if exists("b:formatprg_set") finish endif let b:formatprg_set = 1 "Besides installing the js-beautify globally or in the "formatters/ folder, installing as a vim bundle is supported. let s:prgname = "js-beautify" let s:arguments = "-i" let s:bundleDir = fnamemodify(expand(""), ":h:h:h") let s:prgpath = s:bundleDir."/js-beautify/python/".s:prgname if executable(s:prgpath) "If js-beautify is installed as a bundle let b:formatprg=s:prgpath." ".s:arguments else "Else look for js-beautify globally "or in the formatters/ folder call g:FindFormatter(s:prgname,s:arguments) endif let b:autoformat = 1 "Enable on-the-fly formatting if b:autoformat==1 "inoremap gqq "inoremap } }gq% endif "Set indenting behaviour to match with the formatter set expandtab set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4