Martin Grenfell 892cc2c232 refactor the error highlighting system
* remove the public SyntasticHighlightErrors() function
* shift the above code into s:HighlightErrors(). This is called
  automatically if g:syntastic_enable_highlighting is set
* to get the highlight regex we just look for a function called
* to force this function to be called, each error item must have the
  'force_highlight_callback' key set

This code has one important functional change: now errors are *always*
highlighted if possible whereas previously they were only highlighted if
a call to SyntasticHighlightErrors was made.
2012-03-02 10:05:15 +00:00

32 lines
1.4 KiB

"File: flake8.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Authors: Sylvain Soliman <Sylvain dot Soliman+git at gmail dot com>
" kstep <>
function! SyntaxCheckers_python_GetHighlightRegex(i)
if a:i['type'] ==# 'E'
let a:i['text'] = "Syntax error"
if match(a:i['text'], 'is assigned to but never used') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'imported but unused') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'undefined name') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'redefinition of') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'referenced before assignment') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'duplicate argument') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'after other statements') > -1
\ || match(a:i['text'], 'shadowed by loop variable') > -1
let term = split(a:i['text'], "'", 1)[1]
return '\V\<'.term.'\>'
return ''
function! SyntaxCheckers_python_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'flake8 '.g:syntastic_python_checker_args.' '.shellescape(expand('%'))
let errorformat = '%E%f:%l: could not compile,%-Z%p^,%W%f:%l:%c: %m,%W%f:%l: %m,%-G%.%#'
return SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat })