add known issues

This commit is contained in: 2012-07-15 22:50:09 +08:00
parent a9365b216d
commit 0b39e635de

View File

@ -234,6 +234,23 @@ TroubleShooting
3. use DEL or <C-O>x to delete the character insert by plugin. 3. use DEL or <C-O>x to delete the character insert by plugin.
Known Issues
There are the issues I cannot fix.
Compatible with Vimwiki - [issue #19](
Description: When works with vimwiki `<CR>` will output `<SNR>xx_CR()`
Reason: vimwiki uses `<expr>` on mapping `<CR>` that auto-pairs cannot expanding.
Solution: add `let g:AutoPairsMapCR = 0` to .vimrc to disable `<CR>` mapping.
Breaks '.' - [issue #3](
Description: After entering insert mode and inputing `[hello` then leave insert mode by `<ESC>`, press '.' will insert 'hello' instead of '[hello]'.
Reason: `[` actually equals `[]\<LEFT>` and \<LEFT> will break '.'
Solution: none
Contributors Contributors
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* [camthompson]( * [camthompson](