" Author: w0rp " Description: This file implements debugging information for ALE let s:global_variable_list = [ \ 'ale_echo_cursor', \ 'ale_echo_msg_error_str', \ 'ale_echo_msg_format', \ 'ale_echo_msg_warning_str', \ 'ale_enabled', \ 'ale_fix_on_save', \ 'ale_fixers', \ 'ale_keep_list_window_open', \ 'ale_lint_delay', \ 'ale_lint_on_enter', \ 'ale_lint_on_save', \ 'ale_lint_on_text_changed', \ 'ale_linter_aliases', \ 'ale_linters', \ 'ale_open_list', \ 'ale_set_highlights', \ 'ale_set_loclist', \ 'ale_set_quickfix', \ 'ale_set_signs', \ 'ale_sign_column_always', \ 'ale_sign_error', \ 'ale_sign_offset', \ 'ale_sign_warning', \ 'ale_statusline_format', \ 'ale_warn_about_trailing_whitespace', \] function! s:Echo(message) abort execute 'echo a:message' endfunction function! s:GetLinterVariables(filetype, linter_names) abort let l:variable_list = [] let l:filetype_parts = split(a:filetype, '\.') for l:key in keys(g:) " Extract variable names like: 'ale_python_flake8_executable' let l:match = matchlist(l:key, '\v^ale_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_.+$') " Include matching variables. if !empty(l:match) \&& index(l:filetype_parts, l:match[1]) >= 0 \&& index(a:linter_names, l:match[2]) >= 0 call add(l:variable_list, l:key) endif endfor call sort(l:variable_list) return l:variable_list endfunction function! s:EchoLinterVariables(variable_list) abort for l:key in a:variable_list call s:Echo('let g:' . l:key . ' = ' . string(g:[l:key])) if has_key(b:, l:key) call s:Echo('let b:' . l:key . ' = ' . string(b:[l:key])) endif endfor endfunction function! s:EchoGlobalVariables() abort for l:key in s:global_variable_list call s:Echo('let g:' . l:key . ' = ' . string(get(g:, l:key, v:null))) if has_key(b:, l:key) call s:Echo('let b:' . l:key . ' = ' . string(b:[l:key])) endif endfor endfunction " Echo a command that was run. function! s:EchoCommand(item) abort let l:status_message = a:item.status " Include the exit code in output if we have it. if a:item.status is# 'finished' let l:status_message .= ' - exit code ' . a:item.exit_code endif call s:Echo('(' . l:status_message . ') ' . string(a:item.command)) if g:ale_history_log_output && has_key(a:item, 'output') if empty(a:item.output) call s:Echo('') call s:Echo('<<>>') call s:Echo('') else call s:Echo('') call s:Echo('<<>>') for l:line in a:item.output call s:Echo(l:line) endfor call s:Echo('<<>>') call s:Echo('') endif endif endfunction " Echo the results of an executable check. function! s:EchoExecutable(item) abort call s:Echo(printf( \ '(executable check - %s) %s', \ a:item.status ? 'success' : 'failure', \ a:item.command, \)) endfunction function! s:EchoCommandHistory() abort let l:buffer = bufnr('%') for l:item in ale#history#Get(l:buffer) if l:item.job_id is# 'executable' call s:EchoExecutable(l:item) else call s:EchoCommand(l:item) endif endfor endfunction function! s:EchoLinterAliases(all_linters) abort let l:first = 1 for l:linter in a:all_linters if !empty(l:linter.aliases) if l:first call s:Echo(' Linter Aliases:') endif let l:first = 0 call s:Echo(string(l:linter.name) . ' -> ' . string(l:linter.aliases)) endif endfor endfunction function! ale#debugging#Info() abort let l:filetype = &filetype " We get the list of enabled linters for free by the above function. let l:enabled_linters = deepcopy(ale#linter#Get(l:filetype)) " But have to build the list of available linters ourselves. let l:all_linters = [] let l:linter_variable_list = [] for l:part in split(l:filetype, '\.') let l:aliased_filetype = ale#linter#ResolveFiletype(l:part) call extend(l:all_linters, ale#linter#GetAll(l:aliased_filetype)) endfor let l:all_names = map(copy(l:all_linters), 'v:val[''name'']') let l:enabled_names = map(copy(l:enabled_linters), 'v:val[''name'']') " Load linter variables to display " This must be done after linters are loaded. let l:variable_list = s:GetLinterVariables(l:filetype, l:enabled_names) call s:Echo(' Current Filetype: ' . l:filetype) call s:Echo('Available Linters: ' . string(l:all_names)) call s:EchoLinterAliases(l:all_linters) call s:Echo(' Enabled Linters: ' . string(l:enabled_names)) call s:Echo(' Linter Variables:') call s:Echo('') call s:EchoLinterVariables(l:variable_list) call s:Echo(' Global Variables:') call s:Echo('') call s:EchoGlobalVariables() call s:Echo(' Command History:') call s:Echo('') call s:EchoCommandHistory() endfunction function! ale#debugging#InfoToClipboard() abort redir @+> silent call ale#debugging#Info() redir END call s:Echo('ALEInfo copied to your clipboard') endfunction