Add possibility to specify a rebar file as parameter in erlang_check_file.erl

I want to use lib_dirs and sub_dirs from rebar file and run compile with
this paths. So I search for the next rebar.config file and pass this in

This commit is contained in:
Florian Eitel 2013-08-06 17:25:29 +02:00
parent 3a03fee48c
commit 8c698b15d1

View File

@ -4,6 +4,33 @@
main([FileName]) -> main([FileName]) ->
LibDirs = filelib:wildcard("{lib,deps}/*/ebin"), LibDirs = filelib:wildcard("{lib,deps}/*/ebin"),
compile(FileName, LibDirs); compile(FileName, LibDirs);
main([FileName | ["-rebar" | [Path | LibDirs]]]) ->
{ok, L} = file:consult(Path),
P = dict:from_list(L),
Root = filename:dirname(Path),
Lib1 = case dict:find(lib_dirs, P) of
{ok, X} -> lists:map(fun(Sub) -> Root ++ "/" ++ Sub end, X);
_ -> []
Lib2 = case dict:find(sub_dirs, P) of
{ok, Y} -> lists:foldl(
fun(Sub,Sofar) ->
Sofar ++ [
Root ++ "/" ++ Sub,
Root ++ "/" ++ Sub ++ "/include",
Root ++ "/" ++ Sub ++ "/deps",
Root ++ "/" ++ Sub ++ "/lib"
] end, [], Y);
_ -> []
LibDirs1 = LibDirs ++ Lib1 ++ Lib2,
%io:format("~p~n", [LibDirs1]),
compile(FileName, LibDirs1);
main([FileName | LibDirs]) -> main([FileName | LibDirs]) ->
compile(FileName, LibDirs). compile(FileName, LibDirs).