ 'bd-w' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'bd-W' : { 'name': 'WBW' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'bd-e' : { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'bd-E' : { 'name': 'EW' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'bd-n' : { 'name': 'Search' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'bd-jk' : { 'name': 'JK' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'jumptoanywhere' : { 'name': 'JumpToAnywhere' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'lineforward' : { 'name': 'LineAnywhere' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'linebackward' : { 'name': 'LineAnywhere' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'lineanywhere' : { 'name': 'LineAnywhere' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'sl' : { 'name': 'SL' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'fl' : { 'name': 'SL' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'Fl' : { 'name': 'SL' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'tl' : { 'name': 'TL' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'Tl' : { 'name': 'TL' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'wl' : { 'name': 'WBL' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'bl' : { 'name': 'WBL' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'bd-wl' : { 'name': 'WBL' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'el' : { 'name': 'EL' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'gel' : { 'name': 'EL' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'bd-el' : { 'name': 'EL' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'repeat' : { 'name': 'Repeat' , 'dir': 0 }
\ }, 0) " Prepare <Plug> but don't map by default.
" }}}
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target, s:target_hl_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target, s:target_hl2_first_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target, s:target_hl2_second_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade, s:shade_hl_defaults)
call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_line_group_shade, s:shade_hl_line_defaults)
" Reset highlighting after loading a new color scheme {{{
augroup EasyMotionInitHL
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target, s:target_hl_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_first_group_target, s:target_hl2_first_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl2_second_group_target, s:target_hl2_second_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade, s:shade_hl_defaults)
autocmd ColorScheme * call EasyMotion#init#InitHL(g:EasyMotion_hl_line_group_shade, s:shade_hl_line_defaults)
augroup end
" }}}
" Restore 'cpoptions' {{{
" }}}
" -- Default key mapping ----------------- {{{
" Prepare prefix {{{
if g:EasyMotion_do_mapping == 1
if exists('g:EasyMotion_leader_key')
exec 'map ' . g:EasyMotion_leader_key . ' <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)'
if !hasmapto('<Plug>(easymotion-prefix)')
map <Leader><Leader> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
endif "}}}
call EasyMotion#init#InitMappings({
\ 'f' : { 'name': 'F' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'F' : { 'name': 'F' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 's' : { 'name': 'S' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 'S' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 2 }
\ , 't' : { 'name': 'T' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'T' : { 'name': 'T' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'w' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'W' : { 'name': 'WBW' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'b' : { 'name': 'WB' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'B' : { 'name': 'WBW' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'e' : { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'E' : { 'name': 'EW' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'ge': { 'name': 'E' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'gE': { 'name': 'EW' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'j' : { 'name': 'JK' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'k' : { 'name': 'JK' , 'dir': 1 }
\ , 'n' : { 'name': 'Search' , 'dir': 0 }
\ , 'N' : { 'name': 'Search' , 'dir': 1 }
\ }, g:EasyMotion_do_mapping)
" }}}
" -- Special mapping for other functions - {{{
call EasyMotion#init#InitSpecialMappings({
\ 'l' : { 'name': 'SelectLines'}
\ , 'p' : { 'name': 'SelectPhrase'}
\ }, g:EasyMotion_do_special_mapping)
" }}}
" -- Prepare more key mapping ------------ {{{
" Note: bd is short for bidirectional
" l is short for (within) line
call EasyMotion#init#InitMappings({
\ 'bd-w' : { 'name' : 'WB' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'bd-W' : { 'name' : 'WBW' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'bd-e' : { 'name' : 'E' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'bd-E' : { 'name' : 'EW' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'bd-n' : { 'name' : 'Search' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'bd-jk' : { 'name' : 'JK' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'jumptoanywhere' : { 'name' : 'JumpToAnywhere' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'lineforward' : { 'name' : 'LineAnywhere' , 'dir' : 0 }
\ , 'linebackward' : { 'name' : 'LineAnywhere' , 'dir' : 1 }
\ , 'lineanywhere' : { 'name' : 'LineAnywhere' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'sl' : { 'name' : 'SL' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'fl' : { 'name' : 'SL' , 'dir' : 0 }
\ , 'Fl' : { 'name' : 'SL' , 'dir' : 1 }
\ , 'tl' : { 'name' : 'TL' , 'dir' : 0 }
\ , 'Tl' : { 'name' : 'TL' , 'dir' : 1 }
\ , 'wl' : { 'name' : 'WBL' , 'dir' : 0 }
\ , 'bl' : { 'name' : 'WBL' , 'dir' : 1 }
\ , 'bd-wl' : { 'name' : 'WBL' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'el' : { 'name' : 'EL' , 'dir' : 0 }
\ , 'gel' : { 'name' : 'EL' , 'dir' : 1 }
\ , 'bd-el' : { 'name' : 'EL' , 'dir' : 2 }
\ , 'repeat' : { 'name': 'Repeat' , 'dir': 0 }
\ }, 0) " Prepare <Plug> but don't map by default.
" }}}
" }}}
" == Restore 'cpoptions' {{{
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" }}}