Tim Byrne 192f211a0e
Support options for puppet parser validate
It can be necessary to pass options to the puppet parser validation. The
most glaring example of this is when using Puppet 3, with the
`parser = future` option enabled. This update allows adding
`--parser=future` to the options passed to Puppet.
2018-08-27 12:59:38 -05:00

39 lines
1.5 KiB

" Author: Alexander Olofsson <>
call ale#Set('puppet_puppet_executable', 'puppet')
call ale#Set('puppet_puppet_options', '--color=false')
function! ale_linters#puppet#puppet#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
" Matches patterns like the following:
" Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at ':' at /root/puppetcode/modules/nginx/manifests/init.pp:43:12
" Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at '='; expected '}' at /root/puppetcode/modules/pancakes/manifests/init.pp:5"
" Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at 'parameter1' (file: /tmp/modules/mariadb/manifests/slave.pp, line: 4, column: 5)
let l:pattern = '^Error: .*: \(.\+\) \((file:\|at\) .\+\.pp\(, line: \|:\)\(\d\+\)\(, column: \|:\)\=\(\d*\)'
let l:output = []
for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
call add(l:output, {
\ 'lnum': l:match[4] + 0,
\ 'col': l:match[6] + 0,
\ 'text': l:match[1],
return l:output
function! ale_linters#puppet#puppet#GetCommand(buffer) abort
return '%e parser validate '
\ . ale#Pad(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'puppet_puppet_options'))
\ . ' %t'
call ale#linter#Define('puppet', {
\ 'name': 'puppet',
\ 'executable_callback': ale#VarFunc('puppet_puppet_executable'),
\ 'output_stream': 'stderr',
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#puppet#puppet#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#puppet#puppet#Handle',