  runtime ale_linters/ruby/reek.vim

    call ale#linter#Reset()

Execute(The reek handler should parse JSON correctly, with only context enabled):
    let g:ale_ruby_reek_show_context = 1
    let g:ale_ruby_reek_show_wiki_link = 0

    \ [
    \     {
    \         'lnum': 12,
    \         'text': 'Rule1: Context#method violates rule number one',
    \         'type': 'W',
    \     },
    \     {
    \         'lnum': 34,
    \         'text': 'Rule2: Context#method violates rule number two',
    \         'type': 'W',
    \     },
    \     {
    \         'lnum': 56,
    \         'text': 'Rule2: Context#method violates rule number two',
    \         'type': 'W',
    \     },
    \ ],
    \ ale_linters#ruby#reek#Handle(347, [
    \     '[{"context":"Context#method","lines":[12],"message":"violates rule number one","smell_type":"Rule1","source":"/home/user/file.rb","parameter":"bad parameter","wiki_link":""},{"context":"Context#method","lines":[34, 56],"message":"violates rule number two","smell_type":"Rule2","source":"/home/user/file.rb","name":"bad code","count":2,"wiki_link":""}]'
    \ ])

Execute(The reek handler should parse JSON correctly, with no context or wiki links):
    let g:ale_ruby_reek_show_context = 0
    let g:ale_ruby_reek_show_wiki_link = 0

    \ [
    \     {
    \         'lnum': 12,
    \         'text': 'Rule1: violates rule number one',
    \         'type': 'W',
    \     },
    \ ],
    \ ale_linters#ruby#reek#Handle(347, [
    \     '[{"context":"Context#method","lines":[12],"message":"violates rule number one","smell_type":"Rule1","source":"/home/user/file.rb","parameter":"bad parameter","wiki_link":""}]'
    \ ])

Execute(The reek handler should parse JSON correctly, with both context and wiki links):
    let g:ale_ruby_reek_show_context = 1
    let g:ale_ruby_reek_show_wiki_link = 1

    \ [
    \     {
    \         'lnum': 12,
    \         'text': 'Rule1: Context#method violates rule number one []',
    \         'type': 'W',
    \     },
    \ ],
    \ ale_linters#ruby#reek#Handle(347, [
    \     '[{"context":"Context#method","lines":[12],"message":"violates rule number one","smell_type":"Rule1","source":"/home/user/file.rb","parameter":"bad parameter","wiki_link":""}]'
    \ ])

Execute(The reek handler should parse JSON correctly when there is no output from reek):
    \ [],
    \ ale_linters#ruby#reek#Handle(347, [
    \ ])