Process Normal first without sorting
Instead of sorting the entire list of all highlight groups in order to make sure that Normal is handled first, just pluck out the Normal group from the list and move it to the front. Seems to be slightly better for speed, and yields slightly more readable code anyway.
This commit is contained in:
@ -562,21 +562,6 @@ let s:presets_256 += [224] " LightRed
let s:presets_256 += [225] " LightMagenta
let s:presets_256 += [229] " LightYellow
" {>2} Highlight comparator
" Comparator that sorts numbers matching the highlight id of the 'Normal'
" group before anything else; all others stay in random order. This allows us
" to ensure that the Normal group is the first group we set. If it weren't,
" we could get E419 or E420 if a later color used guibg=bg or the likes.
function! s:SortNormalFirst(num1, num2)
if a:num1 == s:hlid_normal && a:num1 != a:num2
return -1
elseif a:num2 == s:hlid_normal && a:num1 != a:num2
return 1
return 0
" {>2} Wrapper around :exe to allow :executing multiple commands.
" "cmd" is the command to be :executed.
" If the variable is a String, it is :executed.
@ -730,7 +715,7 @@ function! s:CSApproxImpl()
call s:FixupCtermInfo(highlights)
" We need to set the Normal group first so 'bg' and 'fg' work as colors
call sort(hinums, "s:SortNormalFirst")
call insert(hinums, remove(hinums, index(hinums, string(s:hlid_normal))))
" then set each color's cterm attributes to match gui
for hlid in hinums
@ -842,7 +827,11 @@ function! s:CSApproxSnapshot(file, overwrite)
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || &t_Co == ' . &t_Co ]
for hlnum in sort(keys(highlights), "s:SortNormalFirst")
let hinums = keys(highlights)
call insert(hinums, remove(hinums, index(hinums, string(s:hlid_normal))))
for hlnum in hinums
let hl = highlights[hlnum]
let line = ' CSAHi ' .
for type in [ 'term', 'cterm', 'gui' ]
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