if exists("g:loaded_nerdtree_autoload") finish endif let g:loaded_nerdtree_autoload = 1 function! nerdtree#version() return '5.1.2' endfunction " SECTION: General Functions {{{1 "============================================================ "FUNCTION: nerdtree#and(x,y) {{{2 " Implements and() function for Vim <= 7.2 function! nerdtree#and(x,y) if exists("*and") return and(a:x, a:y) else let l:x = a:x let l:y = a:y let l:n = 0 let l:result = 0 while l:x > 0 && l:y > 0 if (l:x % 2) && (l:y % 2) let l:result += float2nr(pow(2, l:n)) endif echomsg l:x . ", " . l:y . " => " l:result let l:x = float2nr(l:x / 2) let l:y = float2nr(l:y / 2) let l:n += 1 endwhile return l:result endif endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#checkForBrowse(dir) {{{2 "inits a window tree in the current buffer if appropriate function! nerdtree#checkForBrowse(dir) if !isdirectory(a:dir) return endif if s:reuseWin(a:dir) return endif call g:NERDTreeCreator.CreateWindowTree(a:dir) endfunction "FUNCTION: s:reuseWin(dir) {{{2 "finds a NERDTree buffer with root of dir, and opens it. function! s:reuseWin(dir) abort let path = g:NERDTreePath.New(fnamemodify(a:dir, ":p")) for i in range(1, bufnr("$")) unlet! nt let nt = getbufvar(i, "NERDTree") if empty(nt) continue endif if nt.isWinTree() && nt.root.path.equals(path) call nt.setPreviousBuf(bufnr("#")) exec "buffer " . i return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#completeBookmarks(A,L,P) {{{2 " completion function for the bookmark commands function! nerdtree#completeBookmarks(A,L,P) return filter(g:NERDTreeBookmark.BookmarkNames(), 'v:val =~# "^' . a:A . '"') endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#compareNodes(dir) {{{2 function! nerdtree#compareNodes(n1, n2) return a:n1.path.compareTo(a:n2.path) endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#compareNodesBySortKey(n1, n2) {{{2 function! nerdtree#compareNodesBySortKey(n1, n2) let sortKey1 = a:n1.path.getSortKey() let sortKey2 = a:n2.path.getSortKey() let i = 0 while i < min([len(sortKey1), len(sortKey2)]) " Compare chunks upto common length. " If chunks have different type, the one which has " integer type is the lesser. if type(sortKey1[i]) == type(sortKey2[i]) if sortKey1[i] <# sortKey2[i] return - 1 elseif sortKey1[i] ># sortKey2[i] return 1 endif elseif type(sortKey1[i]) == v:t_number return -1 elseif type(sortKey2[i]) == v:t_number return 1 endif let i = i + 1 endwhile " Keys are identical upto common length. " The key which has smaller chunks is the lesser one. if len(sortKey1) < len(sortKey2) return -1 elseif len(sortKey1) > len(sortKey2) return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#deprecated(func, [msg]) {{{2 " Issue a deprecation warning for a:func. If a second arg is given, use this " as the deprecation message function! nerdtree#deprecated(func, ...) let msg = a:0 ? a:func . ' ' . a:1 : a:func . ' is deprecated' if !exists('s:deprecationWarnings') let s:deprecationWarnings = {} endif if !has_key(s:deprecationWarnings, a:func) let s:deprecationWarnings[a:func] = 1 echomsg msg endif endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#exec(cmd) {{{2 " Same as :exec cmd but with eventignore set for the duration " to disable the autocommands used by NERDTree (BufEnter, " BufLeave and VimEnter) function! nerdtree#exec(cmd) let old_ei = &ei set ei=BufEnter,BufLeave,VimEnter exec a:cmd let &ei = old_ei endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#has_opt(options, name) {{{2 function! nerdtree#has_opt(options, name) return has_key(a:options, a:name) && a:options[a:name] == 1 endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#loadClassFiles() {{{2 function! nerdtree#loadClassFiles() runtime lib/nerdtree/path.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/menu_controller.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/menu_item.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/key_map.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/bookmark.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/tree_file_node.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/tree_dir_node.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/opener.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/creator.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/flag_set.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/nerdtree.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/ui.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/event.vim runtime lib/nerdtree/notifier.vim endfunction " FUNCTION: nerdtree#postSourceActions() {{{2 function! nerdtree#postSourceActions() call g:NERDTreeBookmark.CacheBookmarks(1) call nerdtree#ui_glue#createDefaultBindings() "load all nerdtree plugins runtime! nerdtree_plugin/**/*.vim endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#runningWindows(dir) {{{2 function! nerdtree#runningWindows() return has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#runningCygwin(dir) {{{2 function! nerdtree#runningCygwin() return has("win32unix") endfunction " SECTION: View Functions {{{1 "============================================================ "FUNCTION: nerdtree#echo {{{2 "A wrapper for :echo. Appends 'NERDTree:' on the front of all messages " "Args: "msg: the message to echo function! nerdtree#echo(msg) redraw echomsg empty(a:msg) ? "" : ("NERDTree: " . a:msg) endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#echoError {{{2 "Wrapper for nerdtree#echo, sets the message type to errormsg for this message "Args: "msg: the message to echo function! nerdtree#echoError(msg) echohl errormsg call nerdtree#echo(a:msg) echohl normal endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#echoWarning {{{2 "Wrapper for nerdtree#echo, sets the message type to warningmsg for this message "Args: "msg: the message to echo function! nerdtree#echoWarning(msg) echohl warningmsg call nerdtree#echo(a:msg) echohl normal endfunction "FUNCTION: nerdtree#renderView {{{2 function! nerdtree#renderView() call b:NERDTree.render() endfunction " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: