ALE Hack Integration                                         *ale-hack-options*

  HHAST is disabled by default, as it executes code in the project root.

  Currently linters must be enabled globally.  HHAST can be enabled with:

  let g:ale_linters = {'hack': ['hack', 'hhast']}

hack                                                            *ale-hack-hack*

g:ale_hack_hack_executable                         *g:ale_hack_hack_executable*

  Type: |String|
  Default: `'hh_client'`

  This variable can be set to use a specific executable to interact with the
  Hack typechecker.

hackfmt                                                      *ale-hack-hackfmt*

g:ale_hack_hackfmt_options                         *g:ale_hack_hackfmt_options*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `''`

  This variable can be set to pass additional options to the hackfmt fixer.

hhast                                                          *ale-hack-hhast*

g:ale_hack_hhast_executable                       *g:ale_hack_hhast_executable*

  Type: |String|
  Default: `'vendor/bin/hhast-lint'`

  This variable can be set to use a specific executable to interact with the
  Hack typechecker.
