if exists("loaded_python_syntax_checker") finish endif let loaded_python_syntax_checker = 1 "bail if the user doesnt have pyflakes installed if !executable("pyflakes") || !executable("grep") finish endif function! SyntaxCheckers_python_GetLocList() let makeprg = 'pyflakes '.shellescape(expand('%')) let errorformat = '%E%f:%l: could not compile,%-Z%p^,%W%f:%l: %m,%-G%.%#' let errors = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat }) call clearmatches() for i in errors if i['type'] ==# 'E' let i['text'] = "Syntax error" endif if match(i['text'], 'is assigned to but never used') > -1 \ || match(i['text'], 'imported but unused') > -1 \ || match(i['text'], 'undefined name') > -1 \ || match(i['text'], 'redefinition of unused') > -1 let term = split(i['text'], "'", 1)[1] "let group = match(i['text'], 'undefined') > -1 ? 'SpellBad' : 'SpellCap' let group = i['type'] == 'E' ? 'SpellBad' : 'SpellCap' call matchadd(group, '\%' . i['lnum'] . 'l\V' . term) elseif exists("i['col']") let lastcol = col([i['lnum'], '$']) let lcol = min([lastcol, i['col']]) call matchadd('SpellBad', '\%' . i['lnum'] . 'l\%' . lcol . 'c') endif endfor return errors endfunction