" MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013 Bailey Ling. " vim: et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 function! s:get_val(part) let val = g:airline_parts[a:part] if match(val, '%') > -1 return val else return '%{function("'.val.'")()}' endif endfunction function! airline#util#define_section(key, parts) if !exists('g:airline_section_{a:key}') && len(a:parts) > 0 let g:airline_section_{a:key} = s:get_val(a:parts[0]) for i in range(1, len(a:parts) - 1) let g:airline_section_{a:key} .= s:get_val(a:parts[i]) endfor endif endfunction if v:version >= 704 function! airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, key, def) return getwinvar(a:winnr, a:key, a:def) endfunction else function! airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, key, def) let winvals = getwinvar(a:winnr, '') return get(winvals, a:key, a:def) endfunction endif if v:version >= 704 function! airline#util#exec_funcrefs(list, ...) for Fn in a:list let code = call(Fn, a:000) if code != 0 return code endif endfor return 0 endfunction else function! airline#util#exec_funcrefs(list, ...) " for 7.2; we cannot iterate the list, hence why we use range() " for 7.3-[97, 328]; we cannot reuse the variable, hence the {} for i in range(0, len(a:list) - 1) let Fn{i} = a:list[i] let code = call(Fn{i}, a:000) if code != 0 return code endif endfor return 0 endfunction endif