Sander van Harmelen b0fac47060 make gotype return all errors
When using `gotype` without the `-e` option, it will only output the
first 10 errors. When working on a larger package that ofter means taht
those 10 errors are in other files then the one that you are currently
working on which then seems to indicate that there are no errors.

By adding the `-e` flag, all errors will be returned and shown properly
in the file that you are working on.
2019-03-12 09:32:39 +01:00
alex-node-modules/node_modules/.bin Add settings for the Alex linter 2019-02-02 16:20:14 +01:00
alex-node-modules-2/node_modules/alex Add settings for the Alex linter 2019-02-02 16:20:14 +01:00
bib_paths Add bibclen fixer support 2018-12-01 15:05:18 +09:00
c_paths Add clang-format fixer for C/C++ (#873) 2017-08-24 22:49:43 +01:00
cargo_paths Fix #626 - Automatically use cargo check and cargo check --all-targets for cargo versions that are new enough 2017-11-05 18:37:44 +00:00
cargo_workspace_paths Rust Cargo linter: Improve workspace support (#1679) 2018-06-27 22:36:02 +01:00
ccls_paths Add missing files for ccls test 2018-09-26 23:17:19 +08:00
clangd_paths Add Clangd language server support for C 2018-07-22 21:22:38 +02:00
cppcheck_paths/one #392 - Detect and use compile_commands.json for cppcheck 2017-05-02 21:18:17 +01:00
cquery_paths Add C/C++ tests for cquery LSP linter 2018-08-09 09:02:16 +06:00
dart_paths Fix #308 - Check Dart files with dartanalyzer 2017-07-18 23:57:33 +01:00
elixir_paths Remove test/command_callback/mix_paths/ 2018-11-06 14:01:12 -08:00
fortran-fortls-project Add the .fortls file necessary for tests to work (defying .gitignore) 2018-07-19 22:37:06 +01:00
go_paths Fix #1822 - support go-langserver lsp. 2018-09-06 13:46:59 +09:00
htmlhint_paths Fix #1038 - Automatically detect and use htmlhint configuration files 2018-01-28 12:44:42 +00:00
java_paths/src Fix #859 Include test and jaxb Java source paths when available 2017-11-20 18:54:57 +00:00
java_paths_no_main/src/test/java/com/something javac: Don't assume src/main/java always exists 2019-03-03 14:43:21 -07:00
java_paths_with_jaxb/src/main Fix #859 Include test and jaxb Java source paths when available 2017-11-20 18:54:57 +00:00
julia-languageserver-project Added tests 2018-09-07 13:16:22 -04:00
lessc_paths/node_modules/.bin Add tests for the command and executable callbacks, and make them use local node_modulse esxecutables like other linters 2017-11-12 11:25:24 +00:00
ols_paths Add tests for ocaml-language-server callbacks 2017-11-12 10:56:53 +00:00
php_paths add php-cs-fixer to list of fixers 2018-03-01 15:48:47 +01:00
php-langserver-project/vendor/bin Cover the PHP language server functions with Vader tests 2017-08-02 22:34:09 +01:00
psalm-project/vendor/bin Add tests for updated Psalm plugin 2018-10-19 16:31:12 -04:00
puglint_project Make pug-lint detect node_modules executables, and add options for pug-lint like the other linters 2017-06-29 11:40:03 +01:00
puppet_paths Add puppet-lint fixer (#701) 2017-06-28 15:27:02 +01:00
python_paths python/bandit: Use .bandit configuration file 2019-02-17 14:24:18 -07:00
remark_lint_paths/with_bin_path/node_modules/.bin Support remark-lint installed locally 2018-07-16 18:33:21 +09:00
ruby_paths Adds standardrb linter (#2133) 2018-12-10 14:02:32 -07:00
rust-rls-project Cover the Rust LSP with tests, allow LSP linters to be named anything, and rename the Rust LSP linter to rls 2017-08-02 23:21:30 +01:00
sasslint-test-files refactor sasslint linter (#2077) 2018-12-06 11:23:31 -07:00
scala_paths Add 'scalafmt' fixer for Scala files 2018-06-03 04:40:52 +08:00
stack_build_paths Only run stack if a stack.yaml config is found (#1752) 2018-10-25 15:30:49 +01:00
stack_ghc_paths Only run stack if a stack.yaml config is found (#1752) 2018-10-25 15:30:49 +01:00
standard-test-files #868 - Prefer cmd.js files for executing standard 2017-08-26 18:11:27 +01:00
stylelint_paths/node_modules/.bin Fix #510 Support checking LESS files with stylelint 2017-11-12 12:09:19 +00:00
swaglint_paths Add yaml swaglint linter (#771) 2017-07-17 20:28:21 +01:00
swift_paths Add support for SwiftFormat as a fixer 2017-08-09 12:41:21 -05:00
tex_paths Add tests to lacheck linter 2018-12-11 23:44:06 +09:00
textlint_paths Use the --stdin-filename option for textlint, so configuration files will be discovered better 2018-03-26 10:35:10 +01:00
tidy_paths Add fixer tidy for HTML 2018-06-23 22:59:13 +05:30
tsserver_paths add project_root_callback for tsserver (#2290) 2019-02-11 21:24:22 +00:00
write-good-node-modules/node_modules/.bin Fix #643 - Add support for write-good for many languages 2017-10-25 00:28:06 +01:00
write-good-node-modules-2/node_modules/write-good/bin Fix #643 - Add support for write-good for many languages 2017-10-25 00:28:06 +01:00
test_ada_gcc_command_callbacks.vader Add GCC linter for Ada 2018-11-18 18:14:24 +01:00
test_alex_command_callback.vader Add settings for the Alex linter 2019-02-02 16:20:14 +01:00
test_ameba_command_callback.vader Add initial ameba (crystal linter) support (#2174) 2019-01-27 16:01:42 +00:00
test_ansible_lint_command_callback.vader Allow custom executable for ansible linters (#1977) 2018-10-18 09:19:27 +01:00
test_asciidoc_textlint_command_callbacks.vader Add textlint for Asciidoc and add it to Fixers (#2193) 2019-01-10 18:53:45 +00:00
test_asm_gcc_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_bandit_command_callback.vader python/bandit: Use .bandit configuration file 2019-02-17 14:24:18 -07:00
test_bib_bibclean_command_callback.vader Add bibclen fixer support 2018-12-01 15:05:18 +09:00
test_bingo_command_callback.vader Clean up bingo tests, so they pass on my machine too 2019-01-12 13:14:29 +00:00
test_brakeman_command_callback.vader Update all Ruby linters to work consistently with bundler 2018-09-12 16:53:28 -04:00
test_c_ccls_command_callbacks.vader Add ccls tests 2018-09-26 22:50:43 +08:00
test_c_clang_command_callbacks.vader Add support for parsing compile_commands.json files for C compilers 2018-07-29 19:24:27 +01:00
test_c_clang_tidy_command_callback.vader Do not enable all clang-tidy checks by default 2018-10-30 11:46:53 +01:00
test_c_clangd_command_callbacks.vader Add Clangd language server support for C 2018-07-22 21:22:38 +02:00
test_c_cppcheck_command_callbacks.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_c_cquery_command_callbacks.vader Add C/C++ tests for cquery LSP linter 2018-08-09 09:02:16 +06:00
test_c_flawfinder_command_callbacks.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_c_gcc_command_callbacks.vader Add support for parsing compile_commands.json files for C compilers 2018-07-29 19:24:27 +01:00
test_c_import_paths.vader Do not enable all clang-tidy checks by default 2018-10-30 11:46:53 +01:00
test_cargo_command_callbacks.vader Add support for cargo clippy (#2001) 2018-10-22 09:21:48 +01:00
test_clang_tidy_command_callback.vader Do not enable all clang-tidy checks by default 2018-10-30 11:46:53 +01:00
test_cpp_ccls_command_callbacks.vader Add ccls tests 2018-09-26 22:50:43 +08:00
test_cpp_clang_command_callbacks.vader Add support for parsing compile_commands.json files for C compilers 2018-07-29 19:24:27 +01:00
test_cpp_clangcheck_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_cpp_clazy_command_callback.vader Fix clazy tests 2018-10-28 17:44:45 +01:00
test_cpp_cppcheck_command_callbacks.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_cpp_cquery_command_callbacks.vader Add C/C++ tests for cquery LSP linter 2018-08-09 09:02:16 +06:00
test_cpp_flawfinder_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_cpp_gcc_command_callbacks.vader Add support for parsing compile_commands.json files for C compilers 2018-07-29 19:24:27 +01:00
test_cpplint_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_cs_mcs_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_cs_mcsc_command_callbacks.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_cucumber_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_cuda_nvcc_command_callbacks.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_cypher_cypher_lint_command_callback.vader Make Cypher linter dynamic 2019-02-06 20:29:58 -02:00
test_d_dls_callbacks.vader New linter: dls (#1992) 2018-10-17 16:11:41 +01:00
test_dart_language_server_command_callback.vader Fix the dart language server command and cover it with tests 2018-09-04 11:15:59 +01:00
test_dartanalyzer_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_dockerfile_lint_command_callback.vader Add the dockerfile_lint linter for Dockerfiles (#1971) 2018-10-26 17:34:32 +01:00
test_elixir_ls_command_callbacks.vader elixir-ls now recognizes umbrella projects 2018-11-04 06:40:25 -08:00
test_elixir_mix_command_callbacks.vader Remove test/command_callback/mix_paths/ 2018-11-06 14:01:12 -08:00
test_elm_make_command_callback.vader Pass --compiler flag to elm-test when linting 0.19 tests 2019-01-19 22:22:10 +01:00
test_erb_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_erlang_syntaxerl_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_erubi_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_erubis_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_flake8_command_callback.vader Add python_[linter]_auto_pipenv options for python linters (fixes #1656) 2018-09-15 22:10:46 -04:00
test_foodcritic_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_fortran_fortls_callback.vader Add documentation and testing for fortls 2018-07-19 22:27:47 +01:00
test_fsc_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_fusionlint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_gawk_command_callback.vader Fix the Windows tests 2018-08-03 01:00:39 +01:00
test_gfortran_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_ghdl_command_callbacks.vader Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229) 2019-01-27 09:46:33 +00:00
test_gitlint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_glslang_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_glslls_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_gobuild_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_golangci_lint_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_golangserver_command_callback.vader Add a lsp_config_callback linter option 2018-10-31 08:42:42 -07:00
test_golint_command_callbacks.vader Fix #2054 - Make golint configurable 2018-11-11 09:42:57 +00:00
test_gometalinter_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_gosimple_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_gotype_command_callback.vader make gotype return all errors 2019-03-12 09:32:39 +01:00
test_govet_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_graphql_gqlint_command_callbacks.vader changed gqlint to lint the file on disk 2018-12-18 18:59:02 +09:00
test_haml_hamllint_command_callback.vader Allow configuration of hamllint executable (#2048) 2018-11-04 10:35:21 +00:00
test_haskell_cabal_ghc_command_callbacks.vader Add cabal-ghc linter 2018-07-20 16:48:27 +02:00
test_haskell_ghc_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_haskell_ghc_mod_command_callbacks.vader Add better support for Haskell stack compiler tools (#1851) 2018-09-28 09:05:01 +01:00
test_haskell_hdevtools_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_haskell_hie_callbacks.vader Add Haskell IDE Engine (hie) support (#1735) 2018-08-02 20:24:58 +01:00
test_haskell_hlint_command_callbacks.vader Remove test vars that cover bug 2018-09-28 11:37:40 -04:00
test_haskell_stack_build_command_callback.vader Only run stack if a stack.yaml config is found (#1752) 2018-10-25 15:30:49 +01:00
test_haskell_stack_ghc_command_callback.vader Add haskell_stack_ghc_options like …_cabal_ghc_… 2019-01-22 09:46:08 -05:00
test_html_stylelint_command_callback.vader Add html stylelint test 2018-08-22 19:00:42 -03:00
test_htmlhint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_idris_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_ispc_ispc_command_callbacks.vader Add --nowrap to ispc options 2018-11-21 10:40:07 +01:00
test_iverilog_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_javac_command_callback.vader javac: Don't assume src/main/java always exists 2019-03-03 14:43:21 -07:00
test_javalsp_command_callback.vader Fixes javalsp linter 2019-02-07 11:20:18 +01:00
test_javascript_tsserver_command_callback.vader add project_root_callback for tsserver (#2290) 2019-02-11 21:24:22 +00:00
test_jscs_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_jshint_command_callback.vader Fix the Windows tests 2018-10-31 16:25:04 +00:00
test_julia_languageserver_callbacks.vader Support both old (<0.7) and new Julia versions 2018-09-19 07:34:11 -07:00
test_kotlin_languageserver_command_callback.vader Fix #1844 - Make the kotlin languageserver linter work again 2018-08-24 10:41:33 +01:00
test_less_stylelint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_lessc_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_lintr_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_llc_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_luac_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_luacheck_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_markdown_mdl_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_mercury_mmc_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_mypy_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_nagelfar_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_nasm_nasm_command_callbacks.vader Fixed NASM tests 2018-09-10 09:23:47 +10:00
test_objc_ccls_command_callbacks.vader Add ccls tests 2018-09-26 22:50:43 +08:00
test_ocaml_ols_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_perl6_command_callback.vader Add Perl6 support via 'perl6 -c' 2018-09-28 16:18:40 -07:00
test_perl_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_perlcritic_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_php_command_callback.vader Clean up a buffer variable in a test file 2018-11-04 10:15:41 +00:00
test_php_langserver_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_phpcs_command_callback.vader Added and fixed tests 2018-08-18 20:59:35 +02:00
test_phpmd_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_phpstan_command_callbacks.vader php: change phpstan's --errorFormat to --error-format (#2005) 2018-11-23 09:39:50 +00:00
test_pony_ponyc_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_prospector_command_callback.vader Add python_[linter]_auto_pipenv options for python linters (fixes #1656) 2018-09-15 22:10:46 -04:00
test_proto_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_psalm_command_callbacks.vader Add tests for updated Psalm plugin 2018-10-19 16:31:12 -04:00
test_puglint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_pycodestyle_command_callback.vader Add python_[linter]_auto_pipenv options for python linters (fixes #1656) 2018-09-15 22:10:46 -04:00
test_pydocstyle_command_callback.vader Add support for pydocstyle linter (#2085) 2018-12-06 11:27:03 -07:00
test_pyflakes_command_callback.vader Add python_[linter]_auto_pipenv options for python linters (fixes #1656) 2018-09-15 22:10:46 -04:00
test_pylama_command_callback.vader pylama: Use %s instead of %t 2019-02-12 10:45:26 -07:00
test_pylint_command_callback.vader python/pylint: Change directory to project root 2019-02-17 10:40:50 -07:00
test_pyls_command_callback.vader Add support for pyls configuration options 2019-01-20 23:59:46 -05:00
test_pyre_command_callback.vader Add python_[linter]_auto_pipenv options for python linters (fixes #1656) 2018-09-15 22:10:46 -04:00
test_pyrex_cython_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_qmlfmt_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_racket_raco_command_callback.vader Racket linting using raco (#2146) 2019-01-14 19:45:33 +00:00
test_rails_best_practices_command_callback.vader Test for bundle paths with spaces again 2018-09-14 13:26:29 +01:00
test_reason_ols_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_reek_command_callback.vader Respect configured excluded_paths 2018-10-25 16:29:29 -04:00
test_remark_lint_command_callbacks.vader remark-lint without saving to disk 2018-07-16 18:33:22 +09:00
test_rst_textlint_command_callbacks.vader Support textlint for reStructuredText (#1978) 2019-01-12 14:40:03 +00:00
test_rubocop_command_callback.vader Return only the unescaped executables from executable callbacks 2018-09-14 13:24:59 +01:00
test_ruby_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_ruby_solargraph.vader Rename solargraph initialization option variable 2018-10-12 18:16:28 +08:00
test_rust_rls_callbacks.vader Add lsp_config support for rls (#2332) 2019-03-05 09:09:29 +00:00
test_rustc_command_callback.vader Fix #1684: Use the correct flag name in rustc linter 2018-08-10 21:50:52 +01:00
test_ruumba_command_callback.vader Add initial support for ruumba in eruby files. 2018-11-04 19:55:06 +13:00
test_sass_sasslint_command_callback.vader refactor sasslint linter (#2077) 2018-12-06 11:23:31 -07:00
test_scala_sbtserver.vader Add a lsp_config_callback linter option 2018-10-31 08:42:42 -07:00
test_scalac_command_callback.vader Revert "Merge pull request #2083 from zackhsi/scalac-until-jvm" 2018-12-03 20:39:10 +00:00
test_scalastyle_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_scss_sasslint_command_callback.vader refactor sasslint linter (#2077) 2018-12-06 11:23:31 -07:00
test_scss_stylelint_command_callback.vader Add tests for assuring the SCSS stylelint options work 2018-09-14 13:32:42 -03:00
test_shellcheck_command_callback.vader Support ale_sh_shellcheck_dialect to set dialect 2019-02-10 09:00:55 -07:00
test_slimlint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_standard_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_standardrb_command_callback.vader Adds standardrb linter (#2133) 2018-12-10 14:02:32 -07:00
test_staticcheck_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_sugarss_stylelint_command_callback.vader SugarSS support from PR 1967 (#2219) 2019-01-27 11:42:11 +00:00
test_swaglint_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_terraform_tflint_command_callback.vader Simplify the code for most linters and tests with closures 2018-08-02 23:44:12 +01:00
test_tex_lacheck_command_callback.vader Add tests to lacheck linter 2018-12-11 23:44:06 +09:00
test_tex_textlint_command_callbacks.vader Add textlint for tex (#2234) 2019-01-27 12:14:34 +00:00
test_textlint_command_callbacks.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_thrift_command_callback.vader thrift: default thrift_thrift_includes to ['.'] 2018-09-16 08:21:18 -07:00
test_tslint_command_callback.vader ale#path#CdString include ale#Escape 2018-10-23 23:20:27 +09:00
test_typescript_tsserver_command_callback.vader Fix #1781 - Fix me breaking the tsserver linter 2018-08-03 17:22:09 +01:00
test_vcom_command_callbacks.vader Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229) 2019-01-27 09:46:33 +00:00
test_vint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_vlog_command_callbacks.vader Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229) 2019-01-27 09:46:33 +00:00
test_vulture_command_callback.vader Document and test ale_python_vulture_options 2019-02-10 08:18:55 -07:00
test_write_good_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_xmllint_command_callback.vader Massively reduce the amount of code needed for linter tests 2018-07-15 18:28:28 +01:00
test_xvhdl_command_callbacks.vader Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229) 2019-01-27 09:46:33 +00:00
test_xvlog_command_callbacks.vader Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229) 2019-01-27 09:46:33 +00:00
test_yang_lsp_command_callbacks.vader Add support for yang-lsp 2018-08-03 21:13:48 +01:00