  call ale#assert#SetUpLinterTest('ruby', 'rails_best_practices')
  call ale#test#SetFilename('../ruby_fixtures/valid_rails_app/db/test.rb')

  let b:args = '--silent -f json'
  \ . ' --output-file ' . (has('win32') ? '%t' : '/dev/stdout')
  let b:app_path = ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../ruby_fixtures/valid_rails_app')
  let b:suffix = has('win32') ? '; type %t' : ''

  unlet! b:args
  unlet! b:app_path
  unlet! b:suffix
  call ale#assert#TearDownLinterTest()

Execute(Executable should default to rails_best_practices):
  AssertLinter 'rails_best_practices', ale#Escape('rails_best_practices')
  \   . ' ' . b:args
  \   . ' ' . ale#Escape(b:app_path)
  \   . b:suffix

Execute(Should be able to set a custom executable):
  let g:ale_ruby_rails_best_practices_executable = 'bin/rails_best_practices'

  AssertLinter 'bin/rails_best_practices', ale#Escape('bin/rails_best_practices')
  \   . ' ' . b:args
  \   . ' ' . ale#Escape(b:app_path)
  \   . b:suffix

Execute(Setting bundle appends 'exec rails_best_practices'):
  let g:ale_ruby_rails_best_practices_executable = 'path to/bundle'

  AssertLinter 'path to/bundle', ale#Escape('path to/bundle')
  \   . ' exec rails_best_practices'
  \   . ' ' . b:args
  \   . ' ' . ale#Escape(b:app_path)
  \   . b:suffix

Execute(Command callback should be empty when not in a valid Rails app):
  call ale#test#SetFilename('../ruby_fixtures/not_a_rails_app/test.rb')

  AssertLinter 'rails_best_practices', ''