Kien N ed2acba947 Some enhancements
* Add g:ctrlp_mruf_relative, an option to list only MRU files in the current
  working directory. Close #81.
* Extend <c-y> to work with <c-z> to get a base dir to create the new file.
  First stab at feature #77.
* Remove the hard limit for partial matching. Resolve #76.
* Merge custom_statusline. Close #80. Refs Lokaltog/vim-powerline#25.
2012-01-16 00:42:14 +07:00

122 lines
2.8 KiB

" =============================================================================
" File: autoload/ctrlp/undo.vim
" Description: Undo extension - Browse undo history (requires Vim 7.3.005+)
" Author: Kien Nguyen <>
" =============================================================================
" User Configuration {{{1
" Enable:
" let g:ctrlp_extensions += ['undo']
" Create A Command:
" com! CtrlPUndo cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#undo#id())
" Init {{{1
if ( exists('g:loaded_ctrlp_undo') && g:loaded_ctrlp_undo )
\ || !( v:version > 702 && has('patch005') )
let g:loaded_ctrlp_undo = 1
let s:undo_var = {
\ 'init': 'ctrlp#undo#init(s:undotree)',
\ 'accept': 'ctrlp#undo#accept',
\ 'lname': 'undo',
\ 'sname': 'udo',
\ 'type': 'line',
\ }
let g:ctrlp_ext_vars = exists('g:ctrlp_ext_vars') && !empty(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
\ ? add(g:ctrlp_ext_vars, s:undo_var) : [s:undo_var]
let s:id = g:ctrlp_builtins + len(g:ctrlp_ext_vars)
" Utilities {{{1
fu! s:flatten(tree)
let flatdict = {}
for each in a:tree
cal extend(flatdict, { each['seq'] : each['time'] })
if has_key(each, 'alt')
cal extend(flatdict, s:flatten(each['alt']))
retu flatdict
fu! s:humantime(nr)
let elapsed = localtime() - a:nr
let mins = elapsed / 60
let hrs = elapsed / 3600
let days = elapsed / 86400
let wks = elapsed / 604800
let mons = elapsed / 2592000
let yrs = elapsed / 31536000
let text = [
\ ' second ago',
\ ' seconds ago',
\ ' minutes ago',
\ ' hours ago',
\ ' days ago',
\ ' weeks ago',
\ ' months ago',
\ ' years ago',
\ ]
if yrs > 1
retu yrs.text[7]
elsei mons > 1
retu mons.text[6]
elsei wks > 1
retu wks.text[5]
elsei days > 1
retu days.text[4]
elsei hrs > 1
retu hrs.text[3]
elsei mins > 1
retu mins.text[2]
elsei elapsed == 1
retu elapsed.text[0]
elsei elapsed < 120
retu elapsed.text[1]
fu! s:syntax()
sy match CtrlPUndoT '\d\+ \zs[^ ]\+\ze'
sy match CtrlPUndoBr '\[\|\]'
sy match CtrlPUndoNr '\[\d\+\]$' contains=CtrlPUndoBr
hi link CtrlPUndoT Directory
hi link CtrlPUndoBr Comment
hi link CtrlPUndoNr String
fu! s:dict2list(dict)
let dict = map(a:dict, 's:humantime(v:val)')
retu map(keys(dict), 'eval(''[v:val, dict[v:val]]'')')
fu! s:compval(...)
retu a:2[0] - a:1[0]
" Public {{{1
fu! ctrlp#undo#init(undo)
let entries = a:undo['entries']
if empty(entries) | retu [] | en
cal s:syntax()
let g:ctrlp_nolimit = 1
let entries = sort(s:dict2list(s:flatten(entries)), 's:compval')
retu map(entries, 'v:val[1]." [".v:val[0]."]"')
fu! ctrlp#undo#accept(mode, str)
let undon = matchstr(a:str, '\[\zs\d\+\ze\]')
if empty(undon) | retu | en
cal ctrlp#exit()
exe 'u' undon
fu! ctrlp#undo#id()
retu s:id
" vim:fen:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:fdl=0:fdc=1:ts=2:sw=2:sts=2