scriptencoding utf-8 let s:datadir = expand(':h:h') . '/data' let s:cursor_off = 0 let s:cursor_on = 1 let s:t_ve = &t_ve function! s:toggle_cursor(f) let &t_ve = a:f ? s:t_ve : '' endfunction let s:STATE_LOOP = 1 let s:STATE_DIE = 2 let s:STATE_GAMEOVER = 3 let s:STATE_FINISH = 4 let s:seed = 0 function! s:srand(seed) abort let s:seed = a:seed endfunction function! s:rand() abort let s:seed = s:seed * 214013 + 2531011 return (s:seed < 0 ? s:seed - 0x80000000 : s:seed) / 0x10000 % 0x8000 endfunction function! s:stage_init() abort " open new buffer silent edit `='==FlappyVird=='` silent normal! gg0 silent only! setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal noswapfile setlocal bufhidden=wipe setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal nonumber setlocal nolist setlocal nowrap setlocal nocursorline setlocal nocursorcolumn syn match FlappyVirdGreen1 '\~' hi FlappyVirdGreen1 ctermfg=black ctermbg=green guifg=black guibg=green syn match FlappyVirdGreen2 '\^' hi FlappyVirdGreen2 ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=yellow guifg=yellow guibg=yellow syn match FlappyVirdBar '*' hi FlappyVirdBar ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=magenta guifg=magenta guibg=magenta call s:toggle_cursor(s:cursor_off) redraw endfunction function! s:stage_wipeout() abort call s:toggle_cursor(s:cursor_on) bdelete endfunction function! s:loaddata() abort return eval(join(readfile(s:datadir . '/stage.json'), '')) endfunction function! s:loop() let sf = s:loaddata() call s:stage_init() " clear whole screen let ww = winwidth('.') " window width let wh = winheight('.') " window height let sh = 20 " fill screen for i in range(1, wh) call setline(i, repeat(' ', ww + 10)) endfor " draw ground call setline(sh+1, repeat("~", ww)) let state = s:STATE_LOOP let rate = 100 let jx = 20 let jy = 1600 let ry = jy / rate let dy = 40 let si = 0 let sc = 0 let st = sf[si][0] let cf = get(g:, 'flappyvird_face', '(; @_@)') let cw = len(cf) let cb = getline(ry)[jx :jx+cw-1] let ss = 20 let rt = reltime() call s:srand(localtime()) call setline(sh + 2, printf(" SCORE: %6d", 0)) let retry = 0 while 1 let c = getchar(0) if c == 27 || c == 113 " esc or q " quit loop break endif if state == s:STATE_FINISH if c == 114 " r let retry = 1 break endif " do nothing continue endif " erase character if ry > 0 let l = getline(ry) let l = l[:jx] . cb . l[jx+cw+1:] call setline(ry, l) endif " calculate next position let jy -= dy let dy -= 1 let ry = jy / rate if state == s:STATE_LOOP " move left screen for i in range(1, sh) call setline(i, getline(i)[1:] . ' ') endfor " move ground let l = getline(sh + 1) let l = l[1:] . (s:rand() < 2000 ? '^' : '~') call setline(sh + 1, l) if getline(sh)[jx-2: jx-1] == '* ' let sc += 1 call setline(sh + 2, printf(" SCORE: %6d", sc)) endif endif " redraw character if ry > 0 let l = getline(ry) let cb = l[jx+1 :jx+cw] let l = l[:jx] . cf . l[jx+cw+1:] call setline(ry, l) endif redraw " calculate diff times to sleep let dt = str2float(reltimestr(reltime(rt))) * 1000.0 let ds = float2nr(ss - dt) if ds > 0 exe 'sleep' ds . 'ms' endif let rt = reltime() if state == s:STATE_DIE if ry >= sh let state = s:STATE_FINISH endif continue endif " if contains non-space characters, or overrun, it's hit! if cb =~ '\S' || ry < 1 || ry >= sh let state = s:STATE_DIE let dy = 0 continue endif if c == 32 " space key let dy = 40 endif if st == 0 " draw bar for i in range(1, sh) let l = getline(i) let of = i >= sf[si][1] && i <= sf[si][1] + sf[si][2] call setline(i, l[:ww-sf[si][3]] . repeat(of ? ' ' : '*', sf[si][3])) endfor " shift to next bar let si += 1 " if it's end of bars, finish if si == len(sf) let state = s:STATE_FINISH continue endif " set next bar timer let st = sf[si][0] else let st -= 1 endif endwhile call s:stage_wipeout() return retry endfunction function! flappyvird#start() abort while s:loop() endwhile endfunction " vim:set et: