Before: Save g:ale_completion_enabled Save g:ale_completion_delay Save g:ale_completion_max_suggestions Save &l:omnifunc Save &l:completeopt let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1 let g:get_completions_called = 0 let g:feedkeys_calls = [] let g:fake_mode = 'i' let &l:completeopt = 'menu,menuone,preview,noselect,noinsert' runtime autoload/ale/util.vim function! ale#util#FeedKeys(string) abort call add(g:feedkeys_calls, [a:string]) endfunction " Pretend we're in insert mode for most tests. function! ale#util#Mode(...) abort return g:fake_mode endfunction function! CheckCompletionCalled(expect_success) abort let g:get_completions_called = 0 " We just want to check if the function is called. function! ale#completion#GetCompletions() let g:get_completions_called = 1 endfunction let g:ale_completion_delay = 0 " Run this check a few times, as it can fail randomly. for g:i in range(has('nvim-0.3') || has('win32') ? 5 : 1) call ale#completion#Queue() sleep 1m if g:get_completions_called is a:expect_success break endif endfor AssertEqual a:expect_success, g:get_completions_called endfunction After: Restore unlet! g:output unlet! g:fake_mode unlet! g:get_completions_called unlet! b:ale_old_omnifunc unlet! b:ale_old_completopt unlet! b:ale_completion_info unlet! b:ale_completion_response unlet! b:ale_completion_parser unlet! b:ale_complete_done_time delfunction CheckCompletionCalled " Stop any timers we left behind. " This stops the tests from failing randomly. call ale#completion#StopTimer() " Reset the function. The runtime command below should fix this, but doesn't " seem to fix it. function! ale#util#Mode(...) abort return call('mode', a:000) endfunction runtime autoload/ale/completion.vim runtime autoload/ale/util.vim Execute(ale#completion#GetCompletions should be called when the cursor position stays the same): call CheckCompletionCalled(1) Given typescript(): let abc = y. let foo = ab let foo = (ab) Execute(ale#completion#GetCompletions should not be called when the cursor position changes): call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 1, 2, 0]) " We just want to check if the function is called. function! ale#completion#GetCompletions() let g:get_completions_called = 1 endfunction let g:ale_completion_delay = 0 call ale#completion#Queue() " Change the cursor position before the callback is triggered. call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 2, 2, 0]) sleep 1m Assert !g:get_completions_called Execute(ale#completion#GetCompletions should not be called if you switch to normal mode): let &l:completeopt = 'menu,preview' let g:fake_mode = 'n' " We just want to check if the function is called. function! ale#completion#GetCompletions() let g:get_completions_called = 1 endfunction let g:ale_completion_delay = 0 call ale#completion#Queue() sleep 1m Assert !g:get_completions_called Execute(Completion should not be done shortly after the CompleteDone function): call CheckCompletionCalled(1) call ale#completion#Done() call CheckCompletionCalled(0) Execute(ale#completion#Show() should remember the omnifunc setting and replace it): let &l:omnifunc = 'FooBar' call ale#completion#Show('Response', 'Parser') AssertEqual 'FooBar', b:ale_old_omnifunc AssertEqual 'ale#completion#OmniFunc', &l:omnifunc AssertEqual [], g:feedkeys_calls sleep 1ms AssertEqual [["\<Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu)"]], g:feedkeys_calls Execute(ale#completion#Show() should remember the completeopt setting and replace it): let &l:completeopt = 'menu' call ale#completion#Show('Response', 'Parser') AssertEqual 'menu', b:ale_old_completopt AssertEqual 'menu,menuone,noselect,noinsert', &l:completeopt AssertEqual [], g:feedkeys_calls sleep 1ms AssertEqual [["\<Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu)"]], g:feedkeys_calls Execute(ale#completion#Show() should set the preview option if it's set): let &l:completeopt = 'menu,preview' call ale#completion#Show('Response', 'Parser') AssertEqual 'menu,preview', b:ale_old_completopt AssertEqual 'menu,menuone,preview,noselect,noinsert', &l:completeopt AssertEqual [], g:feedkeys_calls sleep 1ms AssertEqual [["\<Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu)"]], g:feedkeys_calls Execute(ale#completion#OmniFunc() should also remember the completeopt setting and replace it): let &l:completeopt = 'menu' call ale#completion#OmniFunc(0, '') AssertEqual 'menu', b:ale_old_completopt AssertEqual 'menu,menuone,noselect,noinsert', &l:completeopt Execute(ale#completion#OmniFunc() should set the preview option if it's set): let &l:completeopt = 'menu,preview' call ale#completion#OmniFunc(0, '') AssertEqual 'menu,preview', b:ale_old_completopt AssertEqual 'menu,menuone,preview,noselect,noinsert', &l:completeopt Execute(ale#completion#Show() should make the correct feedkeys() call): call ale#completion#Show('Response', 'Parser') AssertEqual [], g:feedkeys_calls sleep 1ms AssertEqual [["\<Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu)"]], g:feedkeys_calls Execute(ale#completion#Show() shouldn't do anything if you switch back to normal mode): let &l:completeopt = 'menu,preview' let g:fake_mode = 'n' call ale#completion#Show('Response', 'Parser') AssertEqual 'menu,preview', &l:completeopt Assert !exists('b:ale_old_omnifunc') Assert !exists('b:ale_old_completopt') Assert !exists('b:ale_completion_response') Assert !exists('b:ale_completion_parser') AssertEqual [], g:feedkeys_calls Execute(ale#completion#Show() should set up the response and parser): call ale#completion#Show('Response', 'Parser') AssertEqual 'Response', b:ale_completion_response AssertEqual 'Parser', b:ale_completion_parser Execute(ale#completion#Done() should restore old omnifunc values): let b:ale_old_omnifunc = 'FooBar' call ale#completion#Done() " We reset the old omnifunc setting and remove the buffer variable. AssertEqual 'FooBar', &l:omnifunc Assert !has_key(b:, 'ale_old_omnifunc') Execute(ale#completion#Done() should restore the old completeopt setting): let b:ale_old_completopt = 'menu' call ale#completion#Done() AssertEqual 'menu', &l:completeopt Assert !has_key(b:, 'ale_old_completopt') Execute(ale#completion#Done() should leave settings alone when none were remembered): let &l:omnifunc = 'BazBoz' let &l:completeopt = 'menu' call ale#completion#Done() AssertEqual 'BazBoz', &l:omnifunc AssertEqual 'menu', &l:completeopt Execute(The completion request_id should be reset when queuing again): let b:ale_completion_info = {'request_id': 123} let g:ale_completion_delay = 0 call ale#completion#Queue() sleep 1m AssertEqual 0, b:ale_completion_info.request_id Execute(b:ale_completion_info should be set up correctly when requesting completions): call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 3, 14, 0]) call ale#completion#GetCompletions() AssertEqual \ { \ 'request_id': 0, \ 'conn_id': 0, \ 'column': 14, \ 'line_length': 14, \ 'line': 3, \ 'prefix': 'ab', \ }, \ b:ale_completion_info Execute(The correct keybinds should be configured): redir => g:output silent map <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) redir END AssertEqual \ [ \ 'n <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * :call ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions()<CR>', \ 'o <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * <Nop>', \ 'v <Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu) * <Nop>', \ ], \ sort(split(g:output, "\n")) Execute(Running the normal mode <Plug> keybind should reset the settings): let b:ale_old_omnifunc = 'FooBar' let b:ale_old_completopt = 'menu' " We can't run the keybind, but we can call the function. call ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions() AssertEqual 'FooBar', &l:omnifunc AssertEqual 'menu', &l:completeopt Assert !has_key(b:, 'ale_old_omnifunc') Assert !has_key(b:, 'ale_old_completopt')