Fix command output redirection. Cleanup.

This commit is contained in:
LCD 47 2013-08-03 08:29:22 +03:00
parent 4a35ee8ca4
commit e6091a998c

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@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ function! s:ShowLocList()
"the script changes &shellpipe and &shell to stop the screen flicking when
"the script changes &shellredir and &shell to stop the screen flicking when
"shelling out to syntax checkers. Not all OSs support the hacks though
function! s:OSSupportsShellpipeHack()
function! s:OSSupportsShellredirHack()
return !s:running_windows && executable('/bin/bash') && (s:uname() !~ "FreeBSD") && (s:uname() !~ "OpenBSD")
@ -345,18 +345,22 @@ function! SyntasticMake(options)
let old_loclist = getloclist(0)
let old_shell = &shell
let old_shellredir = &shellredir
let old_errorformat = &errorformat
let old_cwd = getcwd()
let old_lc_all = $LC_ALL
let shell_pipe = &shellpipe
if s:OSSupportsShellpipeHack()
let shell_redir = &shellredir
if s:OSSupportsShellredirHack()
"this is a hack to stop the screen needing to be ':redraw'n when
"when :lmake is run. Otherwise the screen flickers annoyingly
let shell_pipe = '&>'
let shell_redir = '&>'
let &shell = '/bin/bash'
" disable redirection of stdout & stderr in system()
let shellredir = ''
if has_key(a:options, 'errorformat')
let &errorformat = a:options['errorformat']
@ -368,10 +372,10 @@ function! SyntasticMake(options)
let $LC_ALL = 'C'
let err_file = tempname()
let err_file_escaped = &shellquote . syntastic#util#shescape(err_file) . &shellquote
let redirect = substitute(shell_pipe, '\m%\([%s]\)', '\=(submatch(1) == "%" ? "%" : err_file_escaped)', 'g')
if redirect == shell_pipe
" no %s in &shellpipe
let err_file_escaped = syntastic#util#shescape(err_file)
let redirect = substitute(shell_redir, '\m%\([%s]\)', '\=(submatch(1) == "%" ? "%%" : err_file_escaped)', 'g')
if redirect == shell_redir
" no %s in &shellredir
let redirect .= ' ' . err_file_escaped
@ -394,6 +398,7 @@ function! SyntasticMake(options)
call setloclist(0, old_loclist)
let &errorformat = old_errorformat
let &shellredir = old_shellredir
let &shell=old_shell
if s:IsRedrawRequiredAfterMake()