"============================================================================ "File: tidy.vim "Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim "Maintainer: Martin Grenfell <martin.grenfell at gmail dot com> "License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, " to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute " it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You " Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. " See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. " "============================================================================ " TODO: join this with xhtml.vim for DRY's sake? function! s:TidyEncOptByFenc() let tidy_opts = { \'utf-8' : '-utf8', \'ascii' : '-ascii', \'latin1' : '-latin1', \'iso-2022-jp' : '-iso-2022', \'cp1252' : '-win1252', \'macroman' : '-mac', \'utf-16le' : '-utf16le', \'utf-16' : '-utf16', \'big5' : '-big5', \'sjis' : '-shiftjis', \'cp850' : '-ibm858', \} return get(tidy_opts, &fileencoding, '-utf8') endfunction let s:ignore_html_errors = [ \ "<table> lacks \"summary\" attribute", \ "not approved by W3C", \ "attribute \"placeholder\"", \ "<meta> proprietary attribute \"charset\"", \ "<meta> lacks \"content\" attribute", \ "inserting \"type\" attribute", \ "proprietary attribute \"data-" \] function! s:ValidateError(text) let valid = 0 for i in s:ignore_html_errors if stridx(a:text, i) != -1 let valid = 1 break endif endfor return valid endfunction function! SyntaxCheckers_html_GetLocList() let encopt = s:TidyEncOptByFenc() let makeprg="tidy ".encopt." --new-blocklevel-tags ".shellescape('section, article, aside, hgroup, header, footer, nav, figure, figcaption')." --new-inline-tags ".shellescape('video, audio, source, embed, mark, progress, meter, time, ruby, rt, rp, canvas, command, details, datalist')." --new-empty-tags ".shellescape('wbr, keygen')." -e ".shellescape(expand('%'))." 2>&1" let errorformat='%Wline %l column %c - Warning: %m,%Eline %l column %c - Error: %m,%-G%.%#,%-G%.%#' let loclist = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat }) " process loclist since we need to add some info and filter out valid HTML5 " from the errors let n = len(loclist) - 1 let bufnum = bufnr("") while n >= 0 let i = loclist[n] " filter out valid HTML5 if s:ValidateError(i['text']) == 1 unlet loclist[n] else "the file name isnt in the output so stick in the buf num manually let i['bufnr'] = bufnum endif let n -= 1 endwhile return loclist endfunction