Add 2 classes: SyntasticChecker and SyntasticRegistry. SyntasticChecker represents a checker. It holds funcrefs to the checker func, the highlight regex func and a new `isAvailable()` func (that essentially just checks if the checker exe is installed) SyntasticRegistry is responsible for: * loading checkers * storing checkers * fetching the checkers to use according to availability and the users settings Motivation/benefits: * in the current system only one checker can be loaded per filetype * syntax checkers cant be "chained" together * the system is hard to add features to since fundamental concepts like syntax checkers and location lists arent represented explicitly Things left to do: * add a call to g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker() to all checkers * add an `isAvailable` function to all checkers * move all checkers into `syntax_checkers/filetype/checkername.vim` - g:SyntasticRegistry assumes this layout, and its a good idea anyway for consistency and it makes it easier for users to add their own checkers Things to do after all of the above: * add a LocationList class and move all the filtering functions onto it * possibly add an Error class that wraps up each item in a loc list Random notes: * with the new system you can select the checkers to use with e.g. `let g:syntastic_python_checkers=['flake8', 'pylint']` This will try flake8 first, and if no errors are detected it will move onto pylint.