Before: runtime ale_linters/python/bandit.vim After: call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(The bandit handler for Python should parse input correctly): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'bufnr': 0, \ 'lnum': 2, \ 'code': 'B404', \ 'type': 'I', \ 'text': 'Consider possible security implications associated with subprocess module.', \ }, \ { \ 'bufnr': 0, \ 'lnum': 4, \ 'code': 'B305', \ 'type': 'W', \ 'text': 'Use of insecure cipher mode cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes.ECB.', \ }, \ { \ 'bufnr': 0, \ 'lnum': 6, \ 'code': 'B609', \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': 'Possible wildcard injection in call: subprocess.Popen', \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#python#bandit#Handle(0, [ \ '[main] INFO profile include tests: None', \ '[main] INFO profile exclude tests: None', \ '[main] INFO cli include tests: None', \ '[main] INFO cli exclude tests: None', \ '[main] INFO running on Python 3.7.2', \ '[node_visitor] INFO Unable to find qualified name for module: <stdin>', \ '2:B404:LOW:Consider possible security implications associated with subprocess module.', \ '4:B305:MEDIUM:Use of insecure cipher mode cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes.ECB.', \ '6:B609:HIGH:Possible wildcard injection in call: subprocess.Popen', \ ])