From 478112d2dbf91862ec192d74894b4f01e700862a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Emanuel Guevel Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 21:06:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Some more keywords --- syntax/i3.vim | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/syntax/i3.vim b/syntax/i3.vim index 2089598..927eca6 100644 --- a/syntax/i3.vim +++ b/syntax/i3.vim @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ syn match i3QuotedString '"[^"]\+"' contained syn cluster i3String contains=i3SimpleString,i3QuotedString " Config commands -syn keyword i3ConfigCommand bind bindcode bindsym assign new_window popup_during_fullscreen font floating_modifier default_orientation workspace_layout for_window focus_follows_mouse bar position colors output tray_output workspace_buttons workspace_auto_back_and_forth binding_mode_indicator debuglog floating_minimum_size floating_maximum_size force_focus_wrapping force_xinerama force_display_urgency_hint hidden_state modifier new_float shmlog socket_path verbose +syn keyword i3ConfigCommand bind bindcode bindsym assign new_window popup_during_fullscreen font floating_modifier default_orientation workspace_layout for_window focus_follows_mouse bar position colors output tray_output workspace_buttons workspace_auto_back_and_forth binding_mode_indicator debuglog floating_minimum_size floating_maximum_size force_focus_wrapping force_xinerama force_display_urgency_hint hidden_state modifier new_float shmlog socket_path verbose mouse_warping strip_workspace_numbers syn match i3IpcSocket "ipc[-_]socket" nextgroup=@i3String skipwhite " Command keywords syn keyword i3Command exit reload restart kill fullscreen global layout border focus move open split append_layout mark unmark resize grow shrink show nop rename -syn keyword i3Param 1pixel default stacked tabbed normal none tiling stacking floating enable disable up down horizontal vertical auto up down left right parent child px or ppt leave_fullscreen toggle mode_toggle scratchpad width height top bottom client hide primary yes all active window container to absolute center on off x ms h v smart ignore pixel splith splitv +syn keyword i3Param 1pixel default stacked tabbed normal none tiling stacking floating enable disable up down horizontal vertical auto up down left right parent child px or ppt leave_fullscreen toggle mode_toggle scratchpad width height top bottom client hide primary yes all active window container to absolute center on off x ms h v smart ignore pixel splith splitv output syn match i3DashedParam '--release' skipwhite syn match i3NoStartupId '--no-startup-id' contained syn keyword i3WsSpecialParam next prev next_on_output prev_on_output back_and_forth current number