Matt Wozniski 20ccdd4810 Avoid loading rgb list for color names used by vim
Some colors are used by name in the default colorschemes.  Duplicate these in
their own table, to avoid loading entire rgb.txt list unless it's really
2009-03-31 23:19:46 -04:00

953 lines
32 KiB

" CSApprox: Make gvim-only colorschemes work terminal vim
" Maintainer: Matthew Wozniski (mjw@drexel.edu)
" Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:14:27 -0500
" Version: 3.05
" History: :help csapprox-changelog
" Whenever you change colorschemes using the :colorscheme command, this script
" will be executed. If you're running in 256 color terminal or an 88 color
" terminal, as reported by the command ":set t_Co?", it will take the colors
" that the scheme specified for use in the gui and use an approximation
" algorithm to try to gracefully degrade them to the closest color available.
" If you are running in a gui or if t_Co is reported as less than 88 colors,
" no changes are made. Also, no changes will be made if the colorscheme seems
" to have been high color already.
" {>1} Basic plugin setup
" {>2} Check preconditions
" Quit if the user doesn't want or need us or is missing the gui feature. We
" need +gui to be able to check the gui color settings; vim doesn't bother to
" store them if it is not built with +gui.
if !has('gui') || exists('g:CSApprox_loaded')
" XXX This depends upon knowing the default for g:CSApprox_verbose_level
let s:verbose = 1
if exists("g:CSApprox_verbose_level")
let s:verbose = g:CSApprox_verbose_level
if ! has('gui') && s:verbose > 0
echomsg "CSApprox needs gui support - not loading."
echomsg " See :help |csapprox-+gui| for possible workarounds."
unlet s:verbose
" {1} Mark us as loaded, and disable all compatibility options for now.
let g:CSApprox_loaded = 1
let s:savecpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" {>1} Built-in approximation algorithm
" {>2} Cube definitions
let s:xterm_colors = [ 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF ]
let s:eterm_colors = [ 0x00, 0x2A, 0x55, 0x7F, 0xAA, 0xD4 ]
let s:konsole_colors = [ 0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF ]
let s:xterm_greys = [ 0x08, 0x12, 0x1C, 0x26, 0x30, 0x3A,
\ 0x44, 0x4E, 0x58, 0x62, 0x6C, 0x76,
\ 0x80, 0x8A, 0x94, 0x9E, 0xA8, 0xB2,
\ 0xBC, 0xC6, 0xD0, 0xDA, 0xE4, 0xEE ]
let s:urxvt_colors = [ 0x00, 0x8B, 0xCD, 0xFF ]
let s:urxvt_greys = [ 0x2E, 0x5C, 0x73, 0x8B,
\ 0xA2, 0xB9, 0xD0, 0xE7 ]
" {>2} Integer comparator
" Used to sort the complete list of possible colors
function! s:IntCompare(i1, i2)
return a:i1 == a:i2 ? 0 : a:i1 > a:i2 ? 1 : -1
" {>2} Approximator
" Takes 3 decimal values for r, g, and b, and returns the closest cube number.
" Uses &term to determine which cube should be used, though if &term is set to
" "xterm" the variables g:CSApprox_eterm and g:CSApprox_konsole can be used to
" change the default palette.
" This approximator considers closeness based upon the individiual components.
" For each of r, g, and b, it finds the closest cube component available on
" the cube. If the three closest matches can combine to form a valid color,
" this color is used, otherwise we repeat the search with the greys removed,
" meaning that the three new matches must make a valid color when combined.
function! s:ApproximatePerComponent(r,g,b)
let hex = printf("%02x%02x%02x", a:r, a:g, a:b)
let greys = (&t_Co == 88 ? s:urxvt_greys : s:xterm_greys)
if &t_Co == 88
let colors = s:urxvt_colors
let type = 'urxvt'
elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen' || &term==# 'builtin_gui')
\ && exists('g:CSApprox_konsole') && g:CSApprox_konsole)
\ || &term =~? '^konsole'
let colors = s:konsole_colors
let type = 'konsole'
elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen' || &term==# 'builtin_gui')
\ && exists('g:CSApprox_eterm') && g:CSApprox_eterm)
\ || &term =~? '^eterm'
let colors = s:eterm_colors
let type = 'eterm'
let colors = s:xterm_colors
let type = 'xterm'
if !exists('s:approximator_cache_'.type)
let s:approximator_cache_{type} = {}
let rv = get(s:approximator_cache_{type}, hex, -1)
if rv != -1
return rv
" Only obtain sorted list once
if !exists("s:".type."_greys_colors")
let s:{type}_greys_colors = sort(greys + colors, "s:IntCompare")
let greys_colors = s:{type}_greys_colors
let r = s:NearestElemInList(a:r, greys_colors)
let g = s:NearestElemInList(a:g, greys_colors)
let b = s:NearestElemInList(a:b, greys_colors)
let len = len(colors)
if (r == g && g == b && index(greys, r) != -1)
let rv = 16 + len * len * len + index(greys, r)
let r = s:NearestElemInList(a:r, colors)
let g = s:NearestElemInList(a:g, colors)
let b = s:NearestElemInList(a:b, colors)
let rv = index(colors, r) * len * len
\ + index(colors, g) * len
\ + index(colors, b)
\ + 16
let s:approximator_cache_{type}[hex] = rv
return rv
" {>2} Color comparator
" Finds the nearest element to the given element in the given list
function! s:NearestElemInList(elem, list)
let len = len(a:list)
for i in range(len-1)
if (a:elem <= (a:list[i] + a:list[i+1]) / 2)
return a:list[i]
return a:list[len-1]
" {>1} Collect info for the set highlights
" {>2} Determine if synIDattr is usable
" synIDattr() couldn't support 'guisp' until 7.2.052. This function returns
" true if :redir is needed to find the 'guisp' attribute, false if synIDattr()
" is functional. This test can be overridden by setting the global variable
" g:CSApprox_redirfallback to 1 (to force use of :redir) or to 0 (to force use
" of synIDattr()).
function! s:NeedRedirFallback()
if !exists("g:CSApprox_redirfallback")
let g:CSApprox_redirfallback = (v:version == 702 && !has('patch52'))
\ || v:version < 702
return g:CSApprox_redirfallback
" {>2} Collect and store the highlights
" Get a dictionary containing information for every highlight group not merely
" linked to another group. Return value is a dictionary, with highlight group
" numbers for keys and values that are dictionaries with four keys each,
" 'name', 'term', 'cterm', and 'gui'. 'name' holds the group name, and each
" of the others holds highlight information for that particular mode.
function! s:Highlights(modes)
let rv = {}
let i = 0
while 1
let i += 1
" Only interested in groups that exist and aren't linked
if synIDtrans(i) == 0
" Handle vim bug allowing groups with name == "" to be created
if synIDtrans(i) != i || len(synIDattr(i, "name")) == 0
let rv[i] = {}
let rv[i].name = synIDattr(i, "name")
for where in a:modes
let rv[i][where] = {}
for attr in [ "bold", "italic", "reverse", "underline", "undercurl" ]
let rv[i][where][attr] = synIDattr(i, attr, where)
for attr in [ "fg", "bg" ]
let rv[i][where][attr] = synIDattr(i, attr.'#', where)
if where == "gui"
let rv[i][where]["sp"] = s:SynGuiSp(i, rv[i].name)
let rv[i][where]["sp"] = -1
for attr in [ "fg", "bg", "sp" ]
if rv[i][where][attr] == -1
let rv[i][where][attr] = ''
return rv
" {>2} Retrieve guisp
" Get guisp using whichever method is specified by _redir_fallback
function! s:SynGuiSp(idx, name)
if !s:NeedRedirFallback()
return s:SynGuiSpAttr(a:idx)
return s:SynGuiSpRedir(a:name)
" {>3} Implementation for retrieving guisp with redir hack
function! s:SynGuiSpRedir(name)
redir => temp
exe 'sil hi ' . a:name
redir END
let temp = matchstr(temp, 'guisp=\zs.*')
if len(temp) == 0 || temp[0] =~ '\s'
let temp = ""
" Make sure we can handle guisp='dark red'
let temp = substitute(temp, '[\x00].*', '', '')
let temp = substitute(temp, '\s*\(c\=term\|gui\).*', '', '')
let temp = substitute(temp, '\s*$', '', '')
return temp
" {>3} Implementation for retrieving guisp with synIDattr()
function! s:SynGuiSpAttr(idx)
return synIDattr(a:idx, 'sp#', 'gui')
" {>1} Handle color names
" Place to store rgb.txt name to color mappings - lazy loaded if needed
let s:rgb = {}
" {>2} Builtin gui color names
" gui_x11.c and gui_gtk_x11.c have some default colors names that are searched
" if the x server doesn't know about a color. If 'showrgb' is available,
" we'll default to using these color names and values, and overwrite them with
" other values if 'showrgb' tells us about those colors.
let s:rgb_defaults = { "lightred" : "#FFBBBB",
\ "lightgreen" : "#88FF88",
\ "lightmagenta" : "#FFBBFF",
\ "darkcyan" : "#008888",
\ "darkblue" : "#0000BB",
\ "darkred" : "#BB0000",
\ "darkmagenta" : "#BB00BB",
\ "darkgrey" : "#BBBBBB",
\ "darkyellow" : "#BBBB00",
\ "gray10" : "#1A1A1A",
\ "grey10" : "#1A1A1A",
\ "gray20" : "#333333",
\ "grey20" : "#333333",
\ "gray30" : "#4D4D4D",
\ "grey30" : "#4D4D4D",
\ "gray40" : "#666666",
\ "grey40" : "#666666",
\ "gray50" : "#7F7F7F",
\ "grey50" : "#7F7F7F",
\ "gray60" : "#999999",
\ "grey60" : "#999999",
\ "gray70" : "#B3B3B3",
\ "grey70" : "#B3B3B3",
\ "gray80" : "#CCCCCC",
\ "grey80" : "#CCCCCC",
\ "gray90" : "#E5E5E5",
\ "grey90" : "#E5E5E5" }
" Colors that vim will use by name in one of the default schemes, either for
" bg=light or for bg=dark. This lets us avoid loading the entire rgb.txt
" database when the scheme itself doesn't ask for colors by name.
let s:rgb_presets = { "black" : "#000000",
\ "blue" : "#0000ff",
\ "brown" : "#a52a2a",
\ "cyan" : "#00ffff",
\ "darkblue" : "#00008b",
\ "darkcyan" : "#008b8b",
\ "darkgrey" : "#a9a9a9",
\ "darkmagenta" : "#8b008b",
\ "green" : "#00ff00",
\ "grey" : "#bebebe",
\ "grey40" : "#666666",
\ "grey90" : "#e5e5e5",
\ "lightblue" : "#add8e6",
\ "lightcyan" : "#e0ffff",
\ "lightgrey" : "#d3d3d3",
\ "lightmagenta" : "#ffbbff",
\ "magenta" : "#ff00ff",
\ "red" : "#ff0000",
\ "seagreen" : "#2e8b57",
\ "white" : "#ffffff",
\ "yellow" : "#ffff00" }
" {>2} Find available color names
" Find the valid named colors. If it is available, use the "showrgb" program,
" otherwise use our own copy of rgb.txt (needed on OS X and systems without
" xorg). Store the color names and color values to the dictionary s:rgb - the
" keys are color names (in lowercase), the values are strings representing
" color values (as '#rrggbb').
function! s:UpdateRgbHash()
if !exists("g:CSApprox_use_showrgb") || !g:CSApprox_use_showrgb
throw "Not using showrgb"
" We want to use the 'showrgb' program, if it's around
let lines = split(system('showrgb'), '\n')
if v:shell_error || !exists('lines') || empty(lines)
throw "'showrgb' didn't give us an rgb.txt"
let s:rgb = copy(s:rgb_defaults)
" fmt is (blanks?)(red)(blanks)(green)(blanks)(blue)(blanks)(name)
let parsepat = '^\s*\(\d\+\)\s\+\(\d\+\)\s\+\(\d\+\)\s\+\(.*\)$'
for line in lines
let v = matchlist(line, parsepat)
if len(v) < 0
throw "CSApprox: Bad RGB line: " . string(line)
let s:rgb[tolower(v[4])] = printf("#%02x%02x%02x", v[1], v[2], v[3])
let s:rgb = copy(csapprox#rgb())
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg "Can't call rgb() from autoload/csapprox.vim"
echomsg "Named colors will not be available!"
echohl None
return 0
" {>1} Derive and set cterm attributes
" {>2} Attribute overrides
" Allow the user to override a specified attribute with another attribute.
" For example, the default is to map 'italic' to 'underline' (since many
" terminals cannot display italic text, and gvim itself will replace italics
" with underlines where italicizing is impossible), and to replace 'sp' with
" 'fg' (since terminals can't use one color for the underline and another for
" the foreground, we color the entire word). This default can of course be
" overridden by the user, by setting g:CSApprox_attr_map. This map must be
" a dictionary of string keys, representing the same attributes that synIDattr
" can look up, to string values, representing the attribute mapped to or an
" empty string to disable the given attribute entirely.
function! s:attr_map(attr)
let rv = get(g:CSApprox_attr_map, a:attr, a:attr)
return rv
function! s:NormalizeAttrMap(map)
let old = copy(a:map)
let new = filter(a:map, '0')
let valid_attrs = [ 'bg', 'fg', 'sp', 'bold', 'italic',
\ 'reverse', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
let colorattrs = [ 'fg', 'bg', 'sp' ]
for olhs in keys(old)
if olhs ==? 'inverse'
let nlhs = 'reverse'
let orhs = old[olhs]
if orhs ==? 'inverse'
let nrhs = 'reverse'
let nlhs = tolower(olhs)
let nrhs = tolower(orhs)
if index(valid_attrs, nlhs) == -1
echomsg "CSApprox: Bad attr map (removing unrecognized attribute " . olhs . ")"
elseif nrhs != '' && index(valid_attrs, nrhs) == -1
echomsg "CSApprox: Bad attr map (removing unrecognized attribute " . orhs . ")"
elseif nrhs != '' && !!(index(colorattrs, nlhs)+1) != !!(index(colorattrs, nrhs)+1)
echomsg "CSApprox: Bad attr map (removing " . olhs . "; type mismatch with " . orhs . ")"
elseif nrhs == 'sp'
echomsg "CSApprox: Bad attr map (removing " . olhs . "; can't map to 'sp')"
let new[nlhs] = nrhs
echo v:exception
" {>2} Normalize the GUI settings of a highlight group
" If the Normal group is cleared, set it to gvim's default, black on white
" Though this would be a really weird thing for a scheme to do... *shrug*
function! s:FixupGuiInfo(highlights)
if a:highlights[s:hlid_normal].gui.bg == ''
let a:highlights[s:hlid_normal].gui.bg = 'white'
if a:highlights[s:hlid_normal].gui.fg == ''
let a:highlights[s:hlid_normal].gui.fg = 'black'
" {>2} Map gui settings to cterm settings
" Given information about a highlight group, replace the cterm settings with
" the mapped gui settings, applying any attribute overrides along the way. In
" particular, this gives special treatment to the 'reverse' attribute and the
" 'guisp' attribute. In particular, if the 'reverse' attribute is set for
" gvim, we unset it for the terminal and instead set ctermfg to match guibg
" and vice versa, since terminals can consider a 'reverse' flag to mean using
" default-bg-on-default-fg instead of current-bg-on-current-fg. We also
" ensure that the 'sp' attribute is never set for cterm, since no terminal can
" handle that particular highlight. If the user wants to display the guisp
" color, he should map it to either 'fg' or 'bg' using g:CSApprox_attr_map.
function! s:FixupCtermInfo(highlights)
for hl in values(a:highlights)
if !has_key(hl, 'cterm')
let hl["cterm"] = {}
" Find attributes to be set in the terminal
for attr in [ "bold", "italic", "reverse", "underline", "undercurl" ]
let hl.cterm[attr] = ''
if hl.gui[attr] == 1
if s:attr_map(attr) != ''
let hl.cterm[ s:attr_map(attr) ] = 1
for color in [ "bg", "fg" ]
let eff_color = color
if hl.cterm['reverse']
let eff_color = (color == 'bg' ? 'fg' : 'bg')
let hl.cterm[color] = get(hl.gui, s:attr_map(eff_color), '')
if hl.gui['sp'] != '' && s:attr_map('sp') != ''
let hl.cterm[s:attr_map('sp')] = hl.gui['sp']
if hl.cterm['reverse'] && hl.cterm.bg == ''
let hl.cterm.bg = 'fg'
if hl.cterm['reverse'] && hl.cterm.fg == ''
let hl.cterm.fg = 'bg'
if hl.cterm['reverse']
let hl.cterm.reverse = ''
" {>2} Set cterm colors for a highlight group
" Given the information for a single highlight group (ie, the value of
" one of the items in s:Highlights() already normalized with s:FixupCtermInfo
" and s:FixupGuiInfo), handle matching the gvim colors to the closest cterm
" colors by calling the appropriate approximator as specified with the
" g:CSApprox_approximator_function variable and set the colors and attributes
" appropriately to match the gui.
function! s:SetCtermFromGui(hl)
let hl = a:hl
" Set up the default approximator function, if needed
if !exists("g:CSApprox_approximator_function")
let g:CSApprox_approximator_function=function("s:ApproximatePerComponent")
" Clear existing highlights
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE'
for which in [ 'bg', 'fg' ]
let val = hl.cterm[which]
" Skip unset colors
if val == -1 || val == ""
" Try translating anything but 'fg', 'bg', #rrggbb, and rrggbb from an
" rgb.txt color to a #rrggbb color
if val !~? '^[fb]g$' && val !~ '^#\=\x\{6}$'
" First see if it is in our preset-by-vim rgb list
let val = s:rgb_presets[tolower(val)]
" Then try loading and checking our real rgb list
if empty(s:rgb)
call s:UpdateRgbHash()
let val = s:rgb[tolower(val)]
" And then barf if we still haven't found it
if &verbose
echomsg "CSApprox: Colorscheme uses unknown color \"" . val . "\""
if val =~? '^[fb]g$'
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm' . which . '=' . val
let hl.cterm[which] = val
elseif val =~ '^#\=\x\{6}$'
let val = substitute(val, '^#', '', '')
let r = str2nr(val[0:1], 16)
let g = str2nr(val[2:3], 16)
let b = str2nr(val[4:5], 16)
let hl.cterm[which] = g:CSApprox_approximator_function(r, g, b)
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm' . which . '=' . hl.cterm[which]
throw "Internal error handling color: " . val
" Finally, set the attributes
let attrs = [ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
call filter(attrs, 'hl.cterm[v:val] == 1')
if !empty(attrs)
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm=' . join(attrs, ',')
" {>1} Top-level control
" Cache the highlight ID of the normal group; it's used often and won't change
let s:hlid_normal = hlID('Normal')
" {>2} Builtin cterm color names above 15
" Vim defines some color name to high color mappings internally (see
" syntax.c:do_highlight). Since we don't want to overwrite a colorscheme that
" was actually written for a high color terminal with our choices, but have no
" way to tell if a colorscheme was written for a high color terminal, we fall
" back on guessing. If any highlight group has a cterm color set to 16 or
" higher, we assume that the user has used a high color colorscheme - unless
" that color is one of the below, which vim can set internally when a color is
" requested by name.
let s:presets_88 = []
let s:presets_88 += [32] " Brown
let s:presets_88 += [72] " DarkYellow
let s:presets_88 += [84] " Gray
let s:presets_88 += [84] " Grey
let s:presets_88 += [82] " DarkGray
let s:presets_88 += [82] " DarkGrey
let s:presets_88 += [43] " LightBlue
let s:presets_88 += [61] " LightGreen
let s:presets_88 += [63] " LightCyan
let s:presets_88 += [74] " LightRed
let s:presets_88 += [75] " LightMagenta
let s:presets_88 += [78] " LightYellow
let s:presets_256 = []
let s:presets_256 += [130] " Brown
let s:presets_256 += [130] " DarkYellow
let s:presets_256 += [248] " Gray
let s:presets_256 += [248] " Grey
let s:presets_256 += [242] " DarkGray
let s:presets_256 += [242] " DarkGrey
let s:presets_256 += [ 81] " LightBlue
let s:presets_256 += [121] " LightGreen
let s:presets_256 += [159] " LightCyan
let s:presets_256 += [224] " LightRed
let s:presets_256 += [225] " LightMagenta
let s:presets_256 += [229] " LightYellow
" {>2} Wrapper around :exe to allow :executing multiple commands.
" "cmd" is the command to be :executed.
" If the variable is a String, it is :executed.
" If the variable is a List, each element is :executed.
function! s:exe(cmd)
if type(a:cmd) == type('')
exe a:cmd
for cmd in a:cmd
call s:exe(cmd)
" {>2} Function to handle hooks
" Prototype: HandleHooks(type [, scheme])
" "type" is the type of hook to be executed, ie. "pre" or "post"
" "scheme" is the name of the colorscheme that is currently active, if known
" If the variables g:CSApprox_hook_{type} and g:CSApprox_hook_{scheme}_{type}
" exist, this will :execute them in that order. If one does not exist, it
" will silently be ignored.
" If the scheme name contains characters that are invalid in a variable name,
" they will simply be removed. Ie, g:colors_name = "123 foo_bar-baz456"
" becomes "foo_barbaz456"
" NOTE: Exceptions will be printed out, rather than end processing early. The
" rationale is that it is worse for the user to fix the hook in an editor with
" broken colors. :)
function! s:HandleHooks(type, ...)
let type = a:type
let scheme = (a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : "")
let scheme = substitute(scheme, '[^[:alnum:]_]', '', 'g')
let scheme = substitute(scheme, '^\d\+', '', '')
for cmd in [ 'g:CSApprox_hook_' . type,
\ 'g:CSApprox_' . scheme . '_hook_' . type,
\ 'g:CSApprox_hook_' . scheme . '_' . type ]
if exists(cmd)
call s:exe(eval(cmd))
echomsg "Error processing " . cmd . ":"
echomsg v:exception
" {>2} Main function
" Wrapper around the actual implementation to make it easier to ensure that
" all temporary settings are restored by the time we return, whether or not
" something was thrown. Additionally, sets the 'verbose' option to the max of
" g:CSApprox_verbose_level (default 1) and &verbose for the duration of the
" main function. This allows us to default to a message whenever any error,
" even a recoverable one, occurs, meaning the user quickly finds out when
" something's wrong, but makes it very easy for the user to make us silent.
function! s:CSApprox()
let savelz = &lz
set lz
if exists("g:CSApprox_attr_map") && type(g:CSApprox_attr_map) == type({})
call s:NormalizeAttrMap(g:CSApprox_attr_map)
let g:CSApprox_attr_map = { 'italic' : 'underline', 'sp' : 'fg' }
" colors_name must be unset and reset, or vim will helpfully reload the
" colorscheme when we set the background for the Normal group.
" See the help entries ':hi-normal-cterm' and 'g:colors_name'
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
" Similarly, the global variable "syntax_cmd" must be set to something vim
" doesn't recognize, lest vim helpfully switch all colors back to the
" default whenever the Normal group is changed (in syncolor.vim)...
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "PLEASE DON'T CHANGE ANY COLORS!!!"
" Set up our verbosity level, if needed.
" Default to 1, so the user can know if something's wrong.
if !exists("g:CSApprox_verbose_level")
let g:CSApprox_verbose_level = 1
call s:HandleHooks("pre", (exists("colors_name") ? colors_name : ""))
" Set 'verbose' set to the maximum of &verbose and CSApprox_verbose_level
exe max([&vbs, g:CSApprox_verbose_level]) 'verbose call s:CSApproxImpl()'
call s:HandleHooks("post", (exists("colors_name") ? colors_name : ""))
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
let &lz = savelz
" {>2} CSApprox implementation
" Verifies that the user has not started the gui, and that vim recognizes his
" terminal as having enough colors for us to go on, then gathers the existing
" highlights and sets the cterm colors to match the gui colors for all those
" highlights (unless the colorscheme was already high-color).
function! s:CSApproxImpl()
" Return if not running in an 88/256 color terminal
if &t_Co != 256 && &t_Co != 88
if &verbose && !has('gui_running')
echomsg "CSApprox skipped; terminal only has" &t_Co "colors, not 88/256"
echomsg "Try checking :help csapprox-terminal for workarounds"
" Get the current highlight colors
let highlights = s:Highlights(["gui"])
let hinums = keys(highlights)
" Make sure that the script is not already 256 color by checking to make
" sure that no groups are set to a value above 256, unless the color they're
" set to can be set internally by vim (gotten by scraping
" color_numbers_{88,256} in syntax.c:do_highlight)
" XXX: s:inhibit_hicolor_test allows this test to be skipped for snapshots
if !exists("s:inhibit_hicolor_test") || !s:inhibit_hicolor_test
for hlid in hinums
for type in [ 'bg', 'fg' ]
let color = synIDattr(hlid, type, 'cterm')
if color > 15 && index(s:presets_{&t_Co}, str2nr(color)) < 0
" The value is set above 15, and wasn't set by vim.
if &verbose >= 2
echomsg 'CSApprox: Exiting - high' type 'color found for' highlights[hlid].name
call s:FixupGuiInfo(highlights)
call s:FixupCtermInfo(highlights)
" We need to set the Normal group first so 'bg' and 'fg' work as colors
call insert(hinums, remove(hinums, index(hinums, string(s:hlid_normal))))
" then set each color's cterm attributes to match gui
for hlid in hinums
call s:SetCtermFromGui(highlights[hlid])
" {>2} Write out the current colors to an 88/256 color colorscheme file.
" "file" - destination filename
" "overwrite" - overwrite an existing file
function! s:CSApproxSnapshot(file, overwrite)
let force = a:overwrite
let file = fnamemodify(a:file, ":p")
if empty(file)
throw "Bad file name: \"" . file . "\""
elseif (filewritable(fnamemodify(file, ':h')) != 2)
throw "Cannot write to directory \"" . fnamemodify(file, ':h') . "\""
elseif (glob(file) || filereadable(file)) && !force
" TODO - respect 'confirm' here and prompt if it's set.
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg "E13: File exists (add ! to override)"
echohl None
" Sigh... This is basically a bug, but one that I have no chance of fixing.
" Vim decides that Pmenu should be highlighted in 'LightMagenta' in terminal
" vim and as 'Magenta' in gvim... And I can't ask it what color it actually
" *wants*. As far as I can see, there's no way for me to learn that
" I should output 'Magenta' when 'LightMagenta' is provided by vim for the
" terminal.
if !has('gui_running')
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg "Warning: The written colorscheme may have incorrect colors"
echomsg " when CSApproxSnapshot is used in terminal vim!"
echohl None
let save_t_Co = &t_Co
let s:inhibit_hicolor_test = 1
if exists("g:CSApprox_konsole")
let save_CSApprox_konsole = g:CSApprox_konsole
if exists("g:CSApprox_eterm")
let save_CSApprox_eterm = g:CSApprox_eterm
" Needed just like in CSApprox()
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
" Needed just like in CSApprox()
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "PLEASE DON'T CHANGE ANY COLORS!!!"
let lines = []
let lines += [ '" This scheme was created by CSApproxSnapshot' ]
let lines += [ '" on ' . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y") ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'hi clear' ]
let lines += [ 'if exists("syntax_on")' ]
let lines += [ ' syntax reset' ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'if v:version < 700' ]
let lines += [ ' let g:colors_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")' ]
let lines += [ ' command! -nargs=+ CSAHi exe "hi" substitute(substitute(<q-args>, "undercurl", "underline", "g"), "guisp\\S\\+", "", "g")' ]
let lines += [ 'else' ]
let lines += [ ' let g:colors_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")' ]
let lines += [ ' command! -nargs=+ CSAHi exe "hi" <q-args>' ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'if 0' ]
for round in [ 'konsole', 'eterm', 'xterm', 'urxvt' ]
sil! unlet g:CSApprox_eterm
sil! unlet g:CSApprox_konsole
if round == 'konsole'
let g:CSApprox_konsole = 1
elseif round == 'eterm'
let g:CSApprox_eterm = 1
if round == 'urxvt'
set t_Co=88
set t_Co=256
call s:CSApprox()
let highlights = s:Highlights(["term", "cterm", "gui"])
call s:FixupGuiInfo(highlights)
if round == 'konsole' || round == 'eterm'
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || (&t_Co == ' . &t_Co
\ . ' && (&term ==# "xterm" || &term =~# "^screen")'
\ . ' && exists("g:CSApprox_' . round . '")'
\ . ' && g:CSApprox_' . round . ')'
\ . ' || &term =~? "^' . round . '"' ]
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || &t_Co == ' . &t_Co ]
let hinums = keys(highlights)
call insert(hinums, remove(hinums, index(hinums, string(s:hlid_normal))))
for hlnum in hinums
let hl = highlights[hlnum]
let line = ' CSAHi ' . hl.name
for type in [ 'term', 'cterm', 'gui' ]
let attrs = [ 'reverse', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
call filter(attrs, 'hl[type][v:val] == 1')
let line .= ' ' . type . '=' . (empty(attrs) ? 'NONE' : join(attrs, ','))
if type != 'term'
let line .= ' ' . type . 'bg=' . (len(hl[type].bg) ? hl[type].bg : 'bg')
let line .= ' ' . type . 'fg=' . (len(hl[type].fg) ? hl[type].fg : 'fg')
if type == 'gui' && hl.gui.sp !~ '^\s*$'
let line .= ' ' . type . 'sp=' . hl[type].sp
let lines += [ line ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'if 1' ]
let lines += [ ' delcommand CSAHi' ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
call writefile(lines, file)
let &t_Co = save_t_Co
if exists("save_CSApprox_konsole")
let g:CSApprox_konsole = save_CSApprox_konsole
if exists("save_CSApprox_eterm")
let g:CSApprox_eterm = save_CSApprox_eterm
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
call s:CSApprox()
unlet s:inhibit_hicolor_test
" {>2} Snapshot user command
command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=file -bar CSApproxSnapshot
\ call s:CSApproxSnapshot(<f-args>, strlen("<bang>"))
" {>1} Hooks
" {>2} Autocmds
" Set up an autogroup to hook us on the completion of any :colorscheme command
augroup CSApprox
au ColorScheme * call s:CSApprox()
"au User CSApproxPost highlight Normal ctermbg=none | highlight NonText ctermbg=None
augroup END
" {>2} Execute
" The last thing to do when sourced is to run and actually fix up the colors.
if !has('gui_running')
call s:CSApprox()
" {>1} Restore compatibility options
let &cpo = s:savecpo
unlet s:savecpo
" {0} vim:sw=2:sts=2:et:fdm=expr:fde=substitute(matchstr(getline(v\:lnum),'^\\s*"\\s*{\\zs.\\{-}\\ze}'),'^$','=','')