# vim-airline lean & mean statusline for vim that's light as air # rationale there's already [powerline][b], why yet another statusline? * it's 100% vimscript; no python needed. * it's small. i want the core plugin to be *less than 200 lines* as a rule (specifically adhering to the [open/closed principle][h]). * it gets you 90% of the way there; in addition to all the standard goodies, it integrates with [vim-bufferline][f], [fugitive][d], [unite][i], [ctrlp][j] and [syntastic][e]. * it looks good with regular fonts, and provides configuration points so you can use unicode or powerline symbols. * it's fast to load, taking roughly 1ms. by comparison, powerline needs 60ms on the same machine. * it's fully customizable; if you know a little `statusline` syntax you can tweak it to your needs. * it is trivial to write colorschemes; for a minimal theme you need to edit 9 lines of colors. (please send pull requests if you create new themes!) what about [old powerline][a]? * the old version still works well, but since it's deprecated new features won't get added # why's it called airline? i wrote the initial version on an airplane, and since it's light as air it turned out to be a good name. thanks for flying vim! # screenshots check out screenshots [here][o]! # installation this plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers: * [pathogen][k] * `git clone https://github.com/bling/vim-airline ~/.vim/bundle/vim-airline` * [neobundle][l] * `NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline'` * [vundle][m] * `Bundle 'bling/vim-airline'` * manual * copy all of the files into your `~/.vim` directory # configuration `:help airline` # faq/troubleshooting * the powerline font symbols are not showing up * the older deprecated [vim-powerline][a] uses different codes compared to the newer [powerline][b]. * you can grab prepatched fonts at [powerline-fonts][c], or you can manually set the relevant `g:` variables * there is a pause when leaving insert mode * you need to set `ttimeoutlen` to a low number; 50 is recommended * you don't see any colors * all of the themes use a 256 terminal color palette. it's likely that the value of `t_Co` is misconfigured. please see this [article][n] on how to configure your terminal. pull requests for 8 and 16 color terminals are welcome. * you get the error `Unknown function: fugitive#head` * you are probably using version 1.2, which is very old...download v2 from the [project page][d]. * airline doesn't appear until i create a new split * add `set laststatus=2` to your vimrc * bufferline is printing to the statusline as well as the command bar * you can disable automatic echoing by adding `let g:bufferline_echo = 0` to your vimrc # bugs if you encounter a bug, please reproduce it with this [minivimrc][g] repository i created and file an issue. please provide your operating system and vim version/patch level (can be found with `:version`). a reproducible gist would be hugely helpful. ## dark theme with a regular font ![img](screenshots/dark.png) ## dark theme with powerline symbols ![img](screenshots/dark-powerline.png) ## simple theme ![img](screenshots/simple.png) ## light theme ![img](screenshots/light.png) ## badwolf theme with [bufferline][f] integration ![img](screenshots/badwolf.png) # contributions contributions and pull requests are welcome. please follow the existing coding style as much as possible. # license `:h license` [a]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline [b]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline [c]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts [d]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive [e]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic [f]: https://github.com/bling/vim-bufferline [g]: https://github.com/bling/minivimrc [h]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open/closed_principle [i]: https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim [j]: https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim [k]: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen [l]: https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim [m]: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle [n]: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/256_colors_in_vim [o]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline/wiki/Screenshots