Rewrite WD related functions
* Equal priority for default root markers. Closes #241. * Change g:ctrlp_working_path_mode's type.
This commit is contained in:
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let [s:pref, s:opts, s:new_opts] = ['g:ctrlp_', {
\ 'use_caching': ['s:caching', 1],
\ 'use_caching': ['s:caching', 1],
\ 'use_migemo': ['s:migemo', 0],
\ 'use_migemo': ['s:migemo', 0],
\ 'user_command': ['s:usrcmd', ''],
\ 'user_command': ['s:usrcmd', ''],
\ 'working_path_mode': ['s:pathmode', 2],
\ 'working_path_mode': ['s:pathmode', 'rc'],
\ }, {
\ }, {
\ 'open_multiple_files': 's:opmul',
\ 'open_multiple_files': 's:opmul',
\ 'regexp': 's:regexp',
\ 'regexp': 's:regexp',
@ -354,26 +354,25 @@ fu! s:lsCmd()
if type(cmd) == 1
if type(cmd) == 1
retu cmd
retu cmd
elsei type(cmd) == 3 && len(cmd) >= 2 && cmd[:1] != ['', '']
elsei type(cmd) == 3 && len(cmd) >= 2 && cmd[:1] != ['', '']
" Find a repo root
if s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd[0], 0, 1) == []
cal s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd[0], 0, 1)
if !exists('s:vcsroot')
" Try the secondary_command
retu len(cmd) == 3 ? cmd[2] : ''
retu len(cmd) == 3 ? cmd[2] : ''
unl s:vcsroot
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0
retu cmd[1]
retu cmd[1]
elsei type(cmd) == 4 && has_key(cmd, 'types')
elsei type(cmd) == 4 && has_key(cmd, 'types')
for key in sort(keys(cmd['types']), 's:compval')
let [markrs, cmdtypes] = [[], values(cmd['types'])]
cal s:findroot(s:dyncwd, cmd['types'][key][0], 0, 1)
for pair in cmdtypes
if exists('s:vcsroot') | brea | en
cal add(markrs, pair[0])
if !exists('s:vcsroot')
let fndroot = s:findroot(s:dyncwd, markrs, 0, 1)
if fndroot == []
retu has_key(cmd, 'fallback') ? cmd['fallback'] : ''
retu has_key(cmd, 'fallback') ? cmd['fallback'] : ''
unl s:vcsroot
for pair in cmdtypes
if pair[0] == fndroot[0] | brea | en
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0
let s:vcscmd = s:lash == '\' ? 1 : 0
retu cmd['types'][key][1]
retu pair[1]
" - Buffers {{{1
" - Buffers {{{1
@ -813,30 +812,26 @@ fu! s:PrtSwitcher()
unl s:force
unl s:force
" - SetWD() {{{1
" - SetWD() {{{1
fu! s:SetWD(...)
fu! s:SetWD(args)
let pathmode = s:wpmode
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
if a:0 && strlen(a:1) | if type(a:1)
let pmode = has_key(a:args, 'mode') ? a:args['mode'] : s:wpmode
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:1) | retu
if has_key(a:args, 'dir') && a:args['dir'] != ''
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:args['dir']) | retu
let pathmode = a:1
en | en
if s:crfile =~ '^.\+://' | retu | en
if a:0 < 2
if pmode =~ 'c' || ( !type(pmode) && pmode )
if s:crfile =~ '^.\+://' || !pathmode | retu | en
if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en
if exists('+acd') | let [s:glb_acd, &acd] = [&acd, 0] | en
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath)
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:crfpath)
if pathmode == 1 | retu | en
if pmode =~ 'r' || pmode == 2
let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs']
let markers = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.bzr', '_darcs']
let spath = pmode =~ 'd' ? s:dyncwd : pmode =~ 'w' ? s:cwd : s:crfpath
if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
if type(s:rmarkers) == 3 && !empty(s:rmarkers)
cal extend(markers, s:rmarkers, 0)
if s:findroot(spath, s:rmarkers, 0, 0) != [] | retu | en
let markers = reverse(filter(reverse(markers), 'count(markers, v:val) == 1'))
cal filter(markers, 'index(s:rmarkers, v:val) < 0')
cal s:findroot(spath, markers, 0, 0)
for marker in markers
cal s:findroot(s:dyncwd, marker, 0, 0)
if exists('s:foundroot') | brea | en
unl! s:foundroot
" * AcceptSelection() {{{1
" * AcceptSelection() {{{1
fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...)
fu! ctrlp#acceptfile(mode, line, ...)
@ -883,7 +878,7 @@ fu! s:SpecInputs(str)
cal s:PrtClear()
cal s:PrtClear()
retu 1
retu 1
elsei a:str == s:lash && s:spi
elsei a:str == s:lash && s:spi
cal s:SetWD(2, 0)
cal s:SetWD({ 'mode': 'rd' })
cal ctrlp#setlines()
cal ctrlp#setlines()
cal s:PrtClear()
cal s:PrtClear()
retu 1
retu 1
@ -1223,7 +1218,8 @@ fu! ctrlp#progress(enum, ...)
\ : '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*'
\ : '%#CtrlPStats# '.a:enum.' %* '.txt.'%=%<%#CtrlPMode2# %{getcwd()} %*'
" Paths {{{2
" *** Paths {{{2
" Line formatting {{{3
fu! s:formatline(str)
fu! s:formatline(str)
let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(a:str)
let cond = s:ispath && ( s:winw - 4 ) < s:strwidth(a:str)
retu '> '.( cond ? s:pathshorten(a:str) : a:str )
retu '> '.( cond ? s:pathshorten(a:str) : a:str )
@ -1233,7 +1229,7 @@ fu! s:pathshorten(str)
retu matchstr(a:str, '^.\{9}').'...'
retu matchstr(a:str, '^.\{9}').'...'
\ .matchstr(a:str, '.\{'.( s:winw - 16 ).'}$')
\ .matchstr(a:str, '.\{'.( s:winw - 16 ).'}$')
" Directory completion {{{3
fu! s:dircompl(be, sd)
fu! s:dircompl(be, sd)
if a:sd == '' | retu [] | en
if a:sd == '' | retu [] | en
let [be, sd] = a:be == '' ? [s:dyncwd, a:sd] : [a:be, a:be.s:lash(a:be).a:sd]
let [be, sd] = a:be == '' ? [s:dyncwd, a:sd] : [a:be, a:be.s:lash(a:be).a:sd]
@ -1256,7 +1252,7 @@ fu! s:findcommon(items, seed)
retu cmn
retu cmn
" Misc {{{3
fu! s:headntail(str)
fu! s:headntail(str)
let parts = split(a:str, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+[\/:]\?$')
let parts = split(a:str, '[\/]\ze[^\/]\+[\/:]\?$')
retu len(parts) == 1 ? ['', parts[0]] : len(parts) == 2 ? parts : []
retu len(parts) == 1 ? ['', parts[0]] : len(parts) == 2 ? parts : []
@ -1314,7 +1310,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#rmbasedir(items)
retu a:items
retu a:items
" Working directory {{{3
fu! s:getparent(item)
fu! s:getparent(item)
let parent = substitute(a:item, '[\/][^\/]\+[\/:]\?$', '', '')
let parent = substitute(a:item, '[\/][^\/]\+[\/:]\?$', '', '')
if parent == '' || parent !~ '[\/]'
if parent == '' || parent !~ '[\/]'
@ -1324,20 +1320,34 @@ fu! s:getparent(item)
fu! s:findroot(curr, mark, depth, type)
fu! s:findroot(curr, mark, depth, type)
let [depth, notfound] = [a:depth + 1, empty(s:glbpath(a:curr, a:mark, 1))]
let [depth, fnd] = [a:depth + 1, 0]
if !notfound || depth > s:maxdepth
if type(a:mark) == 1
if notfound | cal ctrlp#setdir(s:cwd) | en
let fnd = s:glbpath(a:curr, a:mark, 1) != ''
if a:type && depth <= s:maxdepth
elsei type(a:mark) == 3
let s:vcsroot = a:curr
for markr in a:mark
elsei !a:type && !notfound
if s:glbpath(a:curr, markr, 1) != '' | let fnd = 1 | brea | en
cal ctrlp#setdir(a:curr) | let s:foundroot = 1
if fnd
if !a:type | cal ctrlp#setdir(a:curr) | en
retu [exists('markr') ? markr : a:mark, a:curr]
elsei depth > s:maxdepth
cal ctrlp#setdir(s:cwd)
let parent = s:getparent(a:curr)
let parent = s:getparent(a:curr)
if parent != a:curr | cal s:findroot(parent, a:mark, depth, a:type) | en
if parent != a:curr
retu s:findroot(parent, a:mark, depth, a:type)
retu []
fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...)
let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!'
sil! exe cmd ctrlp#fnesc(a:path)
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
" Fallbacks {{{3
fu! s:glbpath(...)
fu! s:glbpath(...)
let cond = v:version > 702 || ( v:version == 702 && has('patch051') )
let cond = v:version > 702 || ( v:version == 702 && has('patch051') )
retu call('globpath', cond ? a:000 : a:000[:1])
retu call('globpath', cond ? a:000 : a:000[:1])
@ -1347,12 +1357,6 @@ fu! ctrlp#fnesc(path)
retu exists('*fnameescape') ? fnameescape(a:path) : escape(a:path, " %#*?|<\"\n")
retu exists('*fnameescape') ? fnameescape(a:path) : escape(a:path, " %#*?|<\"\n")
fu! ctrlp#setdir(path, ...)
let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : 'lc!'
sil! exe cmd ctrlp#fnesc(a:path)
let [s:crfilerel, s:dyncwd] = [fnamemodify(s:crfile, ':.'), getcwd()]
fu! ctrlp#setlcdir()
fu! ctrlp#setlcdir()
if exists('*haslocaldir')
if exists('*haslocaldir')
cal ctrlp#setdir(getcwd(), haslocaldir() ? 'lc!' : 'cd!')
cal ctrlp#setdir(getcwd(), haslocaldir() ? 'lc!' : 'cd!')
@ -1912,7 +1916,7 @@ fu! ctrlp#init(type, ...)
let [s:matches, s:init] = [1, 1]
let [s:matches, s:init] = [1, 1]
cal ctrlp#reset()
cal ctrlp#reset()
noa cal s:Open()
noa cal s:Open()
cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : '')
cal s:SetWD(a:0 ? a:1 : {})
cal s:MapKeys()
cal s:MapKeys()
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal ctrlp#syntax()
cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type))
cal ctrlp#setlines(s:settype(a:type))
@ -160,14 +160,18 @@ Where to put the new tab page when opening one: >
When starting up, CtrlP sets its local working directory according to this
When starting up, CtrlP sets its local working directory according to this
variable: >
variable: >
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 2
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'rc'
1 - the directory of the current file.
c - the directory of the current file.
2 - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files:
r - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files:
.git .hg .svn .bzr _darcs
.git .hg .svn .bzr _darcs
0 - don't manage working directory.
{empty-string} - don't manage working directory.
Note: you can use b:ctrlp_working_path_mode (a |b:var|) to set this option on a
per buffer basis.
Note #1: you can use b:ctrlp_working_path_mode (a |b:var|) to set this option
on a per buffer basis.
Note #2: with both 'r' and 'c' in the option, when a root isn't found, use the
directory of the current file.
Use this to set your own root markers in addition to the default ones (.git,
Use this to set your own root markers in addition to the default ones (.git,
@ -200,7 +204,10 @@ Set the directory to store the cache files: >
Set this to 0 if you don't want CtrlP to scan for dotfiles and dotdirs: >
Set this to 0 if you don't want CtrlP to scan for dotfiles and dotdirs: >
let g:ctrlp_dotfiles = 1
let g:ctrlp_dotfiles = 1
You can use |'wildignore'| to exclude anything from the search.
You can use Vim's |'wildignore'| to exclude files and directories from the
Examples: >
Examples: >
" Excluding version control directories
" Excluding version control directories
set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/* " Linux/MacOSX
set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/* " Linux/MacOSX
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ Examples: >
\ }
\ }
Note: ignoring only works when |globpath()| is used to scan for files.
Note: ignoring only applies when |globpath()| is used to scan for files.
The maximum number of files to scan, set to 0 for no limit: >
The maximum number of files to scan, set to 0 for no limit: >
@ -307,6 +314,7 @@ For the number:
- If given, it'll be used as the maximum number of windows or tabs to create
- If given, it'll be used as the maximum number of windows or tabs to create
when opening the files (the rest will be opened as hidden buffers).
when opening the files (the rest will be opened as hidden buffers).
- If not given, <c-o> will open all files, each in a new window or new tab.
- If not given, <c-o> will open all files, each in a new window or new tab.
For the letters:
For the letters:
t - each file in a new tab.
t - each file in a new tab.
h - each file in a new horizontal split.
h - each file in a new horizontal split.
@ -475,17 +483,19 @@ Structure of the functions: >
" | + 'h' : user pressed <c-x> (default)
" | + 'h' : user pressed <c-x> (default)
" | + 'v' : user pressed <c-v> (default)
" | + 'v' : user pressed <c-v> (default)
" | + 't' : user pressed <c-t> (default)
" | + 't' : user pressed <c-t> (default)
" | + 'x' : user used the <c-o> dialog (default) and chose
" | + 'x' : user used the <c-o> console dialog (default) and
" | "e[x]ternal".
" | chose "e[x]ternal".
" |
" |
" +- a:line : The selected line.
" +- a:line : The selected line.
Linux example: open HTML files in the default web browser when <c-t> is pressed
Note: does not apply when opening multiple files with <c-z> and <c-o>.
and in Vim otherwise >
Example: open HTML files in the default web browser when <c-t> is pressed and
in Vim otherwise >
function! HTMLOpenFunc(action, line)
function! HTMLOpenFunc(action, line)
if a:action == 't' && fnamemodify(a:line, ':e') =~? '^html\?$'
if a:action =~ '^[tx]$' && fnamemodify(a:line, ':e') =~? '^html\?$'
" Get the filename
" Get the filename
let filename = fnameescape(fnamemodify(a:line, ':p'))
let filename = fnameescape(fnamemodify(a:line, ':p'))
@ -498,7 +508,7 @@ and in Vim otherwise >
elseif a:action == 'x' && fnamemodify(a:line, ':e') !~? '^html\?$'
elseif a:action == 'x' && fnamemodify(a:line, ':e') !~? '^html\?$'
" Not a HTML file, simulate pressing <c-o> again
" Not a HTML file, simulate pressing <c-o> again and wait for new input
call feedkeys("\<c-o>")
call feedkeys("\<c-o>")
@ -511,7 +521,6 @@ and in Vim otherwise >
let g:ctrlp_open_func = { 'files': 'HTMLOpenFunc' }
let g:ctrlp_open_func = { 'files': 'HTMLOpenFunc' }
Note: this option does not apply when opening multiple files with <c-z>, <c-o>.
Use this to customize the statuslines for the CtrlP window: >
Use this to customize the statuslines for the CtrlP window: >
@ -630,8 +639,8 @@ COMMANDS *ctrlp-commands*
This acts like |:CtrlP| with |g:ctrlp_working_path_mode| = 2 (ignores the
This acts like |:CtrlP| with |g:ctrlp_working_path_mode| = 'rc' and ignores
variable's current value).
the variable's current value.
@ -778,7 +787,7 @@ Pasting:~
Paste the clipboard content into the prompt.
Paste the clipboard content into the prompt.
Open a text dialog to paste <cword>, <cfile>, the content of the search
Open a console dialog to paste <cword>, <cfile>, the content of the search
register, the last visual selection, the clipboard or any register into the
register, the last visual selection, the clipboard or any register into the
@ -790,8 +799,7 @@ When inside the match window (press <s-tab> to switch):~
Cycle through the lines with the first letter (of paths or filenames) that
Cycle through the lines which have the matching first character.
matches that key.
INPUT FORMATS *ctrlp-input-formats*
INPUT FORMATS *ctrlp-input-formats*
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ let [g:ctrlp_lines, g:ctrlp_allfiles, g:ctrlp_alltags, g:ctrlp_alldirs,
if !exists('g:ctrlp_map') | let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>' | en
if !exists('g:ctrlp_map') | let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>' | en
if !exists('g:ctrlp_cmd') | let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' | en
if !exists('g:ctrlp_cmd') | let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' | en
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlP cal ctrlp#init(0, <q-args>)
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlP cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'dir': <q-args> })
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPMRUFiles cal ctrlp#init(2, { 'dir': <q-args> })
com! -bar CtrlPBuffer cal ctrlp#init(1)
com! -bar CtrlPBuffer cal ctrlp#init(1)
com! -bar CtrlPMRUFiles cal ctrlp#init(2)
com! -bar CtrlPLastMode cal ctrlp#init(-1)
com! -bar CtrlPLastMode cal ctrlp#init(-1)
com! -bar CtrlPClearCache cal ctrlp#clr()
com! -bar CtrlPClearCache cal ctrlp#clr()
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ com! -bar ClearCtrlPCache cal ctrlp#clr()
com! -bar ClearAllCtrlPCaches cal ctrlp#clra()
com! -bar ClearAllCtrlPCaches cal ctrlp#clra()
com! -bar ResetCtrlP cal ctrlp#reset()
com! -bar ResetCtrlP cal ctrlp#reset()
com! -bar CtrlPCurWD cal ctrlp#init(0, 0)
com! -bar CtrlPCurWD cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': '' })
com! -bar CtrlPCurFile cal ctrlp#init(0, 1)
com! -bar CtrlPCurFile cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': 'c' })
com! -bar CtrlPRoot cal ctrlp#init(0, 2)
com! -bar CtrlPRoot cal ctrlp#init(0, { 'mode': 'rc' })
if g:ctrlp_map != '' && !hasmapto(':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>', 'n')
if g:ctrlp_map != '' && !hasmapto(':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>', 'n')
exe 'nn <silent>' g:ctrlp_map ':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>'
exe 'nn <silent>' g:ctrlp_map ':<c-u>'.g:ctrlp_cmd.'<cr>'
@ -43,18 +43,24 @@ cal ctrlp#mrufiles#init()
com! -bar CtrlPTag cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#tag#id())
com! -bar CtrlPTag cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#tag#id())
com! -bar CtrlPQuickfix cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#quickfix#id())
com! -bar CtrlPQuickfix cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#quickfix#id())
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPDir
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPDir
\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#dir#id(), <q-args>)
\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#dir#id(), { 'dir': <q-args> })
com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPBufTag
com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPBufTag
\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(0, <q-args>))
\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(0, <q-args>))
com! -bar CtrlPBufTagAll cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(1))
com! -bar CtrlPBufTagAll cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#buffertag#cmd(1))
com! -bar CtrlPRTS cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#rtscript#id())
com! -bar CtrlPRTS cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#rtscript#id())
com! -bar CtrlPUndo cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#undo#id())
com! -bar CtrlPUndo cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#undo#id())
com! -bar CtrlPLine cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#line#id())
com! -bar CtrlPLine cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#line#id())
com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPChange
com! -n=? -com=buffer CtrlPChange
\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(0, <q-args>))
\ cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(0, <q-args>))
com! -bar CtrlPChangeAll cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(1))
com! -bar CtrlPChangeAll cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#changes#cmd(1))
com! -bar CtrlPMixed cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#mixed#id())
com! -bar CtrlPMixed cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#mixed#id())
com! -bar CtrlPBookmarkDir cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#bookmarkdir#id())
com! -bar CtrlPBookmarkDir cal ctrlp#init(ctrlp#bookmarkdir#id())
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd
com! -n=? -com=dir CtrlPBookmarkDirAdd
\ cal ctrlp#call('ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add', <q-args>)
\ cal ctrlp#call('ctrlp#bookmarkdir#add', <q-args>)
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ Use `:difft` when opening multiple files to run `:difft` on the first 4 files.
* When invoked, unless a starting directory is specified, CtrlP will set its local working directory according to this variable:
* When invoked, unless a starting directory is specified, CtrlP will set its local working directory according to this variable:
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 2
let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'rc'
0 - don't manage working directory.
`{empty-string}` - don't manage working directory.
1 - the directory of the current file.
`c` - the directory of the current file.
2 - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files:
`r` - the nearest ancestor that contains one of these directories or files:
`.git` `.hg` `.svn` `.bzr` `_darcs`
`.git` `.hg` `.svn` `.bzr` `_darcs`
Define additional root markers with the `g:ctrlp_root_markers` option.
Define additional root markers with the `g:ctrlp_root_markers` option.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user