# eregex.vim
## Installation
It is recommended to install the script using [Vundle][] or [pathogen][].
## Quick Start
After installation, just press / or ? as usual.
This will map to `:M/` command, which is used to perform the PCRE search.
You can call `eregex#toggle` funtion to toggle the keymapping. For example,
add the following line into your `.vimrc` file:
nnoremap / :call eregex#toggle()
Then you can use / to toggle the eregex.vim.
For replacement, use `:%S//` (uppercase S) to trigger perl style regexp.
See `:help eregex` for more information.
## Config
To disable the script by default, put this line in your `.vimrc` file:
let g:eregex_default_enable = 0
To change the search delimiter to something else than the default `/` and `?`,
following options can be used:
let g:eregex_forward_delim = '/'
let g:eregex_backward_delim = '?'
## Changes
### 2.61
* Support for ignorecase
### 2.60
* Support for the backword search.
* Support for the count argument.
* Use function to auto map keys.
* Support for custom search delimeters.
* hlsearch works fine.
## License
Author : 安久津
Origin : [eregex.vim][origin]
Maintainer : othree
See `:help eregex-license-to-use` for license information.