jiangfriend@gmail.com e893ae3d48 Use {<enter> instead of {{ (Thanks to linopolus)

Add Toggle key
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2011-06-07 12:40:51 +08:00

Auto Pairs

Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.


copy plugin/auto-pairs.vim to ~/.vim/plugin


Insert in pair

input: [
output: [|]

Delete in pair

input: foo[<BS>
output: foo

Insert new indented line after Return

input: {|} (press <CR> at |)
output: {

Skip closed bracket.

input: []
output: []

Ignore auto pair when previous character is \

input: "\'
output: "\'"


System Shortcuts:
    <CR>  : Insert new indented line after return if cursor in blank brackets or quotes.
    <BS>  : Delete brackets in pair
    <M-p> : Toggle Autopairs

Optional Shortcuts:
could be turn off by let g:AutoPairsShortcuts = 0
    <M-n> jump to next closed bracket.
    <M-a> jump to end of line.
    <M-o> jump to newline with indented.


  • g:AutoPairs

    Default: {'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"'}
  • g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle

    Default: '<M-p>'
    The shortcut to toggle autopairs.
  • g:AutoPairsShortcuts

    Default: 1 
    imap 3 shortcuts
    <M-n> jump to next closed bracket.
    <M-a> jump to end of line.
    <M-o> jump to newline with indented.
  • g:AutoPairsMapBS

    Default : 1
    Map <BS> to delete brackets, quotes in pair
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'
  • g:AutoPairsMapCR

    Default : 1
    Map <CR> to insert a new indented line if cursor in (|), {|} [|], '|', "|"
    execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=AutoPairsReturn()<CR>'
  • g:AutoPairsCenterLine

    Default : 1
    When g:AutoPairsMapCR is on, center current line after return if the line is at the bottom 1/3 of the window.


The script will remap keys ([{'"}]) <BS>, 
If auto pairs cannot work, use :imap ( to check if the map is corrected.
The correct map should be <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert("\(")<CR>
Or the plugin conflict with some other plugins.
use command :call AutoPairsInit() to remap the keys.
No description provided
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