Merge branch 'master' into gcc_refactor

This commit is contained in:
LCD 47 2013-08-10 09:03:23 +03:00
commit 9b3eab1cb9
7 changed files with 89 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ function! syntastic#postprocess#cygwinRemoveCR(errors)
return llist
" decode XML entities
function! syntastic#postprocess#decodeXMLEntities(errors)
let llist = []
for e in a:errors
let e['text'] = syntastic#util#decodeXMLEntities(e['text'])
call add(llist, e)
return llist
" filter out errors referencing other files
function! syntastic#postprocess#filterForeignErrors(errors)
return filter(copy(a:errors), 'get(v:val, "bufnr") == ' . bufnr(''))

View File

@ -161,12 +161,23 @@ endfunction
" A less noisy shellescape()
function! syntastic#util#shescape(string)
return a:string =~ '\m^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$' ? a:string : shellescape(a:string, 1)
return a:string =~ '\m^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$' ? a:string : shellescape(a:string)
" A less noisy shellescape(expand())
function! syntastic#util#shexpand(string)
return syntastic#util#shescape(escape(expand(a:string), '|'))
return syntastic#util#shescape(expand(a:string))
" decode XML entities
function! syntastic#util#decodeXMLEntities(string)
let str = a:string
let str = substitute(str, '&lt;', '<', 'g')
let str = substitute(str, '&gt;', '>', 'g')
let str = substitute(str, '&quot;', '"', 'g')
let str = substitute(str, '&apos;', "'", 'g')
let str = substitute(str, '&amp;', '\&', 'g')
return str
function! syntastic#util#debug(msg)

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@ -240,9 +240,9 @@ function! s:ShowLocList()
"the script changes &shellpipe and &shell to stop the screen flicking when
"the script changes &shellredir and &shell to stop the screen flicking when
"shelling out to syntax checkers. Not all OSs support the hacks though
function! s:OSSupportsShellpipeHack()
function! s:OSSupportsShellredirHack()
return !s:running_windows && executable('/bin/bash') && (s:uname() !~ "FreeBSD") && (s:uname() !~ "OpenBSD")
@ -336,9 +336,8 @@ function! SyntasticStatuslineFlag()
"A wrapper for the :lmake command. Sets up the make environment according to
"the options given, runs make, resets the environment, returns the location
"Emulates the :lmake command. Sets up the make environment according to the
"options given, runs make, resets the environment, returns the location list
"a:options can contain the following keys:
" 'makeprg'
@ -350,6 +349,7 @@ endfunction
"a:options may also contain:
" 'defaults' - a dict containing default values for the returned errors
" 'subtype' - all errors will be assigned the given subtype
" 'preprocess' - a function to be applied to the error file before parsing errors
" 'postprocess' - a list of functions to be applied to the error list
" 'cwd' - change directory to the given path before running the checker
" 'returns' - a list of valid exit codes for the checker
@ -357,27 +357,22 @@ function! SyntasticMake(options)
call syntastic#util#debug('SyntasticMake: called with options: '. string(a:options))
let old_loclist = getloclist(0)
let old_makeprg = &l:makeprg
let old_shellpipe = &shellpipe
let old_shell = &shell
let old_errorformat = &l:errorformat
let old_shellredir = &shellredir
let old_errorformat = &errorformat
let old_cwd = getcwd()
let old_lc_messages = $LC_MESSAGES
let old_lc_all = $LC_ALL
if s:OSSupportsShellpipeHack()
if s:OSSupportsShellredirHack()
"this is a hack to stop the screen needing to be ':redraw'n when
"when :lmake is run. Otherwise the screen flickers annoyingly
let &shellpipe='&>'
let &shellredir = '&>'
let &shell = '/bin/bash'
if has_key(a:options, 'makeprg')
let &l:makeprg = a:options['makeprg']
if has_key(a:options, 'errorformat')
let &l:errorformat = a:options['errorformat']
let &errorformat = a:options['errorformat']
if has_key(a:options, 'cwd')
@ -386,10 +381,15 @@ function! SyntasticMake(options)
let $LC_MESSAGES = 'C'
let $LC_ALL = ''
silent lmake!
let err_lines = system(a:options['makeprg'])
let $LC_ALL = old_lc_all
let $LC_MESSAGES = old_lc_messages
if has_key(a:options, 'preprocess')
let err_lines = call(a:options['preprocess'], [err_lines])
lgetexpr err_lines
let errors = getloclist(0)
if has_key(a:options, 'cwd')
@ -397,9 +397,8 @@ function! SyntasticMake(options)
call setloclist(0, old_loclist)
let &l:makeprg = old_makeprg
let &l:errorformat = old_errorformat
let &shellpipe=old_shellpipe
let &errorformat = old_errorformat
let &shellredir = old_shellredir
let &shell=old_shell
if s:IsRedrawRequiredAfterMake()

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_eruby_ruby_GetLocList()
\ syntastic#util#shescape('puts' .
\ fname . encoding_spec .
\ ').gsub(''<%='',''<%''), nil, ''-'').src') .
\ ' \| ' . exe . ' -c'
\ ' | ' . exe . ' -c'
let errorformat =
\ '%-GSyntax OK,'.

View File

@ -51,12 +51,26 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_html_validator_IsAvailable()
return executable('curl') && executable('awk')
function! SyntaxCheckers_html_validator_Preprocess(errors)
let out = copy(a:errors)
for n in range(len(out))
let parts = matchlist(out[n], '\v^"([^"]+)"(.+)')
" URL decode, except leave alone any "+"
let parts[1] = substitute(parts[1], '\m%\(\x\x\)', '\=nr2char("0x".submatch(1))', 'g')
let parts[1] = substitute(parts[1], '\\"', '"', 'g')
let parts[1] = substitute(parts[1], '\\\\', '\\', 'g')
let out[n] = '"' . parts[1] . '"' . parts[2]
return out
function! SyntaxCheckers_html_validator_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'curl -s --compressed -F out=gnu -F asciiquotes=yes' .
\ (!empty(g:syntastic_html_validator_parser) ? ' -F parser=' . g:syntastic_html_validator_parser : '') .
\ (!empty(g:syntastic_html_validator_nsfilter) ? ' -F nsfilter=' . g:syntastic_html_validator_nsfilter : '') .
\ ' -F doc=@' . syntastic#util#shexpand('%') . '\;type=text/html\;filename=' . syntastic#util#shexpand('%') . ' ' .
\ g:syntastic_html_validator_api . ' \| ' . s:decoder
\ g:syntastic_html_validator_api
let errorformat =
\ '%E"%f":%l: %trror: %m,' .
\ '%E"%f":%l-%\d%\+: %trror: %m,' .
@ -70,7 +84,12 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_html_validator_GetLocList()
\ '%W"%f":%l-%\d%\+: info %tarning: %m,' .
\ '%W"%f":%l%\%.%c: info %tarning: %m,' .
\ '%W"%f":%l%\%.%c-%\d%\+%\%.%\d%\+: info %tarning: %m'
return SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat, 'defaults': {'bufnr': bufnr("")} })
return SyntasticMake({
\ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat,
\ 'preprocess': 'SyntaxCheckers_html_validator_Preprocess',
\ 'returns': [0] })
call g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker({

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
#File: validator_decode.awk
#Description: Helper script for validator.vim
#Maintainer: LCD 47 <lcd047 at gmail dot com>
#License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
# to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
# Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
# See for more details.
FS = OFS = "\""
hextab ["0"] = 0; hextab ["8"] = 8;
hextab ["1"] = 1; hextab ["9"] = 9;
hextab ["2"] = 2; hextab ["A"] = hextab ["a"] = 10
hextab ["3"] = 3; hextab ["B"] = hextab ["b"] = 11;
hextab ["4"] = 4; hextab ["C"] = hextab ["c"] = 12;
hextab ["5"] = 5; hextab ["D"] = hextab ["d"] = 13;
hextab ["6"] = 6; hextab ["E"] = hextab ["e"] = 14;
hextab ["7"] = 7; hextab ["F"] = hextab ["f"] = 15;
function urldecode (url) {
decoded = ""
i = 1
len = length (url)
while ( i <= len ) {
c = substr (url, i, 1)
if ( c == "%" ) {
if ( i + 2 <= len ) {
c1 = substr (url, i + 1, 1)
c2 = substr (url, i + 2, 1)
if ( hextab [c1] != "" && hextab [c2] != "" ) {
code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0
c = sprintf ("%c", code)
c = c c1 c2
i += 2
else if ( i + 1 <= len ) {
c = substr (url, i, 2)
else if ( c == "+" )
c = " "
decoded = decoded c
return decoded
$2 = urldecode($2)
gsub ("\\\\\"", "\"", $2)

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@ -27,9 +27,21 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_java_checkstyle_IsAvailable()
return executable('java')
function! SyntaxCheckers_java_checkstyle_Preprocess(errors)
let out = copy(a:errors)
for n in range(len(out))
let parts = matchlist(out[n], '\(.*<file name="\)\([^"]\+\)\(">.*\)')
if len(parts) >= 4
let parts[2] = syntastic#util#decodeXMLEntities(parts[2])
let out[n] = join(parts[1:3], '')
return out
function! SyntaxCheckers_java_checkstyle_GetLocList()
let fname = fnameescape( expand('%:p:h') . '/' . expand('%:t') )
let fname = syntastic#util#shescape( expand('%:p:h') . '/' . expand('%:t') )
if has('win32unix')
let fname = substitute(system('cygpath -m ' . fname), '\%x00', '', 'g')
@ -38,20 +50,27 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_java_checkstyle_GetLocList()
let makeprg = syntastic#makeprg#build({
\ 'exe': 'java',
\ 'args': '-cp ' . g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_classpath .
\ ' -c ' . g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_conf_file,
\ ' -c ' . g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_conf_file .
\ ' -f xml',
\ 'fname': fname,
\ 'filetype': 'java',
\ 'subchecker': 'checkstyle' })
let errorformat =
\ '%f:%l:%c:\ %m,' .
\ '%f:%l:\ %m'
\ '%P<file name="%f">,' .
\ '%Q</file>,' .
\ '%E<error line="%l" column="%c" severity="%trror" message="%m" source="%.%#"/>,' .
\ '%E<error line="%l" severity="%trror" message="%m" source="%.%#"/>,' .
\ '%E<error line="%l" column="%c" severity="%tarning" message="%m" source="%.%#"/>,' .
\ '%E<error line="%l" severity="%tarning" message="%m" source="%.%#"/>,' .
\ '%-G%.%#'
return SyntasticMake({
\ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat,
\ 'subtype': 'Style',
\ 'postprocess': ['cygwinRemoveCR'] })
\ 'preprocess': 'SyntaxCheckers_java_checkstyle_Preprocess',
\ 'postprocess': ['cygwinRemoveCR', 'decodeXMLEntities'] })