Martin Grenfell 892cc2c232 refactor the error highlighting system
* remove the public SyntasticHighlightErrors() function
* shift the above code into s:HighlightErrors(). This is called
  automatically if g:syntastic_enable_highlighting is set
* to get the highlight regex we just look for a function called
* to force this function to be called, each error item must have the
  'force_highlight_callback' key set

This code has one important functional change: now errors are *always*
highlighted if possible whereas previously they were only highlighted if
a call to SyntasticHighlightErrors was made.
2012-03-02 10:05:15 +00:00

29 lines
1.4 KiB

"File: jslint.vim
"Description: Javascript syntax checker - using jslint
"Maintainer: Martin Grenfell <martin.grenfell at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
"Tested with jslint 0.1.4.
if !exists("g:syntastic_javascript_jslint_conf")
let g:syntastic_javascript_jslint_conf = "--white --undef --nomen --regexp --plusplus --bitwise --newcap --sloppy --vars"
function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_HighlightTerm(error)
let unexpected = matchstr(a:error['text'], 'Expected.*and instead saw \'\zs.*\ze\'')
if len(unexpected) < 1 | return '' | end
return '\V'.split(unexpected, "'")[1]
function! SyntaxCheckers_javascript_GetLocList()
let makeprg = "jslint " . g:syntastic_javascript_jslint_conf . " " . shellescape(expand('%'))
let errorformat='%E %##%n %m,%-Z%.%#Line %l\, Pos %c,%-G%.%#'
return SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat, 'defaults': {'bufnr': bufnr("")} })