Make all the easy updates. There are still quite a few to do, but in
doing these ones I can see that syntastic#makeprg#build() needs to
accept a few more options. Namely:
* "postargs" that appear after the filename
* "tail" that appears after everything - used for things like
redirecting output and piping to grep/sed/etc
* the filename itself - only the java checkers needed this since they
specify the directory of the file to check as well
There are still a few other things to do as well:
* remove the options from the checkers that are now provided by
syntastic#makeprg#build implicitly - i.e. the checker exe and args.
* also, we need to doc the above implicit checker options
Using the scala compiler instead of the interpreter to check the syntax
means that an error will not be raised if there is a package
Also, stopping the compiler after the parser stage stops errors being
raised when importing from other files in your project.