" Author: Fred Emmott <fe@fb.com> " Description: Hack support via `hhast lsp` call ale#Set('hack_hhast_executable', 'vendor/bin/hhast-lint') function! ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort " Find the hack root, then figure out if it's also an HHAST root. " Don't try to use lint configurations from vendor/foo/bar/hhast-lint.json let l:hhconfig = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, '.hhconfig') if empty(l:hhconfig) return '' endif let l:root = fnamemodify(l:hhconfig, ':h') let l:hhast_config = findfile('hhast-lint.json', l:root) return !empty(l:hhast_config) ? l:root : '' endfunction function! ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetExecutable(buffer) abort let l:root = ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetProjectRoot(a:buffer) let l:relative = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'hack_hhast_executable') let l:absolute = findfile(l:relative, l:root) return !empty(l:absolute) ? l:absolute : '' endfunction function! ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetInitializationOptions(buffer) abort return {'lintMode': 'open-files'} endfunction call ale#linter#Define('hack', { \ 'name': 'hhast', \ 'lsp': 'stdio', \ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetExecutable', \ 'command': '%e --mode lsp --from vim-ale', \ 'project_root_callback': 'ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetProjectRoot', \ 'initialization_options_callback': 'ale_linters#hack#hhast#GetInitializationOptions', \})