" " This file contains all default format program definitions and links them to filetypes " " Python if !exists('g:formatdef_autopep8') let g:formatdef_autopep8 = '"autopep8 - --range ".a:firstline." ".a:lastline." ".(&textwidth ? "--max-line-length=".&textwidth : "")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_python') let g:formatters_python = ['autopep8'] endif " C# if !exists('g:formatdef_astyle_cs') let g:formatdef_astyle_cs = '"astyle --mode=cs --style=ansi --indent-namespaces -pcH".(&expandtab ? "s".shiftwidth() : "t")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_cs') let g:formatters_cs = ['astyle_cs'] endif " Generic C, C++, Objective-C if !exists('g:formatdef_clangformat') let g:formatdef_clangformat = "'clang-format -lines='.a:firstline.':'.a:lastline.' --assume-filename='.bufname('%').' -style=\"{BasedOnStyle: WebKit, AlignTrailingComments: true, '.(&textwidth ? 'ColumnLimit: '.&textwidth.', ' : '').(&expandtab ? 'UseTab: Never, IndentWidth: '.shiftwidth() : 'UseTab: Always').'}\"'" endif " C if !exists('g:formatdef_astyle_c') let g:formatdef_astyle_c = '"astyle --mode=c --style=ansi -pcH".(&expandtab ? "s".shiftwidth() : "t")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_c') let g:formatters_c = ['clangformat', 'astyle_c'] endif " C++ if !exists('g:formatdef_astyle_cpp') let g:formatdef_astyle_cpp = '"astyle --mode=c --style=ansi -pcH".(&expandtab ? "s".shiftwidth() : "t")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_cpp') let g:formatters_cpp = ['clangformat', 'astyle_cpp'] endif " Objective C if !exists('g:formatters_objc') let g:formatters_objc = ['clangformat'] endif " Java if !exists('g:formatdef_astyle_java') let g:formatdef_astyle_java = '"astyle --mode=java --style=ansi -pcH".(&expandtab ? "s".shiftwidth() : "t")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_java') let g:formatters_java = ['astyle_java'] endif " Javascript if !exists('g:formatdef_jsbeautify_javascript') let g:formatdef_jsbeautify_javascript = '"js-beautify -f - -".(&expandtab ? "s ".shiftwidth() : "t").(&textwidth ? " -w ".&textwidth : "")' endif if !exists('g:formatdef_pyjsbeautify_javascript') let g:formatdef_pyjsbeautify_javascript = '"js-beautify -".(&expandtab ? "s ".shiftwidth() : "t").(&textwidth ? " -w ".&textwidth : "")." -"' endif if !exists('g:formatdef_jscs') let g:formatdef_jscs = '"jscs -x"' endif if !exists('g:formatters_javascript') let g:formatters_javascript = [ \ 'jsbeautify_javascript', \ 'pyjsbeautify_javascript', \ 'jscs' \ ] endif " JSON if !exists('g:formatdef_jsbeautify_json') let g:formatdef_jsbeautify_json = '"js-beautify -f - -".(&expandtab ? "s ".shiftwidth() : "t")' endif if !exists('g:formatdef_pyjsbeautify_json') let g:formatdef_pyjsbeautify_json = '"js-beautify -".(&expandtab ? "s ".shiftwidth() : "t")." -"' endif if !exists('g:formatters_json') let g:formatters_json = [ \ 'jsbeautify_json', \ 'pyjsbeautify_json', \ ] endif " HTML if !exists('g:formatdef_htmlbeautify') let g:formatdef_htmlbeautify = '"html-beautify -f - -s ".shiftwidth()' endif if !exists('g:formatdef_tidy_html') let g:formatdef_tidy_html = '"tidy -q --show-errors 0 --show-warnings 0 --force-output --indent auto --indent-spaces ".shiftwidth()." --vertical-space yes --tidy-mark no -wrap ".&textwidth' endif if !exists('g:formatters_html') let g:formatters_html = ['htmlbeautify', 'tidy_html'] endif " XML if !exists('g:formatdef_tidy_xml') let g:formatdef_tidy_xml = '"tidy -q -xml --show-errors 0 --show-warnings 0 --force-output --indent auto --indent-spaces ".shiftwidth()." --vertical-space yes --tidy-mark no -wrap ".&textwidth' endif if !exists('g:formatters_xml') let g:formatters_xml = ['tidy_xml'] endif " XHTML if !exists('g:formatdef_tidy_xhtml') let g:formatdef_tidy_xhtml = '"tidy -q --show-errors 0 --show-warnings 0 --force-output --indent auto --indent-spaces ".shiftwidth()." --vertical-space yes --tidy-mark no -asxhtml -wrap ".&textwidth' endif if !exists('g:formatters_xhtml') let g:formatters_xhtml = ['tidy_xhtml'] endif " Ruby if !exists('g:formatdef_rbeautify') let g:formatdef_rbeautify = '"rbeautify ".(&expandtab ? "-s -c ".shiftwidth() : "-t")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_ruby') let g:formatters_ruby = ['rbeautify'] endif " CSS if !exists('g:formatdef_cssbeautify') let g:formatdef_cssbeautify = '"css-beautify -f - -s ".shiftwidth()' endif if !exists('g:formatters_css') let g:formatters_css = ['cssbeautify'] endif " SCSS if !exists('g:formatdef_sassconvert') let g:formatdef_sassconvert = '"sass-convert -F scss -T scss --indent " . (&expandtab ? shiftwidth() : "t")' endif if !exists('g:formatters_scss') let g:formatters_scss = ['sassconvert'] endif " Typescript if !exists('g:formatdef_tsfmt') let g:formatdef_tsfmt = '"tsfmt --stdin %"' endif if !exists('g:formatters_typescript') let g:formatters_typescript = ['tsfmt'] endif " Golang " Two definitions are provided for two versions of gofmt. " See issue #59 if !exists('g:formatdef_gofmt_1') let g:formatdef_gofmt_1 = '"gofmt -tabs=".(&expandtab ? "false" : "true")." -tabwidth=".shiftwidth()' endif if !exists('g:formatdef_gofmt_2') let g:formatdef_gofmt_2 = '"gofmt"' endif if !exists('g:formatters_go') let g:formatters_go = ['gofmt_1', 'gofmt_2'] endif