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" CSApprox: Make gvim-only colorschemes work transparently in terminal vim
" Maintainer: Matthew Wozniski (mjw@drexel.edu)
" Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 12:14:58 -0500
" Version: 1.50
" History: :help csapprox-changelog
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" Whenever you change colorschemes using the :colorscheme command, this script
" will be executed. If you're running in 256 color terminal or an 88 color
" terminal, as reported by the command ":set t_Co?", it will take the colors
" that the scheme specified for use in the gui and use an approximation
" algorithm to try to gracefully degrade them to the closest color available.
" If you are running in a gui or if t_Co is reported as less than 88 colors,
" no changes are made. Also, no changes will be made if the colorscheme seems
" to have been high color already.
" {>1} Basic plugin setup
" {>2} Check preconditions
" Quit if the user doesn't want or need us or is missing the gui feature. We
" need +gui to be able to check the gui color settings; vim doesn't bother to
" store them if it is not built with +gui.
if ! has("gui") || exists('g:CSApprox_loaded')
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" XXX This depends upon knowing the default for g:CSApprox_verbose_level
let s:verbose = 1
if exists("g:CSApprox_verbose_level")
let s:verbose = g:CSApprox_verbose_level
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if ! has('gui') && s:verbose > 0
echomsg "CSApprox needs gui support - not loading."
echomsg " See :help |csapprox-+gui| for possible workarounds."
unlet s:verbose
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {1} Mark us as loaded, and disable all compatibility options for now.
let g:CSApprox_loaded = 1
let s:savecpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" {>1} Built-in approximation algorithm
" {>2} Cube definitions
let s:xterm_colors = [ 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF ]
let s:eterm_colors = [ 0x00, 0x2A, 0x55, 0x7F, 0xAA, 0xD4 ]
let s:konsole_colors = [ 0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF ]
let s:xterm_greys = [ 0x08, 0x12, 0x1C, 0x26, 0x30, 0x3A,
\ 0x44, 0x4E, 0x58, 0x62, 0x6C, 0x76,
\ 0x80, 0x8A, 0x94, 0x9E, 0xA8, 0xB2,
\ 0xBC, 0xC6, 0xD0, 0xDA, 0xE4, 0xEE ]
let s:urxvt_colors = [ 0x00, 0x8B, 0xCD, 0xFF ]
let s:urxvt_greys = [ 0x2E, 0x5C, 0x73, 0x8B,
\ 0xA2, 0xB9, 0xD0, 0xE7 ]
" {>2} Integer comparator
" Used to sort the complete list of possible colors
function! s:IntCompare(i1, i2)
return a:i1 == a:i2 ? 0 : a:i1 > a:i2 ? 1 : -1
" {>2} Approximator
" Takes 3 decimal values for r, g, and b, and returns the closest cube number.
" Uses &term to determine which cube should be used, though if &term is set to
" "xterm" the variables g:CSApprox_eterm and g:CSApprox_konsole can be used to
" change the default palette.
" This approximator considers closeness based upon the individiual components.
" For each of r, g, and b, it finds the closest cube component available on
" the cube. If the three closest matches can combine to form a valid color,
" this color is used, otherwise we repeat the search with the greys removed,
" meaning that the three new matches must make a valid color when combined.
function! s:ApproximatePerComponent(r,g,b)
let hex = printf("%02x%02x%02x", a:r, a:g, a:b)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let greys = (&t_Co == 88 ? s:urxvt_greys : s:xterm_greys)
if &t_Co == 88
let colors = s:urxvt_colors
let type = 'urxvt'
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen')
\ && exists('g:CSApprox_konsole'))
\ || &term =~? '^konsole'
let colors = s:konsole_colors
let type = 'konsole'
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
elseif ((&term ==# 'xterm' || &term =~# '^screen')
\ && exists('g:CSApprox_eterm'))
\ || &term =~? '^eterm'
let colors = s:eterm_colors
let type = 'eterm'
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let colors = s:xterm_colors
let type = 'xterm'
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if !exists('s:approximator_cache_'.type)
let s:approximator_cache_{type} = {}
let rv = get(s:approximator_cache_{type}, hex, -1)
if rv != -1
return rv
" Only obtain sorted list once
if !exists("s:".type."_greys_colors")
let s:{type}_greys_colors = sort(greys + colors, "s:IntCompare")
let greys_colors = s:{type}_greys_colors
let r = s:NearestElemInList(a:r, greys_colors)
let g = s:NearestElemInList(a:g, greys_colors)
let b = s:NearestElemInList(a:b, greys_colors)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let len = len(colors)
if (r == g && g == b && index(greys, r) > 0)
let rv = 16 + len * len * len + index(greys, r)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let r = s:NearestElemInList(a:r, colors)
let g = s:NearestElemInList(a:g, colors)
let b = s:NearestElemInList(a:b, colors)
let rv = index(colors, r) * len * len
\ + index(colors, g) * len
\ + index(colors, b)
\ + 16
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let s:approximator_cache_{type}[hex] = rv
return rv
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {>2} Color comparator
" Finds the nearest element to the given element in the given list
function! s:NearestElemInList(elem, list)
let len = len(a:list)
2008-09-17 12:39:59 -04:00
for i in range(len-1)
if (a:elem <= (a:list[i] + a:list[i+1]) / 2)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
return a:list[i]
2008-09-17 12:39:59 -04:00
return a:list[len-1]
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {>1} Collect info for the set highlights
" {>2} Determine if synIDattr is usable
" As of 7.2.018, synIDattr() can't be used to check 'guisp', and no official
" patch has been released despite my suggesting one. So, in an attempt to be
" forward compatible, I've included a test to see if synIDattr() works
" properly. If synIDattr() works properly, we'll use it to check the 'guisp'
" attribute, otherwise we'll fall back onto using :redir and checking the
" output of :highlight. This test can be overridden by setting the global
" variable g:CSApprox_redirfallback to 1 (to force use of :redir) or to 0 (to
" force use of synIDattr()).
function! s:NeedRedirFallback()
if !exists("g:CSApprox_redirfallback")
hi CSApproxTest guisp=Red gui=standout
if synIDattr(hlID('CSApproxTest'), 'sp', 'gui') == '1'
" We requested the 'sp' attribute, but vim thought we wanted 'standout'
" So, reporting of the guisp attribute is broken. Fall back on :redir
let g:CSApprox_redirfallback=1
" Reporting guisp works, use synIDattr
let g:CSApprox_redirfallback=0
return g:CSApprox_redirfallback
" {>2} Collect and store the highlights
" Get a dictionary containing information for every highlight group not merely
" linked to another group. Return value is a dictionary, with highlight group
" numbers for keys and values that are dictionaries with four keys each,
" 'name', 'term', 'cterm', and 'gui'. 'name' holds the group name, and each
" of the others holds highlight information for that particular mode.
function! s:Highlights()
let rv = {}
let i = 0
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
while 1
let i += 1
" Only interested in groups that exist and aren't linked
if synIDtrans(i) == 0
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" Handle vim bug allowing groups with name == "" to be created
if synIDtrans(i) != i || len(synIDattr(i, "name")) == 0
let rv[i] = {}
let rv[i].name = synIDattr(i, "name")
for where in [ "term", "cterm", "gui" ]
let rv[i][where] = {}
for attr in [ "fg", "bg", "sp", "bold", "italic",
\ "reverse", "underline", "undercurl" ]
let rv[i][where][attr] = synIDattr(i, attr, where)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if s:NeedRedirFallback()
redir => temp
exe 'sil hi ' . rv[i].name
redir END
let temp = matchstr(temp, where.'sp=\zs.*')
if len(temp) == 0 || temp[0] =~ '\s'
let temp = ""
" Make sure we can handle guisp='dark red'
let temp = substitute(temp, '[\x00].*', '', '')
let temp = substitute(temp, '\s*\(c\=term\|gui\).*', '', '')
let temp = substitute(temp, '\s*$', '', '')
let rv[i][where]["sp"] = temp
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
return rv
" {>1} Handle color names
" Place to store rgb.txt name to color mappings - lazy loaded if needed
let s:rgb = {}
" {>2} Builtin gui color names
" gui_x11.c and gui_gtk_x11.c have some default colors names that are searched
" if a color is not in rgb.txt. We'll pretend they're in rgb.txt with these
" values, and overwrite them with a different value if we find them...
let s:rgb_defaults = { "lightred" : "#FFBBBB",
\ "lightgreen" : "#88FF88",
\ "lightmagenta" : "#FFBBFF",
\ "darkcyan" : "#008888",
\ "darkblue" : "#0000BB",
\ "darkred" : "#BB0000",
\ "darkmagenta" : "#BB00BB",
\ "darkgrey" : "#BBBBBB",
\ "darkyellow" : "#BBBB00",
\ "gray10" : "#1A1A1A",
\ "grey10" : "#1A1A1A",
\ "gray20" : "#333333",
\ "grey20" : "#333333",
\ "gray30" : "#4D4D4D",
\ "grey30" : "#4D4D4D",
\ "gray40" : "#666666",
\ "grey40" : "#666666",
\ "gray50" : "#7F7F7F",
\ "grey50" : "#7F7F7F",
\ "gray60" : "#999999",
\ "grey60" : "#999999",
\ "gray70" : "#B3B3B3",
\ "grey70" : "#B3B3B3",
\ "gray80" : "#CCCCCC",
\ "grey80" : "#CCCCCC",
\ "gray90" : "#E5E5E5",
\ "grey90" : "#E5E5E5" }
" {>2} Find and parse rgb.txt
" Search for an rgb.txt in a set of default directories. If the user wishes
" to override the default search path, he can specify a list of other
" directories to search first in g:CSApprox_extra_rgb_txt_dirs. When rgb.txt
" has been located, and verified to be good (by having enough non-blank
" non-comment correctly formatted lines), the parsed information is stored to
" the dictionary s:rgb - the keys are color names (in lowercase), the values
" are strings representing color values (as '#rrggbb').
function! s:UpdateRgbHash()
" Pattern for ignored lines - all blanks, or blanks then !
let ignorepat = '^\s*\%(!.*\)\=$'
" fmt is (blanks?)(red)(blanks)(green)(blanks)(blue)(blanks)(name)
let parsepat = '^\s*\(\d\+\)\s\+\(\d\+\)\s\+\(\d\+\)\s\+\(.*\)$'
let user = []
if exists("g:CSApprox_extra_rgb_txt_dirs")
if type(g:CSApprox_extra_rgb_txt_dirs) == type([])
let user = g:CSApprox_extra_rgb_txt_dirs
let user = [ g:CSApprox_extra_rgb_txt_dirs ]
for dir in user + [ '/usr/local/share/X11',
\ '/usr/share/X11',
\ '/etc/X11',
\ '/usr/local/lib/X11',
\ '/usr/lib/X11',
\ '/usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11',
\ '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11' ]
\ + split(globpath(&rtp, ''), '\n')
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let s:rgb = copy(s:rgb_defaults)
sil! let lines = readfile(dir . '/rgb.txt')
for line in lines
if line =~ ignorepat
continue " Line is blank, entirely spaces, or a comment
let v = matchlist(line, parsepat)
if len(v) > 0
let s:rgb[tolower(v[4])] = printf("#%02x%02x%02x", v[1], v[2], v[3])
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if len(s:rgb) > 50
return 0 " Long enough, must have been valid
let s:rgb = {}
throw "Failed to find a valid rgb.txt!"
" {>1} Derive and set cterm attributes
" {>2} Attribute overrides
" Allow the user to override a specified attribute with another attribute.
" For example, the default is to map 'italic' to 'underline' (since many
" terminals cannot display italic text, and gvim itself will replace italics
" with underlines where italicizing is impossible), and to replace 'sp' with
" 'fg' (since terminals can't use one color for the underline and another for
" the foreground, we color the entire word). This default can of course be
" overridden by the user, by setting g:CSApprox_attr_map. This map must be
" a dictionary of string keys, representing the same attributes that synIDattr
" can look up, to string values, representing the attribute mapped to or an
" empty string to disable the given attribute entirely.
function! s:attr_map(attr)
let attr = tolower(a:attr)
if attr == 'inverse'
let attr = 'reverse'
let valid_attrs = [ 'bg', 'fg', 'sp', 'bold', 'italic',
\ 'reverse', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
if index(valid_attrs, attr) == -1
throw "Looking up invalid attribute '" . attr . "'"
if !exists("g:CSApprox_attr_map") || type(g:CSApprox_attr_map) != type({})
let g:CSApprox_attr_map = { 'italic' : 'underline', 'sp' : 'fg' }
let rv = get(g:CSApprox_attr_map, attr, attr)
if index(valid_attrs, rv) == -1 && rv != ''
" The user mapped 'attr' to something invalid
throw "Bad attr map: '" . attr . "' to unknown attribute '" . rv . "'"
let colorattrs = [ 'fg', 'bg', 'sp' ]
if rv != '' && !!(index(colorattrs, attr)+1) != !!(index(colorattrs, rv)+1)
" The attribute the user mapped to was valid, but of a different type.
throw "Bad attr map: Can't map color attr to boolean (".attr."->".rv.")"
if rv == 'inverse'
let rv = 'reverse' " Internally always use 'reverse' instead of 'inverse'
elseif rv == 'sp'
" Terminals can't handle the guisp attribute; disable it if it was left on
let rv = ''
return rv
" {>2} Map gui settings to cterm settings
" Given information about a highlight group, replace the cterm settings with
" the mapped gui settings, applying any attribute overrides along the way. In
" particular, this gives special treatment to the 'reverse' attribute and the
" 'guisp' attribute. In particular, if the 'reverse' attribute is set for
" gvim, we unset it for the terminal and instead set ctermfg to match guibg
" and vice versa, since terminals can consider a 'reverse' flag to mean using
" default-bg-on-default-fg instead of current-bg-on-current-fg. We also
" ensure that the 'sp' attribute is never set for cterm, since no terminal can
" handle that particular highlight. If the user wants to display the guisp
" color, he should map it to either 'fg' or 'bg' using g:CSApprox_attr_map.
function! s:FixupCtermInfo(hl)
let hl = a:hl
" Find attributes to be set in the terminal
for attr in [ "bold", "italic", "reverse", "underline", "undercurl" ]
let hl.cterm[attr] = ''
if hl.gui[attr] == 1
if s:attr_map(attr) != ''
let hl.cterm[ s:attr_map(attr) ] = 1
for color in [ "bg", "fg" ]
let eff_color = color
if hl.cterm['reverse']
let eff_color = (color == 'bg' ? 'fg' : 'bg')
let hl.cterm[color] = get(hl.gui, s:attr_map(eff_color), '')
if hl.gui['sp'] != '' && s:attr_map('sp') != ''
let hl.cterm[s:attr_map('sp')] = hl.gui['sp']
if hl.cterm['reverse'] && hl.cterm.bg == ''
let hl.cterm.bg = 'fg'
if hl.cterm['reverse'] && hl.cterm.fg == ''
let hl.cterm.fg = 'bg'
if hl.cterm['reverse']
let hl.cterm.reverse = ''
" {>2} Set cterm colors for a highlight group
" Given the information for a single highlight group (ie, the value of
" one of the items in s:Highlights()), uses s:FixupCtermInfo to parse the
" structure and normalize it for use on a cterm, then handles matching the
" gvim colors to the closest cterm colors by calling the approximator
" specified with g:CSApprox_approximator_function and sets the colors and
" attributes appropriately to match the gui. The final colors are saved in
" s:highlights for use by CSApproxSnapshot.
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
function! s:SetCtermFromGui(hl)
let hl = a:hl
call s:FixupCtermInfo(hl)
" Set up the default approximator function, if needed
if !exists("g:CSApprox_approximator_function")
let g:CSApprox_approximator_function=function("s:ApproximatePerComponent")
" Clear existing highlights
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm=NONE ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE'
for which in [ 'bg', 'fg' ]
let val = hl.cterm[which]
" Skip unset colors
if val == -1 || val == ""
" Try translating anything but 'fg', 'bg', #rrggbb, and rrggbb from an
" rgb.txt color to a #rrggbb color
if val !~? '^[fb]g$' && val !~ '^#\=\x\{6}$'
if empty(s:rgb)
call s:UpdateRgbHash()
let val = s:rgb[tolower(val)]
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if &verbose
echomsg "CSApprox: Colorscheme uses unknown color \"" . val . "\""
if val =~? '^[fb]g$'
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm' . which . '=' . val
let hl.cterm[which] = val
elseif val =~ '^#\=\x\{6}$'
let val = substitute(val, '^#', '', '')
let r = str2nr(val[0] . val[1], 16)
let g = str2nr(val[2] . val[3], 16)
let b = str2nr(val[4] . val[5], 16)
let hl.cterm[which] = g:CSApprox_approximator_function(r, g, b)
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm' . which . '=' . hl.cterm[which]
throw "Internal error handling color: " . val
" Finally, set the attributes
let attrs = [ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
call filter(attrs, 'hl.cterm[v:val] == 1')
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if !empty(attrs)
exe 'hi ' . hl.name . ' cterm=' . join(attrs, ',')
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {>1} Top-level control
" {>2} Variable storing highlights between runs
" This allows us to remember what the highlights looked like when we last ran,
" which can be used by CSApproxSnapshot to post-process the results.
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let s:highlights = {}
" {>2} Builtin cterm color names above 15
" Vim defines some color name to high color mappings internally (see
" syntax.c:do_highlight). Since we don't want to overwrite a colorscheme that
" was actually written for a high color terminal with our choices, but have no
" way to tell if a colorscheme was written for a high color terminal, we fall
" back on guessing. If any highlight group has a cterm color set to 16 or
" higher, we assume that the user has used a high color colorscheme - unless
" that color is one of the below, which vim can set internally when a color is
" requested by name.
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let s:presets_88 = []
let s:presets_88 += [32] " Brown
let s:presets_88 += [72] " DarkYellow
let s:presets_88 += [84] " Gray
let s:presets_88 += [84] " Grey
let s:presets_88 += [82] " DarkGray
let s:presets_88 += [82] " DarkGrey
let s:presets_88 += [43] " LightBlue
let s:presets_88 += [61] " LightGreen
let s:presets_88 += [63] " LightCyan
let s:presets_88 += [74] " LightRed
let s:presets_88 += [75] " LightMagenta
let s:presets_88 += [78] " LightYellow
let s:presets_256 = []
let s:presets_256 += [130] " Brown
let s:presets_256 += [130] " DarkYellow
let s:presets_256 += [248] " Gray
let s:presets_256 += [248] " Grey
let s:presets_256 += [242] " DarkGray
let s:presets_256 += [242] " DarkGrey
let s:presets_256 += [ 81] " LightBlue
let s:presets_256 += [121] " LightGreen
let s:presets_256 += [159] " LightCyan
let s:presets_256 += [224] " LightRed
let s:presets_256 += [225] " LightMagenta
let s:presets_256 += [229] " LightYellow
" {>2} Highlight comparator
" Comparator that sorts numbers matching the highlight id of the 'Normal'
" group before anything else; all others stay in random order. This allows us
" to ensure that the Normal group is the first group we set. If it weren't,
" we could get E419 or E420 if a later color used guibg=bg or the likes.
function! s:SortNormalFirst(num1, num2)
if a:num1 == hlID('Normal') && a:num1 != a:num2
return -1
elseif a:num2 == hlID('Normal') && a:num1 != a:num2
return 1
return 0
" {>2} Main function
" Wrapper around the actual implementation to make it easier to ensure that
" all temporary settings are restored by the time we return, whether or not
" something was thrown. Additionally, sets the 'verbose' option to the max of
" g:CSApprox_verbose_level (default 1) and &verbose for the duration of the
" main function. This allows us to default to a message whenever any error,
" even a recoverable one, occurs, meaning the user quickly finds out when
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" something's wrong, but makes it very easy for the user to make us silent.
function! s:CSApprox()
let savelz = &lz
set lz
" colors_name must be unset and reset, or vim will helpfully reload the
" colorscheme when we set the background for the Normal group.
" See the help entries ':hi-normal-cterm' and 'g:colors_name'
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
" Similarly, the global variable "syntax_cmd" must be set to something vim
" doesn't recognize, lest vim helpfully switch all colors back to the
" default whenever the Normal group is changed (in syncolor.vim)...
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "PLEASE DON'T CHANGE ANY COLORS!!!"
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" Set up our verbosity level, if needed.
" Default to 1, so the user can know if something's wrong.
if !exists("g:CSApprox_verbose_level")
let g:CSApprox_verbose_level = 1
" Set 'verbose' set to the maximum of &verbose and CSApprox_verbose_level
exe max([&vbs, g:CSApprox_verbose_level]) 'verbose call s:CSApproxImpl()'
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let &lz = savelz
" {>2} CSApprox implementation
" Verifies that the user has not started the gui, and that vim recognizes his
" terminal as having enough colors for us to go on, then gathers the existing
" highlights and sets the cterm colors to match the gui colors for all those
" highlights (unless the colorscheme was already high-color).
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
function! s:CSApproxImpl()
" Return if not running in an 88/256 color terminal
if &t_Co != 256 && &t_Co != 88 && !has('gui_running')
if &verbose && !has('gui_running')
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
echomsg "CSApprox skipped; terminal only has" &t_Co "colors, not 88/256"
echomsg "Try checking :help csapprox-terminal for workarounds"
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" Get the current highlight colors
let highlights = s:Highlights()
" If the Normal group is cleared, set it to gvim's default, black on white
" Though this would be a really weird thing for a scheme to do... *shrug*
if highlights[hlID('Normal')].gui.bg == ''
let highlights[hlID('Normal')].gui.bg = 'white'
if highlights[hlID('Normal')].gui.fg == ''
let highlights[hlID('Normal')].gui.fg = 'black'
let hinums = keys(highlights)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" Make sure that the script is not already 256 color by checking to make
" sure that no groups are set to a value above 256, unless the color they're
" set to can be set internally by vim (gotten by scraping
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" color_numbers_{88,256} in syntax.c:do_highlight)
for hlid in hinums
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
let val = highlights[hlid]
if ( val.cterm.bg > 15
\ && index(s:presets_{&t_Co}, str2nr(val.cterm.bg)) < 0)
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
\ || ( val.cterm.fg > 15
\ && index(s:presets_{&t_Co}, str2nr(val.cterm.fg)) < 0)
" The value is set above 15, and wasn't set by vim.
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
if &verbose >= 2
echomsg 'CSApprox: Exiting - high color found for' val.name
" We need to set the Normal group first so 'bg' and 'fg' work as colors
call sort(hinums, "s:SortNormalFirst")
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" then set each color's cterm attributes to match gui
for hlid in hinums
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
call s:SetCtermFromGui(highlights[hlid])
" and finally, store the new highlights for use in CSApproxSnapshot()
let s:highlights = copy(highlights)
" {>2} Write out the current colors to an 88/256 color colorscheme file.
" "file" - destination filename
" "overwrite" - overwrite an existing file
function! s:CSApproxSnapshot(file, overwrite)
let force = a:overwrite
let file = fnamemodify(a:file, ":p")
if empty(file)
throw "Bad file name: \"" . file . "\""
elseif (filewritable(fnamemodify(file, ':h')) != 2)
throw "Cannot write to directory \"" . fnamemodify(file, ':h') . "\""
elseif (glob(file) || filereadable(file)) && !force
" TODO - respect 'confirm' here and prompt if it's set.
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg "E13: File exists (add ! to override)"
echohl None
let save_t_Co = &t_Co
let lines = []
let lines += [ '" This scheme was created by CSApproxSnapshot' ]
let lines += [ '" on ' . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y") ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'hi clear' ]
let lines += [ 'if exists("syntax_on")' ]
let lines += [ ' syntax reset' ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'let g:colors_name = ' . string(fnamemodify(file, ':t:r')) ]
let lines += [ '' ]
let lines += [ 'if 0' ]
for &t_Co in [ 256, 88 ]
let lines += [ 'elseif has("gui_running") || &t_Co == ' . &t_Co ]
for hlnum in sort(keys(s:highlights), "s:SortNormalFirst")
let hl = s:highlights[hlnum]
let line = ' highlight ' . hl.name
for type in [ 'term', 'cterm', 'gui' ]
let attrs = [ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undercurl' ]
call filter(attrs, 'hl.cterm[v:val] == 1')
let line .= ' ' . type . '=' . (empty(attrs) ? 'NONE' : join(attrs, ','))
if type != 'term'
let line .= ' ' . type . 'bg=' . (len(hl[type].bg) ? hl[type].bg : 'bg')
let line .= ' ' . type . 'fg=' . (len(hl[type].fg) ? hl[type].fg : 'fg')
if type == 'gui' && hl.gui.sp !~ '^\s*$'
let line .= ' ' . type . 'sp=' . hl[type].sp
let lines += [ line ]
let lines += [ 'endif' ]
call writefile(lines, file)
let &t_Co = save_t_Co
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {>2} Snapshot user command
command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=file -bar CSApproxSnapshot
\ call s:CSApproxSnapshot(<f-args>, strlen("<bang>"))
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {>1} Hooks
" {>2} Autocmds
" Set up an autogroup to hook us on the completion of any :colorscheme command
augroup CSApprox
au ColorScheme * call s:CSApprox()
"au User CSApproxPost highlight Normal ctermbg=none | highlight NonText ctermbg=None
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
augroup END
" {>2} Execute
" The last thing to do when sourced is to run and actually fix up the colors.
if !has('gui_running')
call s:CSApprox()
2008-09-15 07:30:35 -04:00
" {>1} Restore compatibility options
let &cpo = s:savecpo
unlet s:savecpo
" {0} vim:sw=2:sts=2:et:fdm=expr:fde=substitute(matchstr(getline(v\:lnum),'^\\s*"\\s*{\\zs.\\{-}\\ze}'),'^$','=','')