Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
Martin Grenfell 2012-09-24 18:53:50 +01:00
commit 9331280b73
10 changed files with 586 additions and 165 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"File: c.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Maintainer: Gregor Uhlenheuer <kongo2002 at gmail dot com>
"Maintainer: Martin Grenfell <martin.grenfell at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
@ -9,150 +9,27 @@
" See for more details.
" In order to also check header files add this to your .vimrc:
" (this usually creates a .gch file in your source directory)
" let g:syntastic_c_check_header = 1
" To disable the search of included header files after special
" libraries like gtk and glib add this line to your .vimrc:
" let g:syntastic_c_no_include_search = 1
" To enable header files being re-checked on every file write add the
" following line to your .vimrc. Otherwise the header files are checked only
" one time on initially loading the file.
" In order to force syntastic to refresh the header includes simply
" unlet b:syntastic_c_includes. Then the header files are being re-checked on
" the next file write.
" let g:syntastic_c_auto_refresh_includes = 1
" Alternatively you can set the buffer local variable b:syntastic_c_cflags.
" If this variable is set for the current buffer no search for additional
" libraries is done. I.e. set the variable like this:
" let b:syntastic_c_cflags = ' -I/usr/include/libsoup-2.4'
" In order to add some custom include directories that should be added to the
" gcc command line you can add those to the global variable
" g:syntastic_c_include_dirs. This list can be used like this:
" let g:syntastic_c_include_dirs = [ 'includes', 'headers' ]
" Moreover it is possible to add additional compiler options to the syntax
" checking execution via the variable 'g:syntastic_c_compiler_options':
" let g:syntastic_c_compiler_options = ' -ansi'
" Additionally the setting 'g:syntastic_c_config_file' allows you to define a
" file that contains additional compiler arguments like include directories or
" CFLAGS. The file is expected to contain one option per line. If none is
" given the filename defaults to '.syntastic_c_config':
" let g:syntastic_c_config_file = '.config'
" Using the global variable 'g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors' you can
" specify whether errors of files included via the g:syntastic_c_include_dirs'
" setting are removed from the result set:
" let g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors = 1
" Use the variable 'g:syntastic_c_errorformat' to override the default error
" format:
" let g:syntastic_c_errorformat = '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m'
if exists('loaded_c_syntax_checker')
if exists("loaded_c_syntax_checker")
let loaded_c_syntax_checker = 1
if !executable('gcc')
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_checker')
let g:syntastic_c_checker = "gcc"
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_compiler_options')
let g:syntastic_c_compiler_options = '-std=gnu99'
if g:syntastic_c_checker == "gcc"
if executable("gcc")
runtime! syntax_checkers/c/gcc.vim
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_config_file')
let g:syntastic_c_config_file = '.syntastic_c_config'
elseif g:syntastic_c_checker == "checkpatch"
if executable("") || executable("./scripts/")
runtime! syntax_checkers/c/checkpatch.vim
function! SyntaxCheckers_c_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'gcc -fsyntax-only '
let errorformat = '%-G%f:%s:,%-G%f:%l: %#error: %#(Each undeclared '.
\ 'identifier is reported only%.%#,%-G%f:%l: %#error: %#for '.
\ 'each function it appears%.%#,%-GIn file included%.%#,'.
\ '%-G %#from %f:%l\,,%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,%f:%l:%c: '.
\ '%tarning: %m,%f:%l:%c: %m,%f:%l: %trror: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: %tarning: %m,%f:%l: %m'
if exists('g:syntastic_c_errorformat')
let errorformat = g:syntastic_c_errorformat
" add optional user-defined compiler options
let makeprg .= g:syntastic_c_compiler_options
let makeprg .= ' '.shellescape(expand('%')).
\ ' '.syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('c')
" determine whether to parse header files as well
if expand('%') =~? '.h$'
if exists('g:syntastic_c_check_header')
let makeprg = 'gcc -c '.shellescape(expand('%')).
\ ' '.syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('c')
return []
elseif g:syntastic_c_checker == "checkpatch-kernel-only"
if executable("./scripts/")
runtime! syntax_checkers/c/checkpatch.vim
elseif executable("gcc")
runtime! syntax_checkers/c/gcc.vim
" check if the user manually set some cflags
if !exists('b:syntastic_c_cflags')
" check whether to search for include files at all
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_no_include_search') ||
\ g:syntastic_c_no_include_search != 1
" refresh the include file search if desired
if exists('g:syntastic_c_auto_refresh_includes') &&
\ g:syntastic_c_auto_refresh_includes != 0
let makeprg .= syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
" search for header includes if not cached already
if !exists('b:syntastic_c_includes')
let b:syntastic_c_includes = syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
let makeprg .= b:syntastic_c_includes
" use the user-defined cflags
let makeprg .= b:syntastic_c_cflags
" add optional config file parameters
let makeprg .= ' '.syntastic#c#ReadConfig(g:syntastic_c_config_file)
" process makeprg
let errors = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat })
" filter the processed errors if desired
if exists('g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors') &&
\ g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors != 0
return filter(errors,
\ 'has_key(v:val, "bufnr") && v:val["bufnr"]=='.bufnr(''))
return errors
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim: set et sts=4 sw=4:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"File: checkpatch.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim using
"Maintainer: Daniel Walker <dwalker at fifo99 dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
if exists("loaded_checkpatch_syntax_checker")
let loaded_checkpatch_syntax_checker = 1
" Bail if the user doesn't have `` or ./scripts/ installed.
if executable("")
let g:syntastic_c_checker_checkpatch_location = ''
elseif executable("./scripts/")
let g:syntastic_c_checker_checkpatch_location = './scripts/'
function! SyntaxCheckers_c_GetLocList()
let makeprg = g:syntastic_c_checker_checkpatch_location
let makeprg .= " --no-summary --no-tree --terse --file ".shellescape(expand('%'))
let errorformat = '%f:%l: %tARNING: %m,%f:%l: %tRROR: %m'
let loclist = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat,
\ 'defaults': {'bufnr': bufnr("")} })
return loclist

syntax_checkers/c/gcc.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
"File: c.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Maintainer: Gregor Uhlenheuer <kongo2002 at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
" In order to also check header files add this to your .vimrc:
" (this usually creates a .gch file in your source directory)
" let g:syntastic_c_check_header = 1
" To disable the search of included header files after special
" libraries like gtk and glib add this line to your .vimrc:
" let g:syntastic_c_no_include_search = 1
" To enable header files being re-checked on every file write add the
" following line to your .vimrc. Otherwise the header files are checked only
" one time on initially loading the file.
" In order to force syntastic to refresh the header includes simply
" unlet b:syntastic_c_includes. Then the header files are being re-checked on
" the next file write.
" let g:syntastic_c_auto_refresh_includes = 1
" Alternatively you can set the buffer local variable b:syntastic_c_cflags.
" If this variable is set for the current buffer no search for additional
" libraries is done. I.e. set the variable like this:
" let b:syntastic_c_cflags = ' -I/usr/include/libsoup-2.4'
" In order to add some custom include directories that should be added to the
" gcc command line you can add those to the global variable
" g:syntastic_c_include_dirs. This list can be used like this:
" let g:syntastic_c_include_dirs = [ 'includes', 'headers' ]
" Moreover it is possible to add additional compiler options to the syntax
" checking execution via the variable 'g:syntastic_c_compiler_options':
" let g:syntastic_c_compiler_options = ' -ansi'
" Additionally the setting 'g:syntastic_c_config_file' allows you to define a
" file that contains additional compiler arguments like include directories or
" CFLAGS. The file is expected to contain one option per line. If none is
" given the filename defaults to '.syntastic_c_config':
" let g:syntastic_c_config_file = '.config'
" Using the global variable 'g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors' you can
" specify whether errors of files included via the g:syntastic_c_include_dirs'
" setting are removed from the result set:
" let g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors = 1
" Use the variable 'g:syntastic_c_errorformat' to override the default error
" format:
" let g:syntastic_c_errorformat = '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m'
if exists('loaded_gcc_syntax_checker')
let loaded_gcc_syntax_checker = 1
if !executable('gcc')
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_compiler_options')
let g:syntastic_c_compiler_options = '-std=gnu99'
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_config_file')
let g:syntastic_c_config_file = '.syntastic_c_config'
function! SyntaxCheckers_c_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'gcc -fsyntax-only '
let errorformat = '%-G%f:%s:,%-G%f:%l: %#error: %#(Each undeclared '.
\ 'identifier is reported only%.%#,%-G%f:%l: %#error: %#for '.
\ 'each function it appears%.%#,%-GIn file included%.%#,'.
\ '%-G %#from %f:%l\,,%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,%f:%l:%c: '.
\ '%tarning: %m,%f:%l:%c: %m,%f:%l: %trror: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: %tarning: %m,%f:%l: %m'
if exists('g:syntastic_c_errorformat')
let errorformat = g:syntastic_c_errorformat
" add optional user-defined compiler options
let makeprg .= g:syntastic_c_compiler_options
let makeprg .= ' '.shellescape(expand('%')).
\ ' '.syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('c')
" determine whether to parse header files as well
if expand('%') =~? '.h$'
if exists('g:syntastic_c_check_header')
let makeprg = 'gcc -c '.shellescape(expand('%')) .
\ ' ' . g:syntastic_c_compiler_options .
\ ' ' . syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('c')
return []
" check if the user manually set some cflags
if !exists('b:syntastic_c_cflags')
" check whether to search for include files at all
if !exists('g:syntastic_c_no_include_search') ||
\ g:syntastic_c_no_include_search != 1
" refresh the include file search if desired
if exists('g:syntastic_c_auto_refresh_includes') &&
\ g:syntastic_c_auto_refresh_includes != 0
let makeprg .= syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
" search for header includes if not cached already
if !exists('b:syntastic_c_includes')
let b:syntastic_c_includes = syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
let makeprg .= b:syntastic_c_includes
" use the user-defined cflags
let makeprg .= b:syntastic_c_cflags
" add optional config file parameters
let makeprg .= ' '.syntastic#c#ReadConfig(g:syntastic_c_config_file)
" process makeprg
let errors = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat })
" filter the processed errors if desired
if exists('g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors') &&
\ g:syntastic_c_remove_include_errors != 0
return filter(errors,
\ 'has_key(v:val, "bufnr") && v:val["bufnr"]=='.bufnr(''))
return errors
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim: set et sts=4 sw=4:

View File

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_cpp_GetLocList()
if expand('%') =~? '\%(.h\|.hpp\|.hh\)$'
if exists('g:syntastic_cpp_check_header')
let makeprg = g:syntastic_cpp_compiler.' -c '.shellescape(expand('%')) .
\ ' ' . g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options .
\ ' ' . syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('cpp')
return []

View File

@ -92,13 +92,14 @@ my $handle = (defined $opt_f ? \*FILE : \*STDOUT);
(my $file = shift) or &usage; # display usage if no filename is supplied
my $args = (@ARGV ? ' ' . join ' ', @ARGV : '');
my @error_lines = `perl @{[defined $opt_I ? "-I$opt_I" : '']} @{[defined $opt_c ? '-c ' : '' ]} @{[defined $opt_w ? '-X ' : '-w ']} "$file$args" 2>&1`;
my $libs = join ' ', map {"-I$_"} split ',', $opt_I;
my @error_lines = `perl $libs @{[defined $opt_c ? '-c ' : '' ]} @{[defined $opt_w ? '-X ' : '-w ']} "$file$args" 2>&1`;
my @lines = map { "E:$_" } @error_lines;
my @warn_lines;
if(defined($opt_w)) {
@warn_lines = `perl @{[defined $opt_I ? $opt_I : '']} @{[defined $opt_c ? '-c ' : '' ]} -w "$file$args" 2>&1`;
@warn_lines = `perl $libs @{[defined $opt_c ? '-c ' : '' ]} -w "$file$args" 2>&1`;
# Any new errors must be warnings

View File

@ -1,28 +1,23 @@
"File: java.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Maintainer: Jochen Keil <jochen.keil at gmail dot com>
"Description: Figures out which java syntax checker (if any) to load
" from the java directory.
"Maintainer: Dmitry Geurkov <d.geurkov at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
" Use g:syntastic_java_checker option to specify which java syntax checker
" should be used (see below for a list of supported checkers).
" If g:syntastic_java_checker is not set, just use the first syntax
" checker that we find installed.
function! SyntaxCheckers_java_GetLocList()
if exists("loaded_java_syntax_checker")
let loaded_java_syntax_checker = 1
let makeprg = 'javac -Xlint '
\. expand ( '%:p:h' ) . '/' . expand ( '%:t' )
\. ' 2>&1 \| '
\. 'sed -e "s\|'
\. expand ( '%:t' )
\. '\|'
\. expand ( '%:p:h' ) . '/' . expand ( '%:t' )
\. '\|"'
" unashamedly stolen from *errorformat-javac* (quickfix.txt)
let errorformat = '%A%f:%l:\ %m,%+Z%p^,%+C%.%#,%-G%.%#'
return SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat })
let s:supported_checkers = ["javac", "checkstyle"]
call SyntasticLoadChecker(s:supported_checkers, 'java')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"File: checkstyle.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Maintainer: Dmitry Geurkov <d.geurkov at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
" Tested with checkstyle 5.5
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_classpath")
let g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_classpath = 'checkstyle-5.5-all.jar'
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_conf_file")
let g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_conf_file = 'sun_checks.xml'
function! SyntaxCheckers_java_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'java -cp ' . g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_classpath . ' -c '
\. g:syntastic_java_checkstyle_conf_file . ' '
\. expand ( '%:p:h' ) . '/' . expand ( '%:t' )
\. ' 2>&1 '
" check style format
let errorformat = '%f:%l:%c:\ %m,%f:%l:\ %m'
return SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat })

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
"File: javac.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Maintainer: Jochen Keil <jochen.keil at gmail dot com>
" Dmitry Geurkov <d.geurkov at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
" Global Options
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_executable")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_executable = 'javac'
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_options")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_options = '-Xlint'
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath = ''
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output = 1
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_autoload_maven_classpath")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_autoload_maven_classpath = 1
" Internal variables, do not ovveride those
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_cwd")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_cwd = ''
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_ftime")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_ftime = 0
if !exists("g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_classpath")
let g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_classpath = ''
function! s:AddToClasspath(classpath,path)
if a:path == ''
return a:classpath
if a:classpath != '' && a:path != ''
return a:classpath . ":" . a:path
return a:path
function! s:SaveClasspath()
let path = ''
let lines = getline(1,line('$'))
for l in lines
if l != ''
let path .= l."\n"
let g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath = path
let &modified = 0
function! s:EditClasspath()
let command = 'syntastic javac classpath'
let winnr = bufwinnr('^' . command . '$')
if winnr < 0
let pathlist = split(g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath,"\n")
execute (len(pathlist)+5) . 'sp ' . fnameescape(command)
au BufWriteCmd <buffer> call s:SaveClasspath() | bwipeout
setlocal buftype=acwrite bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap number
for p in pathlist | call append(line('$')-1,p) | endfor
execute winnr . 'wincmd w'
command! SyntasticJavacEditClasspath call s:EditClasspath()
function! s:GetMavenClasspath()
if filereadable('pom.xml')
if g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_ftime != getftime('pom.xml') || g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_cwd != getcwd()
let mvn_classpath_output = split(system('mvn dependency:build-classpath'),"\n")
let class_path_next = 0
for line in mvn_classpath_output
if class_path_next == 1
let mvn_classpath = line
if match(line,'Dependencies classpath:') >= 0
let class_path_next = 1
let mvn_classpath = s:AddToClasspath(mvn_classpath,'target/classes')
let g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_cwd = getcwd()
let g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_ftime = getftime('pom.xml')
let g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_classpath = mvn_classpath
return g:syntastic_java_javac_maven_pom_classpath
return ''
function! SyntaxCheckers_java_GetLocList()
let javac_opts = g:syntastic_java_javac_options
if g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output
let output_dir = '/tmp/vim-syntastic'
let javac_opts .= ' -d ' .output_dir
let javac_classpath = ''
" add classpathes to javac_classpath
for path in split(g:syntastic_java_javac_classpath,"\n")
if path != ''
let ps = glob(path,0,1)
if type(ps) == type([])
for p in ps
if p != '' | let javac_classpath = s:AddToClasspath(javac_classpath,p) | endif
let javac_classpath = s:AddToClasspath(javac_classpath,ps)
if g:syntastic_java_javac_autoload_maven_classpath
let maven_classpath = s:GetMavenClasspath()
let javac_classpath = s:AddToClasspath(javac_classpath,maven_classpath)
if javac_classpath != ''
let javac_opts .= ' -cp ' . javac_classpath
let makeprg = g:syntastic_java_javac_executable . ' '. javac_opts . ' '
\. expand ( '%:p:h' ) . '/' . expand ( '%:t' )
\. ' 2>&1 '
" unashamedly stolen from *errorformat-javac* (quickfix.txt) and modified to include error types
let errorformat = '%E%f:%l:\ error:\ %m,%W%f:%l:\ warning:\ %m,%A%f:%l:\ %m,%+Z%p^,%+C%.%#,%-G%.%#'
if g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output
call system('mkdir -p ' . output_dir)
let r = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat })
if g:syntastic_java_javac_delete_output
call system('rm -rf ' . output_dir)
return r

syntax_checkers/objc.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
"File: objc.vim
"Description: Syntax checking plugin for syntastic.vim
"Maintainer: Gregor Uhlenheuer <kongo2002 at gmail dot com>
"License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty,
" to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute
" it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You
" Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar.
" See for more details.
" In order to also check header files add this to your .vimrc:
" (this usually creates a .gch file in your source directory)
" let g:syntastic_objc_check_header = 1
" To disable the search of included header files after special
" libraries like gtk and glib add this line to your .vimrc:
" let g:syntastic_objc_no_include_search = 1
" To enable header files being re-checked on every file write add the
" following line to your .vimrc. Otherwise the header files are checked only
" one time on initially loading the file.
" In order to force syntastic to refresh the header includes simply
" unlet b:syntastic_objc_includes. Then the header files are being re-checked on
" the next file write.
" let g:syntastic_objc_auto_refresh_includes = 1
" Alternatively you can set the buffer local variable b:syntastic_objc_cflags.
" If this variable is set for the current buffer no search for additional
" libraries is done. I.e. set the variable like this:
" let b:syntastic_objc_cflags = ' -I/usr/include/libsoup-2.4'
" In order to add some custom include directories that should be added to the
" gcc command line you can add those to the global variable
" g:syntastic_objc_include_dirs. This list can be used like this:
" let g:syntastic_objc_include_dirs = [ 'includes', 'headers' ]
" Moreover it is possible to add additional compiler options to the syntax
" checking execution via the variable 'g:syntastic_objc_compiler_options':
" let g:syntastic_objc_compiler_options = ' -ansi'
" Additionally the setting 'g:syntastic_objc_config_file' allows you to define a
" file that contains additional compiler arguments like include directories or
" CFLAGS. The file is expected to contain one option per line. If none is
" given the filename defaults to '.syntastic_objc_config':
" let g:syntastic_objc_config_file = '.config'
" Using the global variable 'g:syntastic_objc_remove_include_errors' you can
" specify whether errors of files included via the g:syntastic_objc_include_dirs'
" setting are removed from the result set:
" let g:syntastic_objc_remove_include_errors = 1
" Use the variable 'g:syntastic_objc_errorformat' to override the default error
" format:
" let g:syntastic_objc_errorformat = '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m'
if exists('loaded_objc_syntax_checker')
let loaded_objc_syntax_checker = 1
if !executable('gcc')
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if !exists('g:syntastic_objc_compiler_options')
let g:syntastic_objc_compiler_options = ''
if !exists('g:syntastic_objc_config_file')
let g:syntastic_objc_config_file = '.syntastic_objc_config'
function! SyntaxCheckers_objc_GetLocList()
let makeprg = 'gcc -fsyntax-only -lobjc'
let errorformat =
\ '%-G%f:%s:,'.
\ '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l:%c: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: %trror: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: %tarning: %m,'.
\ '%f:%l: %m'
if exists('g:syntastic_objc_errorformat')
let errorformat = g:syntastic_objc_errorformat
" add optional user-defined compiler options
let makeprg .= g:syntastic_objc_compiler_options
let makeprg .= ' '.shellescape(expand('%')).
\ ' '.syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('c')
" determine whether to parse header files as well
if expand('%') =~? '.h$'
if exists('g:syntastic_objc_check_header')
let makeprg = 'gcc -c '.shellescape(expand('%')).
\ ' '.syntastic#c#GetIncludeDirs('c')
return []
" check if the user manually set some cflags
if !exists('b:syntastic_objc_cflags')
" check whether to search for include files at all
if !exists('g:syntastic_objc_no_include_search') ||
\ g:syntastic_objc_no_include_search != 1
" refresh the include file search if desired
if exists('g:syntastic_objc_auto_refresh_includes') &&
\ g:syntastic_objc_auto_refresh_includes != 0
let makeprg .= syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
" search for header includes if not cached already
if !exists('b:syntastic_objc_includes')
let b:syntastic_objc_includes = syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
let makeprg .= b:syntastic_objc_includes
" use the user-defined cflags
let makeprg .= b:syntastic_objc_cflags
" add optional config file parameters
let makeprg .= ' '.syntastic#c#ReadConfig(g:syntastic_objc_config_file)
" process makeprg
let errors = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg,
\ 'errorformat': errorformat })
" filter the processed errors if desired
if exists('g:syntastic_objc_remove_include_errors') &&
\ g:syntastic_objc_remove_include_errors != 0
return filter(errors,
\ 'has_key(v:val, "bufnr") && v:val["bufnr"]=='.bufnr(''))
return errors
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim: set et sts=4 sw=4:

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ function! SyntaxCheckers_php_GetLocList()
let errors = []
let makeprg = "php -l -d error_reporting=E_ALL -d display_errors=0 -d error_log='' ".shellescape(expand('%'))
let errorformat='%-GNo syntax errors detected in%.%#,PHP Parse error: %#syntax %trror\, %m in %f on line %l,PHP Fatal %trror: %m in %f on line %l,%-GErrors parsing %.%#,%-G\s%#,Parse error: %#syntax %trror\, %m in %f on line %l,Fatal %trror: %m in %f on line %l,PHP Parse %trror: %m in %f on line %l'
let makeprg = "php -l -d error_reporting=E_ALL -d display_errors=1 -d log_errors=0 ".shellescape(expand('%'))
let errorformat='%-GNo syntax errors detected in%.%#,Parse error: %#syntax %trror\ , %m in %f on line %l,Parse %trror: %m in %f on line %l,Fatal %trror: %m in %f on line %l,%-G\s%#,%-GErrors parsing %.%#'
let errors = SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat })
if empty(errors) && !g:syntastic_phpcs_disable && executable("phpcs")