" Author: w0rp " Description: APIs for working with Asynchronous jobs, with an API normalised " between Vim 8 and NeoVim. " " Important functions are described below. They are: " " ale#job#Start(command, options) -> job_id " ale#job#IsRunning(job_id) -> 1 if running, 0 otherwise. " ale#job#Stop(job_id) if !has_key(s:, 'job_map') let s:job_map = {} endif " A map from timer IDs to jobs, for tracking jobs that need to be killed " with SIGKILL if they don't terminate right away. if !has_key(s:, 'job_kill_timers') let s:job_kill_timers = {} endif function! s:KillHandler(timer) abort let l:job = remove(s:job_kill_timers, a:timer) call job_stop(l:job, 'kill') endfunction " Note that jobs and IDs are the same thing on NeoVim. function! ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(job, last_line, data, mode, callback) abort if a:mode is# 'raw' call a:callback(a:job, join(a:data, "\n")) return '' endif let l:lines = a:data[:-2] if len(a:data) > 1 let l:lines[0] = a:last_line . l:lines[0] let l:new_last_line = a:data[-1] else let l:new_last_line = a:last_line . a:data[0] endif for l:line in l:lines call a:callback(a:job, l:line) endfor return l:new_last_line endfunction function! s:NeoVimCallback(job, data, event) abort let l:info = s:job_map[a:job] if a:event is# 'stdout' let l:info.out_cb_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput( \ a:job, \ l:info.out_cb_line, \ a:data, \ l:info.mode, \ ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.out_cb), \) elseif a:event is# 'stderr' let l:info.err_cb_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput( \ a:job, \ l:info.err_cb_line, \ a:data, \ l:info.mode, \ ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.err_cb), \) else if has_key(l:info, 'out_cb') && !empty(l:info.out_cb_line) call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.out_cb)(a:job, l:info.out_cb_line) endif if has_key(l:info, 'err_cb') && !empty(l:info.err_cb_line) call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.err_cb)(a:job, l:info.err_cb_line) endif try call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.exit_cb)(a:job, a:data) finally " Automatically forget about the job after it's done. if has_key(s:job_map, a:job) call remove(s:job_map, a:job) endif endtry endif endfunction function! s:VimOutputCallback(channel, data) abort let l:job = ch_getjob(a:channel) let l:job_id = ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(string(l:job)) " Only call the callbacks for jobs which are valid. if l:job_id > 0 && has_key(s:job_map, l:job_id) call ale#util#GetFunction(s:job_map[l:job_id].out_cb)(l:job_id, a:data) endif endfunction function! s:VimErrorCallback(channel, data) abort let l:job = ch_getjob(a:channel) let l:job_id = ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(string(l:job)) " Only call the callbacks for jobs which are valid. if l:job_id > 0 && has_key(s:job_map, l:job_id) call ale#util#GetFunction(s:job_map[l:job_id].err_cb)(l:job_id, a:data) endif endfunction function! s:VimCloseCallback(channel) abort let l:job = ch_getjob(a:channel) let l:job_id = ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(string(l:job)) let l:info = get(s:job_map, l:job_id, {}) if empty(l:info) return endif " job_status() can trigger the exit handler. " The channel can close before the job has exited. if job_status(l:job) is# 'dead' try if !empty(l:info) && has_key(l:info, 'exit_cb') call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.exit_cb)(l:job_id, l:info.exit_code) endif finally " Automatically forget about the job after it's done. if has_key(s:job_map, l:job_id) call remove(s:job_map, l:job_id) endif endtry endif endfunction function! s:VimExitCallback(job, exit_code) abort let l:job_id = ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(string(a:job)) let l:info = get(s:job_map, l:job_id, {}) if empty(l:info) return endif let l:info.exit_code = a:exit_code " The program can exit before the data has finished being read. if ch_status(job_getchannel(a:job)) is# 'closed' try if !empty(l:info) && has_key(l:info, 'exit_cb') call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.exit_cb)(l:job_id, a:exit_code) endif finally " Automatically forget about the job after it's done. if has_key(s:job_map, l:job_id) call remove(s:job_map, l:job_id) endif endtry endif endfunction function! ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(job_string) abort return matchstr(a:job_string, '\d\+') + 0 endfunction function! ale#job#ValidateArguments(command, options) abort if a:options.mode isnot# 'nl' && a:options.mode isnot# 'raw' throw 'Invalid mode: ' . a:options.mode endif endfunction function! ale#job#PrepareCommand(command) abort " The command will be executed in a subshell. This fixes a number of " issues, including reading the PATH variables correctly, %PATHEXT% " expansion on Windows, etc. " " NeoVim handles this issue automatically if the command is a String, " but we'll do this explicitly, so we use thes same exact command for both " versions. if ale#Has('win32') return 'cmd /c ' . a:command endif if &shell =~? 'fish$' return ['/bin/sh', '-c', a:command] endif return split(&shell) + split(&shellcmdflag) + [a:command] endfunction " Start a job with options which are agnostic to Vim and NeoVim. " " The following options are accepted: " " out_cb - A callback for receiving stdin. Arguments: (job_id, data) " err_cb - A callback for receiving stderr. Arguments: (job_id, data) " exit_cb - A callback for program exit. Arguments: (job_id, status_code) " mode - A mode for I/O. Can be 'nl' for split lines or 'raw'. function! ale#job#Start(command, options) abort call ale#job#ValidateArguments(a:command, a:options) let l:job_info = copy(a:options) let l:job_options = {} if has('nvim') if has_key(a:options, 'out_cb') let l:job_options.on_stdout = function('s:NeoVimCallback') let l:job_info.out_cb_line = '' endif if has_key(a:options, 'err_cb') let l:job_options.on_stderr = function('s:NeoVimCallback') let l:job_info.err_cb_line = '' endif if has_key(a:options, 'exit_cb') let l:job_options.on_exit = function('s:NeoVimCallback') endif let l:job_info.job = jobstart(a:command, l:job_options) let l:job_id = l:job_info.job else let l:job_options = { \ 'in_mode': l:job_info.mode, \ 'out_mode': l:job_info.mode, \ 'err_mode': l:job_info.mode, \} if has_key(a:options, 'out_cb') let l:job_options.out_cb = function('s:VimOutputCallback') endif if has_key(a:options, 'err_cb') let l:job_options.err_cb = function('s:VimErrorCallback') endif if has_key(a:options, 'exit_cb') " Set a close callback to which simply calls job_status() " when the channel is closed, which can trigger the exit callback " earlier on. let l:job_options.close_cb = function('s:VimCloseCallback') let l:job_options.exit_cb = function('s:VimExitCallback') endif " Vim 8 will read the stdin from the file's buffer. let l:job_info.job = job_start(a:command, l:job_options) let l:job_id = ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(string(l:job_info.job)) endif if l:job_id > 0 " Store the job in the map for later only if we can get the ID. let s:job_map[l:job_id] = l:job_info endif return l:job_id endfunction " Send raw data to the job. function! ale#job#SendRaw(job_id, string) abort if has('nvim') call jobsend(a:job_id, a:string) else call ch_sendraw(job_getchannel(s:job_map[a:job_id].job), a:string) endif endfunction " Given a job ID, return 1 if the job is currently running. " Invalid job IDs will be ignored. function! ale#job#IsRunning(job_id) abort if has('nvim') try " In NeoVim, if the job isn't running, jobpid() will throw. call jobpid(a:job_id) return 1 catch endtry elseif has_key(s:job_map, a:job_id) let l:job = s:job_map[a:job_id].job return job_status(l:job) is# 'run' endif return 0 endfunction " Given a Job ID, stop that job. " Invalid job IDs will be ignored. function! ale#job#Stop(job_id) abort if !has_key(s:job_map, a:job_id) return endif if has('nvim') " FIXME: NeoVim kills jobs on a timer, but will not kill any processes " which are child processes on Unix. Some work needs to be done to " kill child processes to stop long-running processes like pylint. silent! call jobstop(a:job_id) else let l:job = s:job_map[a:job_id].job " We must close the channel for reading the buffer if it is open " when stopping a job. Otherwise, we will get errors in the status line. if ch_status(job_getchannel(l:job)) is# 'open' call ch_close_in(job_getchannel(l:job)) endif " Ask nicely for the job to stop. call job_stop(l:job) if ale#job#IsRunning(l:job) " Set a 100ms delay for killing the job with SIGKILL. let s:job_kill_timers[timer_start(100, function('s:KillHandler'))] = l:job endif endif endfunction