Make snapshots work on vim6, eterm, konsole

Before, snapshotted schemes could contain guisp= attributes, or
term=undercurl, which caused errors when used with vim 6.  Now, if the
colorscheme detects that vim 6 is running, it will strip those from the
:highlight commands that get used.  More incompatibilities might exist
that I can't think of, though...

And, add logic to snapshotted schemes to make them recognize konsole and
eterm in the same way as CSApprox proper, and, if they're found, use the
appropriate colors.
This commit is contained in:
Matt Wozniski 2009-01-17 01:36:04 -05:00
parent e5ebdd692f
commit 6ae5bdc943

View File

@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ function! s:ApproximatePerComponent(r,g,b)
if &t_Co == 88 if &t_Co == 88
let colors = s:urxvt_colors let colors = s:urxvt_colors
let type = 'urxvt' let type = 'urxvt'
elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen') elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen' || &term==# 'builtin_gui')
\ && exists('g:CSApprox_konsole')) \ && exists('g:CSApprox_konsole'))
\ || &term =~? '^konsole' \ || &term =~? '^konsole'
let colors = s:konsole_colors let colors = s:konsole_colors
let type = 'konsole' let type = 'konsole'
elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen') elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen' || &term==# 'builtin_gui')
\ && exists('g:CSApprox_eterm')) \ && exists('g:CSApprox_eterm'))
\ || &term =~? '^eterm' \ || &term =~? '^eterm'
let colors = s:eterm_colors let colors = s:eterm_colors
@ -765,15 +765,45 @@ function! s:CSApproxSnapshot(file, overwrite)
let lines += [ '' ] let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'let g:colors_name = ' . string(fnamemodify(file, ':t:r')) ] let lines += [ 'let g:colors_name = ' . string(fnamemodify(file, ':t:r')) ]
let lines += [ '' ] let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'if v:version < 700' ]
let lines += [ ' command! -nargs=+ CSAHi exe "hi" substitute(substitute(<q-args>, "undercurl", "underline", "g"), "guisp\\S\\+", "", "g")' ]
let lines += [ 'else' ]
let lines += [ ' command! -nargs=+ CSAHi exe "hi" <q-args>' ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'if 0' ] let lines += [ 'if 0' ]
for &t_Co in [ 256, 88 ] for round in [ 'konsole', 'eterm', 'xterm', 'urxvt' ]
sil! unlet g:CSApprox_eterm g:CSApprox_konsole
if round == 'konsole'
let g:CSApprox_konsole = 1
elseif round == 'eterm'
let g:CSApprox_eterm = 1
if round == 'urxvt'
set t_Co=88
set t_Co=256
let highlights = s:Highlights() let highlights = s:Highlights()
call s:FixupGuiInfo(highlights) call s:FixupGuiInfo(highlights)
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || &t_Co == ' . &t_Co ]
if round == 'konsole' || round == 'eterm'
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || (&t_Co == ' . &t_Co
\ . ' && (&term ==# "xterm" || &term ==# "^screen")'
\ . ' && exists("g:CSApprox_' . round . '")'
\ . ' && g:CSApprox_' . round . ')'
\ . ' || &term =~? "^' . round . '"' ]
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || &t_Co == ' . &t_Co ]
for hlnum in sort(keys(highlights), "s:SortNormalFirst") for hlnum in sort(keys(highlights), "s:SortNormalFirst")
let hl = highlights[hlnum] let hl = highlights[hlnum]
let line = ' highlight ' . let line = ' CSAHi ' .
for type in [ 'term', 'cterm', 'gui' ] for type in [ 'term', 'cterm', 'gui' ]
let attrs = [ 'reverse', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undercurl' ] let attrs = [ 'reverse', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
call filter(attrs, 'hl[type][v:val] == 1') call filter(attrs, 'hl[type][v:val] == 1')
@ -790,6 +820,8 @@ function! s:CSApproxSnapshot(file, overwrite)
endfor endfor
endfor endfor
let lines += [ 'endif' ] let lines += [ 'endif' ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'delcommand CSAHi' ]
call writefile(lines, file) call writefile(lines, file)
finally finally
let &t_Co = save_t_Co let &t_Co = save_t_Co